DMC4 Dante Sucks and Here's Why

What a clumsy control scheme this style swapping is.

>Press a direction on your d-pad to change styles to change what your Circle button does
>You'll want to change styles frequently and in the middle of combos, demanding a claw grip
>Yes you can block and you can dodge,
>but they both occupy the Circle button,
>so you have to clumsily hammer if you're on the other two (later three) styles, meaning on these other three styles you can't do it on reaction
>Oh and if you're using a 360-styled d-pad (one solid, circular thingy, unlike the PS3/4's where only the four directions' plastic is uncovered), you're likely to get the wrong style if you try to switch too forcefully/quickly.

What they should have done-- Not the best by any means, but a step in the right direction if you really had to have all the styles from DMC3 and the Yamato represented all at once:
>Map DT to L3
>Map RoyalGuard to L1
>Map Trickster to Circle
>Map the Swordmaster moves to various Up-Down/lock-on dependent Triangle inputs, like Nero
>Do the same with Gunslinger for the Square button
>Map DarkSlayer to Triangle+Circle. Imagine pressing both buttons with one thumb.
>Bonus: Doppelganger on D-pad right, Quicksilver on D-pad down

Wieldy and reliable controls are absolutely essential in fast paced action games and their butchering of Dante was unacceptable and I understand why critics were okay with the Donte of DmC. If DMC5 tries to do to DMC4 Dante what DMC4 did to DMC3 Dante, Jesus Christ, it would be unplayable to anyone other than the kind of autistic savant who actually goes through and S-ranks every single mission, with every single character, on every single difficulty-- even the easy difficulties (and there are like three easy difficulties).

nice blogpost faggot
no one cares
kill yourself

That's it, I'm fed up with this world full of posters like you. It's time I shoot myself.

it's weebshit just stick to good fighting games like For Honor.

I 100% agree. Give me your contact info so I finally have one friend who understands why DMC4 is shit.

Maybe you should just get good fumbles.


DMC4 as a whole isn't shit, just Dante's weird style thing.

>DMC4 as a whole isn't shit

But it is. Artstyle is watered down anime shit from the gothic style of 1 and 3. Bosses are all unimaginative durr fire boss durr ice boss durr plant boss, and even then theyre reused 3 fucking times. Half of the game is running through the exact same levels backwards. The "story" is the worst in the franchise and thats counting DMC2. Kyrie is literally the exact same shit as if Nero (another horrible "character") had gotten his pendant or something stolen, she has maybe 2 or 3 lines and theyre all screaming or whining Nero's name. The pope being the main villain is beyond a joke after Nero Angelo/ Mundus/ Vergil. Characters like Trish and Lady were shoehorned in just like Dante himself when their only role in the story is to be deus ex machinas that will solve the problems that are out of Nero's league apparently. Every enemy in the game is either stolen from DMC1 or a worse version of something from DMC3 (notable mentions to some of the worst enemies in every hack and slash ever like the flying swords or the eggs)

>Artstyle is watered down anime shit from the gothic style of 1 and 3.
Anime? What????????? what anime looks like DMC4? All the marble Vatican stuff looks fancy as fuck, the ice mansion is super atmospheric, the jungle is gorgeous, everything has a choice color palette and the animations and particle effects are on point.
>Bosses are all unimaginative/reused
But they're not bad bosses.
>Half of the game is running through the exact same levels backwards.
Thanks Capcom
>The "story"
Yup but you're misusing quotation marks there, bub.
>The pope being the main villain is beyond a joke
Pope is dope, please don't hate.
>Characters like Trish and Lady were shoehorned in
They should've axed Gloria but shit was already modeled and animated and whatever. Oh well.
>Every enemy in the game is either stolen from DMC1 or a worse version of something from DMC3
I don't remember those dank as fuck Knights being in DMC1, the way they fight in formation and shit.
>(notable mentions to some of the worst enemies in every hack and slash ever like the flying swords or the eggs)
What. Those flying swords are fun as hell. You know you can use the Devil Bringer to throw them at other enemies, right? Or hit them as they lunge at you to deflect them? And those egg enemies are invaluable. They transform enemies so you can't just mindlessly approach them like every other punching bag. You have to be mindful. Imagine that.

The game is not great. It is not shit. Please understand.

