Downloaded this for free the other day. It's actually pretty clever and fun besides the shitty narrations

Downloaded this for free the other day. It's actually pretty clever and fun besides the shitty narrations.

It seems like something Nintendo should've thought up first. The creativity is crazy.

This proves Sony is for kiddies while nintendo is for adults.

What did he mean by this?

Tearaway is honestly a fun game, its a pretty big game too.

Media Molecule should work for Nintendo. They both have a lot of similar philosophies.

it's a game about the evils of immigration.
all these foreigners invading our pure country with their strange customs and music, diluting what used to be a beautiful place.

So the iota dude is Trump?

I said this before but I too think MM should be with nitty but I think Monolith should go with Sony

Too long, too boring, too "kiddiesh"
Dreams will flop
Mm will closed and raped with multiple Moveā„¢

Media Molecule are literal gods of cleverness in game design.

This is why Media Molecule should start working for Nintendo.

Dreams is by Media Molecule and it's coming out this year.

It will be GOTY.

>Dreams will flop
You fucking wish.

You mean Microsoft
See project spark

Au contraire mon ami, Tearaway actually bolstered my confidence that Dreams would succeed. I didn't think much of them after LBP but Tearaway is just a few points shy of a masterpiece tbqh

Granted, the "creative" parts of it were honestly the worst.

>you fucking wish
No, but the flop is coming

I wasnt as hyped for dreams untill i saw its potential. Its one of my mosy anticipated right now. The game is as good as your imagination and creativity and thats aewsome

>Implying nintendo makes anything but Zelda and mario games.

>They make something that isn't Mario or Zelda (see Splatoon, ARMS)
>"Lmao shovelware"

Stay out console war babies

>implying normies actually have imagination and creativity

>inb4 i don't want to create i want to play
If anyone has played LBP or Mario Maker you know that you don't have to touch the creation tools at all.

LBP is literally a top 10 game of all time.

Weather dreams flop or not it will be a great game. And i really don't care if only 200k people buy it because the community from LBP is currently already hyped about it as i have seen with them making forums to discuss the game pre-beta release.

I didn't like how heavily it used touchpads and camera on vita.
The first time I played it I was comfily in bed with the lights off and then it asks me to use the camera. Defeats the purpose of a handheld a little.

It will also be the blunder of the century

Prepare your anus for that ending tho

Thats great to know

>Small team
>cheap production
>no outsourced assets
>everything is done in-house
It isn't that big of an investment to begin with so i don't get what you are saying here.

>~100 people
>5 years of dev
>engine programming
>online driven so servers

>100 people
It is half that and they only started hiring 1.5 years ago so they were way under 50 employees for at least 3 years of that dev cycle.
>5 years of dev
They made 2 games in the mean time mate.
>engine programming
That is their specialty
>online driven so servers
Yeah but those are for already successfull games they had released prior.
What is your point here?

No listeb to that umbra ignite, though I bet your delusional ass already has, closer to 100 people

25 people made tearaway

Engine programming is still a huge undertaking

This game also needs servers

50mil game

Also they said they plan on having it be a service where you basically buy dlc, like LBP, that's how they plan on making money

Problem is they fucked up presenting this game and no one cares, it's another project spark even if it's way better

Tearaway is comfy as fuck. The Vita version is better though because its gimmicks fit the game's themes more appropriately.

>print out the squirrel from their site and glue it together

>Wow user you are so creative!

problem is that normies won't have the patience to pull something like this off. plus thousands of dicks and tits

we want real innovations, not this piece of shit.

>No listeb to that umbra ignite, though I bet your delusional ass already has, closer to 100 people
According to everything online it says approx. 50 people work there. This is from their own website and linkedIn aswell.
At Umbra Ignite he even said that half the team was working on tearaway
>25 people made tearaway
So yeah thats still 50 employees.
>Engine programming is still a huge undertaking
But that isn't for any of the reasons you are talking about. They are a team of 5-10 guys working on that engine. Not that expensive mate.
>This game also needs servers
But the game isn't live so the servers aren't costing them any money yet.
>50mil game
Uncharted 4 was 40-50 million mate.
Uncharted 2 was 20 million.
Uncharted 3 was 25 million.
The first Uncharted was also 20 million.
The main reason Uncharted 4 increased so much in price was because they had to outsource a ton of high quality assets.
I think you need to reevaluate how much development costs.
Dreams is much lower budget than those games.

