>Who cares about the animation? It's still got great 10/10 Bioware writing!
Yeah, that sure is some great Bioware writing.
>Who cares about the animation? It's still got great 10/10 Bioware writing!
Yeah, that sure is some great Bioware writing.
if you would take the time to go outside you would know that that was pretty natural. Not everyone quotes anime one-liners in day to day situations.
>Not everyone quotes anime one-liners in day to day situations.
Most of the script is "clever" one-liners, though.
my face is tired, OP
stop doing this.
0/10 ME:A is shit game
get it ?
Does 'poetry' mean something different in space?
>if you would take the time to go outside you would know that that was pretty natural.
pick two.
>my face is tired from dealing with everything
I'm watching some recordings of this. Who proof read this dialog?
Language evolves, as I'm often reminded by people who don't bother to learn the meanings of words and phrases.
The same aliens who wrote it.
>my face is tired
Yes I see that
silky smooth and fresh facial animations
goddamn poetry. AND youre GODDAMN father?
>my face is tired
Is this some turn of phrase I'm not familiar with, or did the writer have a brain fart?
>call mom
>to who?
an Easter egg to acknowledge botox face?
Slightly unrelated, but how is the music in this game? I quite enjoyed ME2's OST and good parts of 3. Hopefully it doesn't sound like baby's first composition but with the rest of the quality, I'm not so sure.
Bioware writers sometimes wink at the audience when they know their games are shit.
Hell, later in ME:A there's a plot point that's basically "go to this other planet and do something for no reason, even though the thing you want to do is right in front of you" and your crew tells you how stupid and pointless it is... but The Plot makes you go anyway.
is she autistic
she looks so
some of the dialog goodbyes one ups "i should go'
And there's weird things like Mission Traits. I feel like some of the people who worked on this were autistic.
Is beyond me how people can praise this company when they are responsible of the birth of this abomination.
Is this how the Franchise of Shephard dies?
>he doesn't turn down scary missions
I don't like spooky mannequin games.
What? It's a modern classic!
what's funnier, Andromena or this
because I honestly don't know
What would a basement dwelling neckbeard like you know about social interaction?
This is natural conversation that you don't see in video game writing and is more realistic and takes more from social situations you see in real life than other forms of media. It's brilliant and if you actually go outside and talk to people you'll see it's actually amazing writing because it manages to capture the depth and natural-ness of actual conservation between two real people with a sense and purpose under duress.
It's naturalness. You're right. Conversation is ultra natural. It makes my mouth pleased. Needs more ultra super good dialogue of this quality for more mouth pleasure.
can I shoot this blue nigger right into face and remove from game?
I don't get it,I like it.
Unlike previous DA and ME games, I think EA said companions cannot die in ME:A.
Likely because they don't want to write dialog for situations where the character no longer exists in future games.
Guys, I'll come clean.
I'm in love with Sara.
She is such a lovable, cute, adorable little autist.
I want to spend the rest of my life cuddling her and helping her play with legos, and then end the night fucking her violently while she just bewilderedly looks at me because she has no idea what sex even is.
She's perfect.
face tired; didn't read
Looking to get this game after having been blown away by Dragon Age: Inquisition. I played Mass Effect 2 and really enjoyed it, but I'm coming more from the Dragon Age side of things and not Mass Effect (only played portions of ME1 and ME3).
I really like how Inquisition did away with the linearity of the old Dragon Age games and, despite its size, presented a living, breathing world with fun combat to boot. Is ME:A a comparable game? For people who have played both, are there any thoughts you have?
Remember, "everything" is not said on the same sentence as the rest.
LOL its like I'm playing fucking kotor
There's more to it
>my father's dead
>big goofy smile
As long as you can put up with the musty urine stench and her getting cheeto dust all over your controllers she's all yours
There's so much wrong with this game we could shitpost about it until Christmas.
I don't know. KOTOR had some eye brow raises and slight smiles that were matched with the dialog from what I remember. The facial animations in this game barely match the dialog, and everything else seems randomized.
Your companions can't die?
For real?
Damn, this game is just one disappointment after the other.
Yet I still know someone who'se exited about it.
>back in highschool
>friend hands me his English paper asking me to go over it because I know my stuff
>circle all kinds of errors
>at one point show him how he's used 'their' inorrectly
>"Yeah well, Shakespeare changed the English language too!"
>The facial animations in this game barely match the dialog
The timing is usually fucked up between the mouth movements and the dialogue too. It's fucking distracting.
I think they also advertised companions not dying as a good thing too. So you can ignore people you hate, fail their loyalty missions (if you can fail them) but they'll still be around for the next game!
Same shit.
The facial animations are made worse by the absolutely monotone dialogue or downright amateur voice lines.
I still don't know how LA Noire and HL2 managed to do better than this game though.
Hey Haddockbanker.
You just destroyed the one thing I would have enjoyed from the game.
HL2 still have great facial emotions by this day
it is surreal how 13yo lives up to high starndards even now
Still, Crysis 1 had the best ever emotions and mocap.
The writing for the dialog is pretty bad in itself. They hired voice actors based on diversity quotas which made things worse. The salarian guy is some curry nigger and they advertised him as that to appeal to the tumblr crowd.
