60 fps

>60 fps
>no pc cheaters to worry about

truely the best time line tbqhfamilam

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PS4 Souls collection when? Demon's, Dark, and Dark 2.


Dark Souls 2 is already on PS4

fucking delete this
i didnt buy a $50000 PC to get mocked online by filthy consoleniggers

>have to pay ps+ to play online
>best version

Nigger DS2 already is on PS4

>Every Souls game on PC full of cheaters
>best version

Enjoy paying to use your own internet connection.

Why do console infants still dickride the muh cheaters shit?

Ya'll niggas got lag switches and hacks due to the PC-ified nature of having a console with backends and harddrives.

What are console peasants obsession with running older games at 60fps but not new games?

Because having played multiple games in the series on both platforms, I can count the number of times on one hand I've run into some fishy shit on console, where as I could have made video compilations of the stupid shit I've seen on PC, and videos like that do exist.

Whether it's possible on console is irrelevant. In practice, it's far FAR less common in these games at least.

Forgetting the $400 upgrade fee and required monthly subscription

New games suck.

Yeah but I want value

So did your parents.

>60 fps

Truly revolutionary, it's not as if 1080p 60 fps hasn't been the standard for the last 5+ years.

Their standards literally depends on what the consoles can run, and anything better is apparently pointless until the next one comes out.

For example my PC is only capable of 1080p 60fps medium, which is understandable since it's 6 years old. I'm not gonna act like this isn't ideal though just because my computers shit. Whereas most consolecucks say you can't tell the difference.

Pc is a dead platform for poor cucks

>playing souls for pvp
top kek

or you can play on pc with other ten people and cheaters
pc is a dead platform for multiplats


t. banned cheater

If it was Bloodborne I'd consider "upgrading" to a Pro. I'll probably never touch DaS3 after playing the last DLC

They already stated that it's not a constant 60fps, but a variable.

why the fuck would you want to play online in a Souls game. By far the worst thing about the series.

30-45fps will just make the framepacing worse


I don't think I've run into a single cheater in DaS games. The true horror is when you play something like Gunz.

But overall hackers haven't ruined any game for me.


Atlus can make bank from a proper DeS remakewhen P5 eventually tanks.

DaS1 doesn't even need any improvements, just take Prepare to Die Edition and throw it on PS4. It should easily hit 60fps without suffering terrible framerate drops like it did on PS3

And DS2 is already on PS4 (at least SotFS), so there's literally no work required.

>dislike a major part of the game and a vital mechanic
>still plays
Literally kys lmao

>vital mechanic

hahaha what the fuck, I hope youre also retarded enough to summon people in these games? Go kill yourself

Have to get a Pro to play the game better.

As somebody who owns a decent but aging gaming pc and a current gen console, this.
Games that are INSANELY popular I can barely manage to fill a lobby on PC, but those same games on console are almost instant.

its a single player game with optional multiplayer content, not the other way around.

>Can't even write proper sentences
I want brazil to leave.

I only really play bf4 online and there's always multiple servers/never have to wait.

My parents don't play Dark Souls

>have covenants
>Get rewards from performing covenant duty
>interact with the community
It's the way it's meant to be played.

I'm happy for you, sonybros

That's actually great news. I hope you enjoy The Ringed City.

Thank you.

Except covenant rewards are fucking terrible in DS3, and theres no way to interact with other people in your covenant.

all optional, and only add flavour to the otherwise single player experience.

sonybro are fucking dumb man.
The fact that I can't even see player messages in Bloodborne without paying a monthly fee is ridiculous.
>b-but cheaters on PC
I have never seen a single cheater while playing the PC versions of DaS1, 2 or 3.
I haven't seen a single cheater in Bloodborne either, but that's because I've never seen another player because they want me to fucking pay again for the privilege.

>I have never seen a single cheater while playing the PC versions of DaS1, 2 or 3.
Guess you don't play PvP much.

All I do is PVP.
I have hundreds of hours in each game.
The only times I've seen cheating is on youtube when fags try to do fight clubs and get invaded.


>Playing online with Dark Souls level netcode. Probably the hardest thing in Dark Souls 3, lord knows all the bosses are easy as fuck.


>that image
It was never a true image to begin with.
It was just the best selling title for that month in that region of the world on PSN no less.
And understandably so. Ark is truely popular around normies and it was its release month.

it's nothing like the 32x though. There's no exclusive games, the system isn't on life support or trying to fight against another system (face it, the switch and ps4 are almost entirely different userbases, they'll coexist), and unlike the 32x, it ACTUALLY makes older games better. the 32X made some games fucking worse when you played them through it.

anyway don't buy a pro because boost mode is fucking shit. The small amount of titles that have pro patches aren't worth the upgrade cost. But if you don't have a PS4 and are looking to get one, it's definitely worth the extra $100 if only for futureproofing (unless they announce the PS5 this year, but I don't think that's too likely.)

PC is the way it's meant to be played.

