A mum has spoken of her anguish after watching her 14-year-old son's behaviour spiral out of control due to a serious...

>A mum has spoken of her anguish after watching her 14-year-old son's behaviour spiral out of control due to a serious gaming addiction.
>The teenager from East Yorkshire was spending 11 hours a day playing violent games such as Call of Duty and Titanfall on his Xbox until his desperate mum Lesley was forced to take the console away and hide it out of the house.
>However, he still suffers constant mood swings and has resorted to violence and swearing at his younger siblings – something which Lesley has put down to him playing on the Xbox which she bought for the family home a year ago.
>Lesley said: "The first thing he thinks about when he wakes up is his Xbox and it's the last thing he thinks about when he goes to bed.
>"For a couple of days I was just crying. I didn't know what to do. There are no answers. Everything revolves around this Xbox and it's like having a monster in the house."

Please don't make your mum, Sup Forums. Play vidya in moderation.


make my mum what


>Parents keep letting kids buy M rated games

When will they learn? I see it all the time in stores.

Maybe you shouldnt have divorced his father you cunt

>let kids play online games

>Bad parenting

I hope she realizes that she is the monster in the end

Mum's the word.

Lol this.

> get off the xbox user!
> and do what?
> kick the ball around with my dad?


>implying the parents wouldn't then go and watch tellie for the same lengths of time
It's a stupid double standard but even so she's just being a shoddy parent, limit the amount of time the kid spends on it sure but don't take it all away from him he's probably pissed off all the time now because all his friends are allowed to play and he can't

>tfw you spent most of your childhood hanging out with friends
>tfw you look in the windows and never see kids playing outside
>tfw you ended up browsing chinese picture forum 24/7
where did it go so wrong bros

i'm like this except i'm 21

these people shouldn't blame vidya.

Some people have a genetic predisposition for addiction, vidya is just an outlet for them to get hooked. If not vidya it will be the bottle or cigarettes etc.

Blaming vidya for addiction is like blaming guns for war.

not making this up, i am a psychiatrist

>I am too dumb to restrict my childrens playtime

Seriously, what the fuck is the matter with parents. If you have a child, you give him a limit of time to play every day.

And why are you on Sup Forums? Looking for study cases?


Life is suffering.

when puberty hit and everyone just started making gay jokes 90% of the time

>Please don't make your mum, Sup Forums

>child has anger issues
>buy him M-rated games
>take away his only output
>"I didn't know what to do. There are no answers."

Holy shit. How are people this fucking dumb? Find him another output for his anger. Sign him up for sports. Take him to see a child councilor. There are dozens of things she can try.

Is this an Xbox shill article?

This is what happens when youre the child of a single mother
video games are the only escape

psychiatry is just a means to buy more vidya and fuck around with people

>tfw you look in the windows and never see kids playing outside

>See kids hanging out
>They're a bunch of retarded jerks who ride electric bikes with pedaling
>They talk obnoxiously loud and spout curse words as if they got tourette
>They have the latest ugly skrillex-esque haircut the mainstream media tells them is cool
These kids will run the world one day...

What is your educated opinion on the whole 300 different genders some folks are claiming to be?

In globalist Earth, world runs you!

People are dumb and only care about results in everything and not good methodology. They just attack symptoms of problems without actually addressing the causes of those problems. It's like trying to fix a leak in a ship by removing patches on previous leaks that sprung instead of figuring out why all your ships keep sinking.

Buy your kids good games. Don't buy your kids CoD or Titanfall.

>or even just an Xbox

Chavs gonna chav

>FPS on console

Forget taking the xbone away, he needs to be sectioned.

>Good games
>On Xboner

Oh user you scamp!

>11 hours a day

thats not even half the day, what a faggot

I tried telling a guy I know that plays games on PSN for 12+ hours a day about blood clots. He wouldn't believe me, and told me how his girlfriend would feed him so he didn't have to stop gaming.

read the whole post

>gaming marathons
Maybe I'm getting old but a proper gaming marathon has breaks for food, stretching, and maybe even a shower. Healthy body, healthy mind and all that.