>Being this gay


>people dont skip dmc4 cutscenes and story

i finished this game 3-4 times and never saw one of those boring ass cutscenes (except the dante/nero battle)


3 > 1 >= 4 >>> 2

Haven't played Donte

>i want to have ninja theory or platinum games shit tier control scheme

>having fat fingers
That or very poor motor controls; which is it?


>ninja theory
>shit tier control scheme
el oh el

The fuck are you talking about cretin. Dmc3 is one of the best hack and slash games of all time.

For Honor will be forgotten in a couple of months.

>hold to switch

El oh el in deed

For me it's DMC3 > DMC4 > DMC > DMC2

I think the fact that I played DMC3 first made it harder to appreciate the original.

If you only watch one cutscene in DMC4, make sure it's the one before the Dante Agnus fight.

How do I change to Dark Slayer? Every time I fight the big ass statue I have to not change styles because I don't know how to go back to using Yamato.

Any direction on the D-Pad twice.

Thanks friendo

The only thing wrong with Dante are the input choices for Gilgamesh's uppercut and Kick13 as well as Pandora being not useful enough.

Try a little adaptability.

I don't have a inherent problem with style switching, but I don't like how the game nerfs styles to such a degree to accommodate it.Things like having to cancel your dash with Royalguard just to get more than one dash out of Trickster is just an annoying obstacle for doing something so simple.

As somebody with 2000 hours in DMC4 I agree that yes Dante is more cumbersome than he needs to be.

They could literally have a style modifier button that changes all the face buttons and it would work just as well.

Haven't played dmc4 yet, but had over 50hours in dmc3

Isn't he working like in dmc3 just you can switch styles with the d-pad? How's that a bad thing? I mean dmc3 dante already played pretty great and if you can also change styles that can only make it better.

I dont care just give me DMC5 already

It frustrates me deeply that kids are playing through DMC3 using the style swapping cheat mode on their very first go. It's like playing Knee-Deep in the Dead for the first time with jumping, crouching, and freelook enabled, and you spawn a berserker pack plus a SSG on yourself every level.

You are a retard, DMC4 Dante in vanilla state is literally the best action character gameplay.
DMC3 Dante with styles mode is better as far as mods go.
Soon DMC4 modded Dante with CHARACTER SWITCHING will be even better.

Go kill yourself kid. The "people" who say shit like this obviously know nothing about games and are genuinely impressed by more complicated controls instead of more complicated gameplay in execution. There is nothing "deep" about having 4 ("5") styles when all they do is give you basic mechanics like block and dodge, only needing to be "styles" in the first place because the devs didnt want to spend the time doing any actual innovation and just slapped downgraded DMC3 styles on the dpad

The thing is that DMC3 with style switching objectively gives you even more options to gameplay than there were before, that's a fact.

No shit retard, yet its still just a fanmade mod that lets you break the game by equipping every aspect of what was previously supposed to be a loadout system with strengths and weaknesses, unlike games like ninja gaiden which are actually designed around having blocks, wallruns, dodges, projectiles, strong and light attacks etc at all times against all enemies

You are retarded, at that level of play when you already completed the game, only style matters. It's literally just for extremely pretty and flashy game videos, which can be entertaining.

>DMC4 Dante in vanilla state is literally the best action character gameplay.
>at that level of play when you already completed the game, only style matters.

style doesnt equate to substance kid

DMC4 Dante is the single most fun, flashiest and complex character in the genre.
How well the game fits that and how well he fits into the game is another topic, holistic unified vision of the game is the most important thing for THE GAME to be great, but just playing as Dante is more fun than playing as any other vanilla character in the genre.
I am not saying that DMC4 is a good game, but once you get good with DMC4 Dante you feel like an unrestrained muh weeboanimu character doing crazy anime shit, unlike something like NG Black or MGR where you constantly feel relatively limited in certain things...undoubtedly for the betterment of the holistic vision, but still, as a thing viewed on it's own they are less fun than him.

>but once you get good with DMC4 Dante you feel like an unrestrained muh weeboanimu character doing crazy anime shit

and only a 14 year old anime kid like you will actually find that fun/ scream about how good it is. Dante is dogshit compared to someone like Ryu who has 50-100 moves with each weapon, all of them being actual tactical options instead of shitty fluff for "style"

Seems to work fine for everyone else. Have you tried taking that dick out of your mouth?

