Switch owners, are you happy with your purchase? Is it worth it?

Switch owners, are you happy with your purchase? Is it worth it?

Got it at launch, wish I got it later on when MK8D and Splatoon 2 came out.

Zelda is an amazing game but my Switch is just collecting dust until another game comes out.


I got Zelda for my Wii U, have played and got bored of it. I can't think of any reason for me to get a Switch now. Will prob get a Pro instead.

Currently planning on buying one in June.
BotW, Snipperclips, MK8 and ARMS are on my list so far.

No, because I dont want to pay $500 to an ebay scammer

And nintendo won't release anymore switches until christmas

I returned mine after I finished BOTW.

no issues and i will still be busy with zelda until probably well after splatoon 2 drops

Me and my gf got one at launch and we both have over a hundred hours in Zelda shame we only have one copy of it. She brings hers to work while I exclusively play mine docked with the pro controller

So far yes, I was sold on the portability. It was nice bringing it on a small road trip I had over the weekend. It is perfect for evenings in travel trailers.

>And nintendo won't release anymore switches until christmas

Buy one from overseas. All shops have stock here in Australia, they've not sold well at all. Although australian prices are probably higher than scalpers.

I'd say yes. I've played so much Zelda. Looking to get a Pro controller by the end of the month. It's also a pretty cool handheld, except for the battery.

Will pick up Mario Kart 8 Deluxe next month, it's going to be nice to have this summer. But my most anticipated game for the Switch is of course Mario Odyssey. I might get Skyrim and Disgaea 5 when it comes out, not sure yet though.

But I'm also a huge nintenbabby, I like all the consoles except for the original Wii.

>are you happy with your purchase?
>Is it worth it?

My time to game is limited enough that BotW is more than enough to occupy my time for now. The portability is a huge plus and the hardware feels slick even though it isn't exactly a powerhouse.

I like Nintendo first party games and have no buyer's remorse over the Wii U, so I'm pretty comfortable with the idea that third party support might drop out again. I'm also an idort, though, so I'll play the third parties on whatever system (ideally PC) they're available on.

Forgot to add that at this point in the game that unless you know you could enjoy the switch solely off of its first party lineup over its life, I probably wouldn't get it. Availability will increase over time anyway and by Christmas there may be a bundle, at which point you'll be able to tell if you are happy with what it has/will have or not.

I've been playing a little of Zelda everyday.

I'm not a NEET so I can wait for Splatoon 2 without going crazy.

I'm happy because of Zelda, and the fact that I could play it at work. I hope games get more optimized even if they look worse, I rather have a better framerate, because I tried the demo of dq warriors and there are frame drops everywhere in both modes docked and undocked.

But I haven't had any technical problems, I even tried the joycon thing, put it behind my back and everything worked flawlessly.

I also can try Splatoon2 this weekend to see if the network has improved.
But if you don't want to play Zelda on the go or with better framerate than the Wii U, I wouldn't have bought it.
It's worth it only if you know you are going to buy any of the games announced/ released.


If you have much time to kill, you're going to be done with BotW soon enough to be left twiddling your thumbs

Ayer 19 days playing Zelda non-stop. I can say yeah, it is a good console, and I wish it a good life, with plenty of games and exclusives. Now is it worthy? Well that depends. I'd say that it's another "supplementary" console from Nintendo. Do you wanna play vidya? Get yourself a ps4. If you have the money but a switch. But I wouldn't recommend this as the prime console. Except if you are a manchild/autistic fanboy of Nintendo.

You're the worst kind of person.

As a couple, you dropped over $800 total for one game. It sounds worse tallying it as a couple. I'd love to portable game with wifey but not by throwing down 800 plus C notes. We both have 3ds, my hacked ones and local co op is few and fare between. Can't even play 4 swords coz that needs 3 plus people. Why do portables barely have any co op shit.

Inb4 Mario kart
Inb4 snipper clips

>Do you wanna play vidya? Get yourself a ps4.


How? i want to return mine too.

I bought it for Zelda because my Wii U is n the other side of the earth and I didn't feel like waiting 6 months to play it. If you don't have a Wii U get that instead imo, and get the Switch when it has more games.

How will the video capture button work once implemented?

>Press record
>Start broadcasting from Switch
>Hear a knock at the door
>It's Nintendo's lawyers
>They shut down my Youtube account and take my Switch

That's the kind of shit you can do when you don't have kids.

sure it is

It just wasn't worth getting at launch. Once you're done with Zelda, there's literally nothing else to play until the summer when Spla2n and MK8.1 come out. Then after that, there will be nothing to play until the holidays when Mario Odyssey comes out.

Happy so far. Playing botw, going to buy shovel knight soon and redout when it comes out.

>Do you wanna watch movies? Get yourself a ps4.

Not going to lie, it doesnt have many games and most likely it will take a while to get a huge library. That being said I really like the machine itself as it has good features that I like. I have bunch of games in mind that I want but between those, I just play other games as I am an idort. I do see that Switch could become my indie system of choice if it keeps getting ports for those.

Yeah, I still have a ton of 3DS and Wii U games to finish, but half of my time I spend with my Switch and Fast RMX or Shovel Knight (since I'm taking a break from Zelda)

How the fuck do you do math? Zelda doesn't cost $800, it's $300 for the Switch, $60 for the game
So if you're buying a Switch just for Zelda then at most you paid $400 for it

I've got over 150 hours of gameplay so I think so, at least in my opinion.