But remember
Were you hoping to get the game and kill everyone you didn't like? Which is probably mostly everyone.
The developers knew what they were doing.
>there are people that actually want to pirate this "game"
As a foreigner I'm completely baffled by just how often you "native speakers" keep misusing "they're" and "their"
Your language is one of the fucking easiest ones to learn out there and you're still failing at it, even while you're learning it from birth.
How, just how.
Or maybe they just don't want people killing off their OCs.
Seriously though, i wonder if any of your actions in this game have a form of negative consequence, like how deleting malon's data had me end up shooting mordin.
I care about animation
Will Casey Hudson disavow Indian Supremacist Manveer Heir?
>you can be a nigger
>or you can be a different nigger
I wonder if any of your actions in the game have any consequences at all.
Aside from choosing who to fuck, I'm not seeing any.
Reminds me how that one autistic DA developer had a fetish for his Leliana character and made her alive in DA2 despite there being options to kill her in DA:O. He had some autistic posts defending it on their forum while it was still up but someone added in a thing for the 3rd game to write her as an imposter of the original.
No one is a real life conversator until they real live conversation something
it's called being fluent
native speakers don't need grammar to understand the message, it's something you really only need if it isn't your language.
Only problem with HL are transistions
Like after being attacked by a Stalker in Episode 1, Alyx goes from neutral to completly devasted to neutral again
No, that's called being retarded, and pretending that you're doing it on purpose"
>tfw not even a native speaker and never studied english but even I cringe from that dialogue
it's like I'm reading some autistic fanfic of some 12yo sperglord
>Or maybe they just don't want people killing off their OCs.
Andromeda confirmed to be a Mass Effect fanfiction.
whatever makes you feel better
God you're such an obnoxious faggot
What was left of the original writers are Bioware left during Mass Effect 3's development. So the people writing for Mass Effect and Dragon Age right now are autistic fan fiction writers.
That's grade A+ projecting right here m8
>They hired voice actors based on diversity quotas which made things worse.
Prove that.
>being this uneducated
However, this does not excuse shit writing and sentence construction.
Get a trip so people can filter you
I love shit like this
You got triggered pretty fast there, mate.
>one of the fucking easiest ones to learn
I've literally only ever heard the opposite and I somewhat understand why. English is a massive cluster fuck of a language with a tonne of seemingly retarded rules which have just as many exceptions to them.
>"hairyy pooter!"
The worst part is that none of the actors are good enough to recognise a shitty director that doesn't give a fuck, and what they can get away with as a result.
Any actor worth their salt would be hamming it up to the eyeballs and chewing scenery like no tomorrow.
People like Scott McNeil or Tim Curry would be having a ball with a game like this.
this desu senpai
Advanced butthurt detected
The majority of voice actors are not actors.
They're just some random nobody's. I wish more games took a page from Dragon Age and hired people who do actual theatre acting. Those are the only games I've played in a while where character dialog and voice is worth something. Everything else sounds like it's voiced by someone they hired off kijiji.
>Dragon Age
fuck, I mean Dark Souls
Though Loghain had a decent VA from what I recall.
People who claim that english is hard to learn are even greater mystery to me. I know people who spent like 3 years or so learning english from scratch and had better grasp of english grammar than native speakers who finished their school with "GOOD" grades.
I honestly shudder to think how that education system even works without collapsing for so long.
Is there a torrent yet?
if you want to talk about how amazing you think you are you might want to do it somewhere that isn't on Sup Forums, or even worse Sup Forums's video game board on a mass effect thread.
Can't we just let this game die in peace? do we need to shit over it every single day? it will be forgotten in a week.
S-stap bullying!
Wait wait wait.
These are medium quality PS2 graphics. Silent Hill 3's Heather looked better than this. I'm not paying full price for a 2 decade old console version
I'm having more fun shitting on this game than I've had playing one in months. It's extremely rare that a AAA game is THIS big of a trainwreck.
Butthurt spelling tard detected
Go pick up a book, dummy
Me? My english is barely passable at best. My english teachers however were good enough to teach english in fucking england to the englishmen for several years.
Ain't exactly rocket science as it turns out.
Dude, English is easy as shit. No gendered nouns, no word changing with cases (genitive etc), grammar rules are piss easy. The only hard part is the nonsensical spelling and pronunciation.
You can still improve your language skills. Use a new word every day or even look up the meaning of an uncommon word or phrasing.
I recommend watching clips from Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver series.
Yeah, interacting with the language through many media sources is a really good learning device. Got that covered already.
I'm trying to watch/play/read(and shitpost here) as much as I can in english instead of my native tongue to improve passively as much as I can. I'm planning on starting that regime with french next.
I recommend the same to everyone who have even passing interest in learning a foreign language.
OK.. 1 & 3
That "female" Krogan and lisping Salarian in particular sound like they got someone off Youtube.
He'll, I've actually heard better VAs on YouTube.
That female krogan in particular felt to me like the VA was recording with complete disregard of the character being portrayed with it.
It doesn't fit the visual part so hard it hurts.