Ninja Gaiden Black is a better game than DMC4, moves make sense and are tactical, but do you understand that when character is viewed out of context or in context of pure style challenges you can fully see how varied and interesting the moveset of the character truly is?
If you don't understand the fun of bending the game for the purpose of making the best looking and stylish stuff, I don't understand you. This seems as valid as speedruns to me.

>DT to L3
and with what will you change targets. Even DmC with the soft lock allowed you to switch targets with L3.

>Swordmaster moves to various Up-Down/lock-on dependent Triangle inputs
lockon+forward does stinger
lockon+backward does hightime
How in the world of fuck would you map Dance Macabre, prop/shredder, Drive, quickdrive, with forward-back input alone. And that's just for the Rebellion. Did you not play the fucking game or not even think that far with your shitty layout.

>same with gunslinger
good fucking luck mapping Pandora gunslinger, or even the Shotgun

>map Darkslayer to T+Circle
This is the worst fucking idea possible. Just doing the 3hit ground/ 2hit air combo with that is clunkier than tapping a d-pad twice then pressing circle.

Your hypothesized layout fucking sucks you mong. Get better at the game.

Isn't this the same faggot who got BTFO for his shitty suggestion in that DMC thread the other weekend?

Every time I read a DMC thread the fanbase moves up on the autism power rank

But you'll need to work extra hard if you want to overtake Pokemon

I always just switched targets by pushing the stick in the direction of the enemy I wanted to lock on to and pressing the button which works for every encounter. Swordmaster could work with combinations of up+down, down+up, up+up, down+down, then throw in locked on or not as a modifier and that's pretty good. Throw in left and right or some 360s or whatever if that gets your little dick hard. May be a little Tony Hawkish but if people are autistic enough to play this shit for hundreds of hours, they can learn this at least. Maybe relegate gun swapping to the d-pad and make DarkSlayer take up R2? The control scheme is so bloated with bullshit and there are so many redundant moves and weapons but don't tell anyone I said that!

More importantly, I'd like to see your argument for why this idea shouldn't be present in the form of an optional alternative control scheme ;). Or do and make
>Dpad down is Devil Trigger
>Circle is RoyalGuard
>Hold L1 and: Square becomes GunSlinger, Triangle becomes SwordMaster, Cross becomes Trickster, Circle becomes DarkSlayer
>also, press R2 or L2 while holding L1 and it skips two weapons at a time instead of one? Might be handy
Holy fuck this control scheme sounds a million times better than what we got.

Try and argue some reason why THAT shouldn't be an option, you mouth breather.

>stop talking about game mechanics

>I saw one post made by an obviously retarded person, that must apply to the entire fanbase
Fanbasefags are just as awful, if not worse, as all the fanbases they obsess over.

+1 autism points

Yeah, I imagine you have a lot of those.

I always felt mapping the styles to the dpad was a mistake, if they were going for on-the-fly style change for combos.

I totally get your reflex-like reaction to defend a game you like, by the way, but I think that being able to step back and understand that something you think is great isn't perfect is healthy. Everyone will agree that for example the platforming is bad. That doesn't mean the fun you had is invalid. Everyone can agree that having to retread the levels as Dante is lame. But there are still some fun scenarios the team drummed up with those Dante levels. You just gotta get real. The controls are a hurdle but if you can get over them then hey that's cool. I've seen countless darn cool combo vids. Just keep it real.

>The controls are a hurdle
They weren't for me.

>Dpad down is DT
>you have to kill all momentum while on ground to go DT, or claw to expedite matters either mid or outside combo.
Nice fucking idea.

>press R2 or L2 while holding L1 and it skips two weapons at a time instead of one? Might be handy
Or tap R2/L2 when needed. Why the fuck would you even need an input to skip two weapons at once when you relegated gun switching to the fucking Dpad and have two buttons to switch between 3 weapons like Vergil.

>relegate gun swapping to the d-pad
good fucking idea Einstein, your answer to removing the need for clawing anybody can play DMC4 Dante or DMC3 Dante without the need for clawing. What the fuck is with the increasing amount of retards that believe otherwise, if you're going for full combolab with guardfly, sideraves etc. Yeah, you'll benefit from claw but otherwise it's not 100% necessary "technique"
is by forcing you to claw for any combo that requires gunswitching mid combo.

>Hey man I understand that you have your opinion and it's okay but you really need to just accept that it's wrong and that my opinion is right.