However I was disappointed that the Wii U has more hardware and features, and I hope that zelda isn't actually pushing the switches limit, and the framerate issues in zelda are just cuz its a port

When can I buy one of these shitty things?

Yes; can't wait for mk8 though.

I have limited time to play thanks to college so I am only half way through the story of Zelda.

From a store, usually

My girlfriend and I share one console.

The separate profiles with separate save files are great.

Yes and yes, I just wish it got multiplats so I could ditch the PSquad

>However I was disappointed that the Wii U has more hardware and features
I don't follow

every single game in this image, including PT, is better than Breath of the Wild

300 switch 1 + 300 switch 2 + 60 =

And here is where it gets interesting because in AU the switch is 450 AU and Zelda is closer to 80, so we are just shy of one grand (450+450+80) for a couple to both get switches plus one game shared/handed between two people

..... he bought two switches

Yes. Poured over 200 hours into Zelda, only slowing up now.
Will put a decent amount of time with my gf into Mario Kart 8.

Will be picking up Mario Odyssey, Yooka Laylee, No More Heros 3, Fire Emblem Warriors and the next entry, and Monster Hunter. Please enjoy it on the 3ds first. Will probably play through Skyrim again too. It'll be fun to play during off time at work.

Plus whatever else is coming out theyre gonna announce at e3. So yeah, breddy gud investment for me. Especially since scalpers will ensure they will be impossible to get for the next year or so.

Yeah, not right now, wait a couple months.

This is a falseflag


Sell it on eBay you dumb fucks, it's like you don't even want money

I'm having a good time

He never said that, see

I agree I told her to scalp hers but she didn't want to wait for neon joycons to restock. It doesn't matter much though because she had to have one so we can spatoon 2 together. Shitty it's not split screen but I have enough friends getting it that we can play it offline

I meant this

You don't get a PS4 if you have cash and want to play good games. You get a PC. A Switch is supplementary to a PC for the best setup, after all who the hell would give their money to Microsoft or Sony?

Jelly non sonybro?

Id consider getting one if the battery wasn't fucking 2 hours of gameplay. I'll wait until they make the updated version like they do with all of their portables.

>Best sold Nintendo console after a long time
>This guarantees lots of game devs gonna make games for the Switch
>Gamefreak is going to make a Pokemon game for the Switch
>Mario Kart
There is literally no reason anyone should regret buying the Switch. If I wouldn't be a poorfag I would buy one too

It's early days for the console but so far I'm happy with it.

I've had more fun with BotW than just about other game in the past 20 years.

It's super comfy being able to break out local multiplayer Snipperclips with my gf.

I've had a few of my dudebro friends over for drinks and let them play with it a little and they were fucking blown away by it, which kind of surprised me.

Being to literally switch between console and handheld is so fucking cool. I can just pick it up and fuck off somewhere else in the house. It feels liberating.

I really want to get another dock in another room but I think I'll wait unti they're selling at a reasonable price or get a 3rd party one.

Have Zelda, Fast and Blaster Master so far.
I'd say that, given the release schedule, I shouldn't tire of the console any time soon.
Just hoping that Afterbirth comes to AUS Eshop soon.

Zelda is all the switch is good for right now

I really want one. As soon as it gets a bundle/price drop in the UK I'll get one.

Wouldn't it be better to use a USA account exclusively even from au. When the vita released I whipped up a nice usa account, and generally USA gets more games as a region than eu and au ( ignoring Japan ). USA is the superior region for English games eshops and PS stores imho

Still not one since it sold out everywhere even though I'm in fucking Japan. The place that still have one also hike the price to $400+

Zelda is worse than Snipperclips if you want co op fun

I want to go with an US account, but does that nullify my current purchases?

costs too much, no new game just wiiu rehashes, nothing on the horizon

I'm happy with the system
I'm not even done with Zelda yet but I plan on getting VOEZ and Shovel Knight here in a bit

Did you just say 'horizon'?

I'd say so, but I may regret saying that a little in the ten or so days between when I get done with Zelda and when PuyoTet comes out in burgerland (Followed, obviously, by MK8D).

Can't say myself, but the sooner you d change the less you d lock yourself into the au store which is shit, any platform. Still laffin that mortal kombat was ban on vita, in au ( if I remember correctly ) so no au versions

I haven't bought one and I'm very happy with my decision. Sup.

Best boy, good opinion.

accidentally yanked a cord with my chair's leg when getting up like a fucking retard, pulled the dock off the tv cabinet with the switch inside it. got a nice big mark now. i know nothing of screen repair, I know there's quick fixes for small scratches on phone screens, but is there anything I can do to pic related without replacing the whole screen, or is it straight fucked?

>thread about how switch owners like the console
>reply saying that will not buy a switch

>best boy

i'll buy this for 130€

Let's suppose it is a success, pokemon comes, several game comes.
First, will still be a while until this happens.
Switch lite

Are you retarded? Oh Wait you're from Australia.
What is currency exchange rate?

I'm enjoying it so far. Wish Brazil's eShop was up already so I could get some more games and not just stick with Zelda.