Except that DaS1 can't run on 60fps, because the physics are tied to framerate. Some of the jumps required to advance in the game are impossible to do if you have the 60fps mod on PC turned on

Your parents also didn't want a retarded child, but look at you


It was true pretty over the whole year (minecraft)

Thank you positive user

>still playing ds3

worst in the series 2bh

Sega did nothing wrong.

so, no anti-aliasing then?

Minecraft is not what is in that image. It is ARK.

Still doesn't matter because physical is more popular on consoles than digital.

I guess you didn't play 2 then

>being a PKek
>in the 8th gen
>when the Japanese have finally exceeded the westerners in software output
>and when the Japanese will NEVER put their games on PC

Is there a bigger meme than PC gaming at this point?

Oh and also thats just North America.

Yeah, that's good and all, but where does it say 60fps? I wanna get that European GOTY edition.

The image says "multiplats and shitty ports of PC games", which is 100 percent true going off the best sellers.

I'm stuck and ocelotte, can't get a summon, and I feel like I am so weak. Using a fucking katansa and skill shield with miracles. I feel I should restart and just pump STR, always makes these games easier. Should I?

I guarantee it will average 40-45fps and maybe 60fps in very basic indoor areas. You are dreaming if you think it will be a solid 60fps at all times, the ps4 pro simply can't do that

Do you honestly think it's going to be different anywhere else in the world apart from Japan?

pc has better online even if it had cheaters

It already is different.

But the image is going off of PSN. By that logic all platforms do that except nintendo platforms. They are too busy being dead.

Besides they are not shitty ports of PC games. The PC port is the shitty port as the PS4 is the lead platform for almost all games this gen.

Feel free to show me. I'm in the UK and I'd of guessed exactly that, apart from fifa being higher.

Maybe one month or so a ps4 exclusive will get to the top, but it will be like this every year (it was also true for 2014 and 2015)

I'm not the guy who made the image, but the minecraft ps4 version is objectively absolute shit due to no mods.

>The PC port is the shitty port

Give me ONE game where this is true

(something like batman runs like shit but still better then on consoles, like every game called a shitty port)

The port runs like shit if the game runs like shit, but still better.

The port was shit, but the alternative of playing it on the ps4 was much worse. No actual games where a shit port is as bad as the console version.

>give me 1 example
>besides those that prove me wron
nier automata or atelier sophie

Nier is still better on PC.

They can manage 60fps for DaS3 but not for Bloodborne? What the hell?

it's the same and only if your card is better than gtx980

PC gamers keep complaining about shitty ports of every game thats released.
PES runs better on console. Part because it has better graphics turned on than the PC version.

I don't have any list and i would have to remember off the top of my head. But the example you game with batman is still valid because it had graphical effects turned off aswell.

Regardless many games launch with Playstation exclusive content in general. And the community on PSN is always alive.

nier is a shit port but better then consoles situation

>atelier sophie

Don't know about this, but there's usually a shit storm in the reviews if a port is truly bad.

They don't bother updating bloodborne.

Wait DaS3 WASN'T 60fps on PS4 already? Holy shit get it together Sonaggers.

>But the example you game with batman is still valid because it had graphical effects turned off aswell.

The batman pic is actually just a really well timed screenshot.


Even if it was true though, it literally doesn't matter when the ps4 version runs at 30.

>PC gamers keep complaining about shitty ports of every game thats released.
Much, much higher standards.

bloodborne probably isn't getting a pro patch because it's not being updated anymore, and wouldn't really look all that great even if it was given upscaling. Alternatively, bloodborne 2/demons souls 2/demons souls remake is probably their priority.

Then you don't want Souls 2.

lol, why lie when you can google it


>The batman pic is actually just a really well timed screenshot.
No i played it on PC myself mate and i SAW that a ton of stuff wasn't there.

They may have patched it in later bu PES2017 still has missing seffects.

>Even if it was true though, it literally doesn't matter when the ps4 version runs at 30.
And the PC version suffered from stutters because their streaming tech was fucked.

>Much, much higher standards.
Doesn't matter. If it is shit its shit.

Then Free online is not a useful argument anyway?


more like from software cant and its hilarious how tech illiterate kids like you never fail to grasp this. Games like battlefront which look better than every souls game combined run at a rock solid 60 fps.

>no fucking patch for Bloodborne because plebs don't own a fucking Pro


Why so?

You can google "batman pc vs ps4 comparison" and see the PC version looks better.


That does actually seem true to be fair.

>And the PC version suffered from stutters because their streaming tech was fucked.

Never noticed this and youtube seems to disagree.


>Doesn't matter. If it is shit its shit.
It's down to which is more shit. The ps4 version is worst then shitty ports practically every time.

Shit VAs.


It's from so more like 30-60 fps.

>fps locked at 60
>res locked at 1080

You are posting footage from a GPU that was released 2 years after the game was released.

The PS4 version hasn't been patched since but the PC version has.

>Drops framerate constantly.
>Even down to the 40's at 4:36


(this is shit but still much better)