>11 hours

In secondary school I remember getting out at around 3PM. So he's playing from say 3.30 PM to 2.30 AM and his mum allowed that?

>tfw the guy next to you on a long ass flight dies

Yeah ill play vidya all day but i take breaks to eat, shit, get drinks or just lay on my bed browse Sup Forums for half an hour. I never understood how people could just sit there fucking 12 hour stretches and not move at all.

Contorary to popular right wing opinions gender(not what's in your groin but your brain) really is on a gradient.

No expert can state with 100% accuracy if a person is male/female just by looking at their brains. Transgender brains are a bit more complicated than ours.
For example Click-Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions studies done on transgender have shown that their brains tend to lean more towards the sex opposite to the ones they were born with.

Therefore they are not merely pretending, they actually have an intense feeling of gender dysphoria. Whether it be classified as a congenital disorder or be accepted as normal is beyond me.

Theoretically there are infinite "genders" but to give each one its individual identity is not feasible. Grouping ones which share largely similar characteristics is a much more feasible option. So therefore instead of grouping people into 2 or 300 groups a middle ground must be found.

inb4 libetard or cuck or some other shit. This is just my informed opinion. I couldn't give less of a shit about what people identify as and so should you[\spoiler]

I remember when i was 10 and thought having a 6 hour marathon was stressing, but id still do it every weekend.

Arent female brains 9% smaller on average, Id think thats a good giveaway

>you spent most of your childhood hanging out with friends
Fuck off normie

>No expert can state with 100% accuracy if a person is male/female just by looking at their brains
>their brains tend to lean more towards the sex opposite to the ones they were born with.

These two things don't add up.

Remember that mother who put her baby in the microwave to stop the screaming so that she could play more World of Warcraft?

middle aged mums are the fucking worst cunts, nothing is ever their fault

>wooooooooow what do you mean it's my child and my responsibility to stop them from playing video games 11 hours a day
>what do you mean he hasn't got anything productive to do ever since I divorced his father cause I was bored of him

as i said, no can state with 100% accuracy. female brains are generally smaller than males because of reduced cranial volume ( no exact measure as 9%).

gender is made up nonsense for special snowflakes
you're either a male or a female (outside of fucky mutations)

You appear to have mistake the words "gender" and "personality".

Got a dick? Male
Got a beaver? Woman
Got neither? Intersex - a rare freak of nature

Got a dick and a feminine personality? That's just who you are, it's fine but it doesn't make you a woman.
Yeah, there are infinite personalities and to give each one is not feasible but there are only two genders.

Adrenaline is one hell of a drug.

>>A mum has spoken of her anguish after watching her 14-year-old son's behaviour spiral out of control due to a serious gaming addiction.
>>The teenager from East Yorkshire was spending 11 hours a day playing violent games such as Call of Duty and Titanfall on his Xbox until his desperate mum Lesley was forced to take the console away and hide it out of the house.
One can wonder where the hell were his parents.

>child has anger issues
>Sign him up for sports
oh joy

stating examples :-

Normal male brain 75% M 25%F
Normal female brain 75%F 25%M
tranny f to m 55%m 45%f
tranny m to f 55%f 45%m

He bought an XBox One, he was obviously a headcase right from the start.

Yeah i agree. It pretty much boils down to this.

just depends on how you define words.

>These kids will run the world one day...

>kid has untreated bipolar disorder
>old technophobe blames it on videogames

Maybe raise your fucking kids instead of being "empowered"

>Please don't make your mum

What does that even mean?
The brain has a penis in it?

>spent most of my childhood with friends
>play yugioh and talk about maple story and shit
>2nd year of middle school
>puberty or some shit kicks in for my friends
>they go full hormonal rage and all my friends formed into cliiques with popularity hiearchies and only weird nerds still played yugioh
that shit fuckig sucked and ive been forever left behind with every social aspect of teenagehood up to current time. fuck me for having hobbies instead of wantng to get attention of girls amirite

wait so different parts of brain can have different X/Y chromosomes or what

No it means male and female exist but only when it helps my argument then they stop existing and we have infinite genders instead.

