FFXV on sale for $10

>FFXV on sale for $10
Dead game

Could you repeat that again? Ten whats?

Ten pieces of silver

You lied to me.

>tfw got bated by someone that wasn't my father

>1 GBP is now only equivalent to ~1.25 USD

End it all.

$ =/= tea bucks

>single player game

what did user mean by this?

should I buy it?

Ten Arabucks.

no, it's a scam. Just wait until the sale is over, then buy it. It'll be cheaper. Sup Forums won't lie to you.

>Posts 10£

OP... go back to your basement.

Have they removed it from the store? I can't find it. There's only the premium version available.


its been taken down because it is a mistake right?

They had 10 years to create this game. Nier automata had less than 2, and N:A probably had the same budget to make the game as FF spent on stationary.

FFXV sucks, and Nier Automata rocks. Square's dev team looks incompetent while Taro looks like a god.

Lowering your rates Judas? Fucking treacherous faggot. Try not to make out with any dudes this time

Don't you have another VersusXIII fanfic to write? And please, use a new mail account if you wanna claim to be another "legit" leaker. Mister "I wrote VersusXIII scenerio along with Nojima and Nomura". No sane jap would want a dirty gaijin to write their game. LMAO

After FFX-2.5, nothing would surprise me.

I still refuse to believe that happened

The combat is garbage thx to tabata having no clue what makes enemies and combat fun.
For the record i finished the game twice once with items and once without items i did all the sealed dungeons and beat some of the time trial hunts but got bored cause its just the same beefed up enemies. The game was not worth the wait and is a average open world game with average combat.. thats at least still better than w3 but cmon.. its a FF game -__-

I'd like to do that, but I look at SE's writing as of late. FFXII, the FFXIII trilogy, and FFXV. Their writing really has become fanfic tier. I doubt Taro will get another game, simply because NieR/DoD's writing is superior to anything FF has put out since 10, and using Platinum to do the gameplay just makes FF look like it was made by a retard.

Game is shit. Stopped playing after 7 hours when I got bored and never went back. I did not know anybody could make a more lifeless and useless open world than MGSV and Ubisoft games. Eventually I did play worse with Ghost recon wildlands when my gameshare buddy bought it.


We need to go wider

It was a pricing error, they've removed it from the store. See Eurogamer.

>work for american company for $1000 a month
>It's only 925€ in my third world country

oh well, at least i work at home
by the way, i wouldn't spend a single dollar on that garbage game

>tfw bought it for full price 2 weeks ago

No regrets.