You can't make white character in Mass Effect Andromeda

>You can't make white character in Mass Effect Andromeda

What else did Sup Forums lie to you about?

That Lego hair though

>that hair

Has Mass Effect gotten better hair since 2007?

Because this looks awful.

every colored person is turned on by white women, but hate white men.
no one is surprised you can make a white women. colored men really care about being horny

>that hair

>those hair.
Do they know tressfx? Maya?

Frostbite engine only really supports dudebro shooters with helmets, it can't actually female hair at all.

Female Ryder only, and you have to get blacked

That's better but it still looks kinda shit to be frank

that the game wasn't scary

Blacked or Alien'd.

well maybe by amerilard mysteryburgermeat standards...

Looking to get this game after having been blown away by Dragon Age: Inquisition. I played Mass Effect 2 and really enjoyed it, but I'm coming more from the Dragon Age side of things and not Mass Effect (only played portions of ME1 and ME3).

I really like how Inquisition did away with the linearity of the old Dragon Age games and, despite its size, presented a living, breathing world with fun combat to boot. Is ME:A a comparable game? For people who have played both, are there any thoughts you have?

female's male human romance option in all but one game are niggers

>OP pic
>White Girl
Pick one

how crusty are your palms?

>Your only male human partner as female Ryder is a black man, but you can be white.
>Your only female human partner as male Ryder is a white woman, but you can't be white.

Race-mixing is the future.

>eyes have zero reflection
No wonder why the faces look so lifeless.

I've played neither but I've read people saying they Inquisition-ised Mass Effect with Andromeda. It's open world in the same way.

Exsqueeze me?

so pretty crusty

>Americans are so used to race mixing they genuinely believe this is what a white person looks like

>calls it shit
>posts the weightless spaghetti hair of nu-raider

>2003 graphics
fucking epic man

She only looks white in this particular image because of lighting and tilting her head.

Go ahead and post a webm of her.

>I was unsure of what I just have seen, but I knew it was time for me to leave

>girl with blonde hair and blue eyes
>not white
the memes are real

Why are her eyes so dry?

because Bioware can't into models and animation.

That looks like an albino nigger.
So, not white.

Sure thing Elliot

Orange skin - dyed hair is not white people thing ya know?

That's not white

and next time try to get better lighting

Fresh off the press. Can make more if requested.



Can you show us as white as you can get it with both male and female? assuming different presets can get whiter

Looks white to me.

Sara loves Lego

Try it with every preset. Screenshots will do.

is this really possible or did you mod the files? proof?

Not anti-white, but your claim is emotional and ridiculous. People are hypocrites. I've seen White men hate Asian men but wanna fuck the women. I've seen Asian men hate White men, but wanna fuck the women. I've seen White men hate negroes, but wanna fuck the women.

Bottom line, racist or not, a lot of men will make exceptions to get some pussy. Anyone who says otherwise doesn't know much about people or history.

i'm sure someone will come out with texture swapping software eventually. it happened in the first game to fix Garrus's low resolution face.

Issue is the lightning.

This. The game has an agenda to sell

Game sucks and is trash. But they don't want to admit they're wrong and are just trolling you at this point.

>black guy



Slavs ain't white either. Fuck off.


Those don't exist though.

Tolkien is rolling in his grave right now

can you show us making them as white as you can? screenshots are fine

the whole point is that white people don't exist in a pure form in the future because were successful


oblivion tiers they are all puffy

>head 6
They're all bad but damn, number 6 is king of the uglies.

>Europeans think that is white
Antartican here. Pic related is white. Anything less, is nigger tier.


Head 3 is the only white preset.
10 options but only one for whites

I didn't know Prey released early

Shit that is the whitest one? wow that is sad


There wasn't a game with more problems than MEA, was there?
Maybe NMS

>head 3
Looks more like a hispanic person that bleached their hair.

They're in fucking space, retards. UV rays fucking everywhere and living in glass dome traveling space cities only makes it worse. A white person would be impossible in the Mass Effect universe...

That's because they have the skin tone set to crispy
Head 3 is the whitest when you turn that down to min

You're not being serious right?
Did you start playing video games in 2016?

Pick Male Preset 3 and make him as pale as possible.

But you won't because it doesn't fit your narrative.

MEA crack up? i want to check out the files but not pay for this shit


You do know that UV rays doesn't penetrate glass right?
Why else would you get a ski goggles burn if you are skiing?

just so everyone knows this is a copypasta from either reddit or neogaf. I saw a screenshot of this on here but can't remember which site it was posted to.

Maybe for a swedecuck

He's whiter than you, Sup Forumscuck

No, it's the newest Denuvo after the big RE7 fuck up they had.
There will be dozens of threads 24/7 for a few days / a week when Nier and ME:A get cracked, as is always the case when a popular game gets cracked on the latest Denuvo.

lol girls can have soft hair like that not everyones got stringy sperg grease hair

Even Fallout 4 managed to have decent hair

I'm pure Bavarian phenotype, nice try though nigger.

One sec, working on it. I don't really care one way or another, I had my helmet on in 1-3, I'm doing the same here.

Prove it. You won't.

you want him to send you an autographed photo of his tiny white dick or something?

get fucked, queer

You can make white people when you start off with a white preset. There's a lot of shit wrong with the game as is; you don't need to make stuff up. My character was practically a ghost made out of milk.

Here is my skin shade in ms paint.

What you just said says more about your state of mind than mine.

I'm enjoying all the butthurt that players are bitching about not being able to create "White" characters, in the future White skin will be a rarity and an oddity, so this game is preparing you for whats already to come.

Go outside sometimes

Okay tyrone, being limited in how you can create a custom character is a good thing. I would be just as annoyed if i couldn't make a black one either.

I sleep by day and roam the streets at night.


Prove it to me. I bet you're too chicken to do that though, heh I don't blame you.


Mass Effect games all have Lego hair

I'm actually similar to a chicken, but there's a small difference.
That being that I'm 100% white meat.

but what if I'm a gook, hate nigger and want to fuck some nigress?

Yes they do and one would expect them to improve from ten years ago, but apparently not


>Being this upset

I'm very happy with the results, it's more realistic that a Black person would be the pathfinder, considering that Black people have always been the trendsetters of our time

I've gone through every single preset's skin tone. Not a single one of them looks like that. Not a single one is even as pale as Corra's skin tone.

So unless they've added in a pale skin tone, since the 10 hour trial, I call bullshit.

Plus, pale skin tones don't change the fact that the customization is extremely limited. You're limited to the presets, which don't share all skin tones, with sliders that barely change the look of the presets, you can't edit the eyebrows, you can't change the shape of the eyes. You can make the lips thinner or thicker or make your mouth wider but you can't change lip shapes within a preset like prior games. You can't change brow shape OR color like prior games. You can't change eye shape within a preset like prior games. The eyes all look glassy and soulless no matter what you do to them.

I can't think of a single thing that ISN'T wrong with the customization system.