You should write a manifesto, I enjoyed My Twisted World.

>Call of Duty and Titanfall
Good goy

>only 11 hours a day
Fucking casual. I've spent upwards of 16 hours a day playing video games during holiday periods before.

Your fell for the propaganda meme. Bad doctor confirmed.

but each gender has physical traits that make them be that gender. men has testosterone, making them more physical beings. Not a single person that ive seen identify as male does anything outstandig physically, their label is meaningless if their behavior doesn't correspond with what they identify with meaning they innately and logically matches their physical sex more than the opposite most of the time

>I'm not a bad parent! It's the games fault!
>I'll let him play games the whole day because I'm too lazy to actually be a parent.
>I'm don't even trust my own ability to teach him so I'm too afraid to let him outside.
Shitty parents are the reason we can't have nice things.

I play almost 24 hours on the PC and I have not yet died


my mother was a saint yet I spent 10 hours a day smoking cigarettes and playing games

>tfw I live in Hull
>tfw I keep seeing this article everywhere

Please I come here to forget I live in this shit hole

>Some people have a genetic predisposition for addiction,
Yeah. It's called being weak willed.

>men has testosterone
Heh, not around here.

Just what england needed...more chavs

We are reaching the point now where children raised by Babysitter Xbox are becoming adults.
Let's see how they turned out.

>addiction on xbox
literally impossible

Should have bought games that befit his age

i probably could, i gone through a phase where i hated normies for being sheeple and thought that they were blinded by the allure of social success instead of beig themselves

but now, it doesnt matter anymore. i really felt bad for elliot rodger, because im basically him except i am more self aware and understand why i have no social life and would rather focus on improving myself for me


>because all his friends are allowed to play and he can't

The only "friends" he probably had were from online gaming. Those people hardly give a fuck about you but as a teenager you think you're some big shit that others will cry about when you're no longer online playing.

Its the mom's fault for letting her kid game for 11 hours a day (I mean at 14 he has school, he should have bedtimes too). She made it spiral out of control thinking a 14 yo can act like an adult and realize long term effects of bad decisions.

I had that same phase when I was young, I grew out of it because he realized how stupid it was but some people I met during university did not and they all dropped out because they spent all their time gaming and when they were told they were going to get kicked off school they went "whaah, but but.. my grandma died a year ago!" and so on.

Who is to blame
underage shitter or shitty parents?

You would think a single mother from Hull would know more about real addiction eh?

>spelling mom with a u
Why haven't we nuked these degenerates yet?

Both. Also East Yorkshire is depressing as fuck so why would the kid want to go outside?

What bothers me with these kind of explanations, is that "gender is on a gradient".

Yes, maybe it is. I'm not informed enough to say this isn't true. What's true is that the gradient goes from male to female. There's no third option because there's no third gender.

Both for having absolute trash taste and getting a fucking X-Cock


>Pictured: What "videogames" may look like

Gab that about me mum again, tosser.
See what comes about.

I don't care about what you think you should be, but if you consider fake tits and a pussy made from a dick enough to make you a woman, you have a real mental illness and you probably have been brainwashed.
I consider the surgery the modern equivalent of lobotomy.

Well at least the son isn't outside doing drugs or raping people

I was addicted to CS 1.6
12h day playing it

Years ago when Sup Forums were younger they would projecting more on the kids like "fuck the adults",

but now with the "underage poster fuck off" I would say they are more with the parents then.

I can assure you the religious inbred degenerates with the hats and the payot are NOT the ones running things. They're a circlejerking tumor that doesn't contribute to anything practical. You should learn the difference between the hasidic Jews and the down-to-earth-business-doing Jews.
And I still find kids, not hasidic, this days to be obnoxious.
t. Israeli

T. Literal autist

>not handing in assignments in on the day they're assigned

>mfw i got out of neetdom