LBP has been making Sony a ton of money through DLC. Even LBP3 has been making a lot of money through DLC.

I think you are underestimating how popular their games are.

Codename STEAM's only issue is that it takes too long for you to get towards a point where you honestly can customize your team in any worthwhile way. The dynamic though works well, and being able to speed up turns on the N3DS fixed it's more glaring issues with how long maps would take. But honestly you're just so locked down till mission 6-1 or so where you at last have more freedom in team members, steam packs, and sub weapons where you can kit out a group that does more then overwatch spam like it's X-Com.


Good game, nice to see game that actually do something creative with controler, first time touchpad and light didn't feel completely unnecessary

I'm sure it's going to be a great game, I'm bretty hyped myself

Let's hope they actually release it some time soon though

Believe it or not they posted this image today made with dreams.

Really nice game. Longer than you expect and extremely well made.

This. The game literally gives you (You)s

You missed the point

Tearaway was great, I really enjoyed that. They're completely unrelated but it made me sad that Loco Roco and Patapon never got PS4 downloadable games. Seems like they'd be cheap, easy, and well received

50 people making 40k takes 10 million bucks in five years and this is only salary

Fuck no. Nintendo has too many restrictions. First and foremost, the fucking limited hardware will always fuck up their ambitions.

Loco Roco and Patapon are getting remasters for the PS4, for what it's worth.

Who knows, they sell well enough and Japan Studio might get greenlit for more.

Ah I didn't know that, I'd get those, thanks user

You think the game can't break even on sales alone even though all LBP games even the ones not made by Media molecule broke even on sales alone.
Not all 50 people were on the project to begin with. They even said that they were only 3 people starting out on doing tech R&D. And only 1.5 years ago did they start hiring those extra people.
50 people is about what the entire studio has and they have made 2 games(1.5 really) in the span of those 5 years. (not to mention they helped sony develop the early compilers etc. for PS4 and they have chipped in slightly on development on shit like LPB3 and everything since LBP2 release)

Yeah it can't because this piece of game won't sell well

You can do it at your own pace and only make simple games or 2d platformers or whatever.
The thing is you don't ever have to create anything because mere weeks after the game launch there will be people who have made something worth playing.

Tearaway tanked

Except this game will not sell, screencap this

Are you too young to remember LBP man?
Of course this game is going to sell well

First you have to define what the dev cost is which sure as fuck isn't 50 million. It isn't an open world AAA engine with cutting edge polygonal graphics tech.

Define what sell well means. Because people have a very skewed idea of what "selling well" means.

But LBP was massively successful with the entire franchise having sold over 15million copies.

This is not LBP and this does not have the appeal of LBP

I've platinumed every single LBP except the psp version as it does not have trophies

This game is not LBP

Guess tearaway ahould have also sold millions then because Mm

No tearaway is a completely different genre of a game.

LBP and Dreams are much more similar from a design perspective.

It's an engine that's the result of 4 scrapped ones and it's a sparse voxel octree engine engine

LBP is a party platformer with appeal while dreams is some picasso simulator, well how they market them anyway, which is what matterd

engine engine engine

The sucess of stuff like LBP and Mario Maker lies in the tools. Easy to pick up and you can get to results fast. LBP especially offers some pretty deep options for the engine if you REALLY want to get hardcore.Can't see that factor here. Seems like a massive knowledge gap to just get started similar to mid-complex LBP stuff except you'd end up with a beginner tier result

Bet dreams creating will be hell without ps camera and moves

That is the graphics engine you are talking about.
All game engines are made of several engines.
So you are saying that dreams can't be easy to pick up?
What i have seen so far seems rather simple. You can just browse objects made by other people and pop it into your game.

>Downloaded this for free
*Rented for a price

>engines made of many engines

Lmao a game engine is the entire system which handles everything

Right and that is my point. A game engine is made up of several systems/engines.

I should know.

One of my favorite games of this geneation and one of the best gimmicky games I've ever played. How it uses the Vita's touch, gryo, and camera were so good. Not bad on the PS4 either.

>shitty narrations

Fight me fag

if you beat the game you realize that the locals are actually the evil ones for not being warm and accepting to the scraps. one you give them a shitty paper hat theyre all friendly

So if you have a PS4 camera does it still ask for the pictures and shows you in the sun?

That was honestly the best part of the Vita version. As silly and childish as it was, it make you, the player, into a YOU, an actual being in the game