What was the bigger kiss of death for Dreamcast: Piracy or PS2-Hype?

What was the bigger kiss of death for Dreamcast: Piracy or PS2-Hype?


Piracy, wasn't Sega selling them at a loss? They expected to make up for it on game sales but oops no copy protection means any asshole with a stack of CD-Rs can own the whole library.

Hello NeoGAF


SEGA's stupidity.

The Saturn

>wasn't Sega selling them at a loss?

Why did they sell it at loss? They literally have no reason to when it was at par with PS2 and had some fun gimmicks that can market towards young gamer.

Piracy was literally nothing to it at the time - it's one of those things Sup Forums tries to make true through revisionist history.

>big problem in 1998
Uhhh, maybe for music I guess.

>$80M Shenmue project
>absolutely no answer to Sony's DVD player
>shitty controller, shitty keyboard, shitty mouse
>nobody even knew about 480p native resolution because the cables it came with by default is for 240p gaming
>zero effort to stop piracy
>shoddy laser
>failed to utilize Dreamcast-NGPC connectivity like GC-GBA did

Sega killed itself out of the console market

>what are chipped consoles

Nigga, we had fake gameboy games, copied PS1 discs, and the dreamcast was a fucking pirates wetdream, fucker could be made to play PS1 discs on it.

Sega being a fucking trainwreck company.

Also EAs meddling.

Sega played themselves

I had around 100 pirated games for Dreamcast, but then again my dad was always into piracy so I had pirate shit for other consoles too.

I don't think that's the reason for it to be a "failure" though. Piracy on PC is just as easy if not easier nowadays and people still buy games. Why would it be different for the Dreamcast?

Consider that piracy was a reason why the N64 stuck with cartridges


>he wasn't buying bootleg cds for 1/10th the price in 1998

Sega being Sega. It wasn't as much of a trainwreck as the Saturn launch, but it released at a pretty bad time where it didn't have enough games people wanted to buy and the PS2 was coming.

Maybe 1% of the user base knew about it, and even fewer pursued it.

>PS2 hype
Didn't do much to kill the console. Dreamcast had MvC2, Soul Calibur, Skies of Arcadia, Grandia 2, Shenmue, Phantasy Star Online, NBA 2K1, NFL 2K, Tony Hawk, Jet Grind Radio, and a ton more. It had the library and graphics edge at the time. Problem was:

>poor marketing, bad business decisions
This is the primary reason. It might sound like a non issue but a quick Google search can explain it

No DVD support meant tiny discs and nonexistent multiplats, and given how first-gen PS2 games didn't look much better than the average DC game, it MIGHT have lasted a little longer than it initially did if it had DVD support, but once the PS2 entered the era of MGS2 and all the standard tricks were known, the hardware differences would've become noticible

Sup Forums - NeoGAF General

Nowadays people are more "careful" (as in pay when liking a game) with pirating games because good games didn't sell at all and devs got fucked.

yes! fuck to talk something related to videogames!

Let's talk about transexualism or making lol threads!

Past mistakes actually. The failure of the genesis addons and Saturn put Sega in a financial hole.
The Dreamcast actually did decently but it wasn't enough to put them out of their debt problems or restore console third party support.
If that one old guy from Sega didn't bail them out, they would have filed for bankruptcy and Sonic plus other Sega IPs would belong to some other company like Nintendo or Sony.

It actually was a problem. Anyone with a disc burner could play any Dreamcast game. It was much cheaper to buy a 20 stack of CD-R's than it was to buy 1 new Dreamcast game.

Its deffo a factor user, why else?

This. Sega had so much failed hardware leading up to the Dreamcast that it was kinda inevitable.

Nintendos was all about proprietary storage because it meant they had full control over them. Over the NES and the SNES era they were strongarming many devs with them.
The same reason that made the NES and SNES so big is what caused the N64 and Gamecube to blunder.

Nintendos deals with Sony for CDs fell through shortly before the start of that gen. That was definitely another factor.

I remember tons of third parties from Nintendo switching to Sony because Sony had less restricting publishing rules and fees. I feel as if same thing is happening with Switch too. Games are being released on PS4/PC instead because it's cheaper to port there.

"Don't Copy That Floppy" is literally from 1992. Anyone with half bran used to copy Amstrad, Comodore and Spectrum in my neighborhood and shool during the late 80's. And yes, DC games were copied to hell and back.

You kids are retarded and full of shit.

Underrated post. Saturn killed the Dreamcast. The Dreamcast actually didn't do THAT bad but it basically had to break every record to save Sega from the Saturn.

Its the multi plat era there is no real reason not to just release it all on every system at this point unless the system you port it to is not capable of running the game at all.

You most likely wont see the newest battlefield, but all those smaller scale japanese games will most likely find their way there.

So, how do you guys calling it out for being a NeoGAF thing KNOW it was on NeoGAF?

Put the op into google, first result.
Most of the time threads are rehashed from reddit though.

This man.
Sure the PS2 was a big blow but by that point it was out the Dreamcast was doing very well and still continued to perform pretty well right to the end. It took a hit, sure, but the Dreamcast was salvageable.

The Saturn was the real Sega killer. In particular the story behind it.
It divided Sega up into an internal war. Sega of America wanted to contine the megadrive and released the quite useless 32X (their argument that the CD did well so it makes sense to continue adding onto it). Sega of Japan didnt really back the 32X. Thats why it had a big lack of titles and died out.
They wanted to push the Saturn out there to compete with the Playstation amd the N64. The Saturn was a powerful 2D console but it was a rushed mess of code and hardware design making it horrible to program for and it didnt see as many ports as the PS did.

But this divide messed up internal software development in Sega. Sega of Japan sabotaged Sega of America projects when they eventually came onboard with the Saturn.

Then with the Dreamcast they chewed Sgea of America out and got it all bacl in line but the damage had already been done.
Then they bowed out with the Dreamcast and went software only. Quite a wise move for the time and all three consoles got former dreamcast projects that were converted over.

After that though? Sega made cuts. Big cuts. Teams like Smilebit got chewed up and mashed together and the games took a massive hit for a long time.

Had things been different the Xbox could have been a sort of Dreamcast 2 that was backwards compatible. Thats why so many of the best orignal Xbox games were Sega ones ported over.
They had a pretty solid relationship. Some WindowsCE stuff was built into the Dreamcast (what made it easy to hack ironically), and when Microsoft released the Xbox Sega was there to throw their hat on the table.
Microsoft went their own direction ultimately though and nothing ever came of it.

ps2, anyone who says piracy is a fucking idiot
if you pirated you were like under 1% of people in the US who had the system

>bad decisions with 32X and CD
>sega not marketing shit
>lets announce the release date at E3...in 1995

and if you were alive back then, you'd remember that fucking copiers were EXPENSIVE AS FUCK