Cold Steel 3 / Kiseki

Tita / Randy / Towa confirmed. Pleb taste -fags on suicidewatch!

Who's Randy and Tita?

Go play Liberl arc for Tita and Crossbell arc for Randy

Please no.

>not wanting to study math and physics with Tita
Are you a faggot?

>no Vita version

>not wanting perma-orbal gear Tita playable

Seems I guessed half-right that the Liberl cameo would be either her or Anelace, kind of a shame that it isn't best girl though
No surprise on the others

Missed opportunity with her, then again these are only people associated with the academy as far as I know so its not ruled out yet.

A sexy loli

Hot stuff


loli was a mistake, should've been schera or anelace at least it's not the fucking brights again

What platform this game will be on?

I want to eat-a Tita!


Cold Steel strike again.

bring Kevin for fuck sake.

>Who wants to see Tita in her thirties? Not me!
Happy for Randy being back.

just fucking kill me

She'll be about the same age as Elliot, and he didn't exactly get the Olaf genes.
beard elliot when

Ps4 exclusive

>Tita in her thirties
Don't be retarded. She's a teenager at oldest.

> We want the pedo gay audience


Tita in her teens? Sign me up.

That's an adorable tita



I see

I want my girl Estelle, damnit


Noel or riot

Loli is good



I bet there will be another Cold Steel after 3

at least spell Noël's name right you plebeian filth

Trail series need to die

If you're gonna post crossbell, at least post someone who's cared about

Nobody cared who she was before she took off the mask

Can they please just transfer all funds to the mobile game and let the series die. Better than this undignified garbage.

This character is so bland, that they had to make it with big tits so that people could at least recall her name.

So how filled out will Tita be?

Did they finally fucked.
How old is even Tita now

Tita starts lusting after Rean's cock. How would that make you feel?

*Wild Rage*

She better not.

I'd call her mom ASAP

must... hold... back...

>Erika is the secret optional superboss
>Rean has to fight her solo
i like it
emailing Falcom now

She will appear in a field trip and hug the fuck out of Rean in front of his students.

She probably will lust after Valimar.

>CS3 cuts the harem hijinks and forces pairings

What happens

This user gets it.

Trails series is so good.

Someone give me motivation to play through 500 hrs of jrpg tho.

Writing improves drastically.

>hugging Rean in front of his students
>not hugging Rean's students in front of him
>and challenging him to a swordfight with his harem as the stake
you tried user, but not hard enough

The question is which pairings would they force besides Rean x Alisa.

user, she is his big sis, she will hug him and then proceed to hug his students because they are cute. What's Rean's is also hers, that's how big sis work.

>towa is back

She's gonna be a mascot in every falcom game from now on.

She has to become the main heroine you know.

As if she'd beat Alisa or Altina.

I think they said they're gonna merge several arcs in Tales of... from now on.

>Tales of...
Shit, I mean TLOH series


>tfw me shitposting about Tita being the Liberl character turned out to be right

Would rather have Schera but let's see grown up Tita

Kevin already showed up in Ao

So these are the new characters that are going to ride Rean's dick

hurrr surprise

I want to ________ Towa!



Has there ever been a more pointless and stupid character than towa? She's literally just there to be a mary sue because shes falcom's waifu. She has no importance whatsoever for the story but still gets treated like a goddess for no reason. I wish towashitters woukd fuck off

Why the fuck is Tita even in an Erebonian high school? Doesn't Liberl have schools of their own?

Randy being assigned as a teach I kinda get, it might be their way to keep him under surveillance. Lloyd said Randy was the first one they went after and shut down.

whore off

We need more lolis for Rean's loli harem.

She's gonna be the orbal tech teacher. Tita is with 100% certainity not gonna have any story scenes and only function in gameplay as the George of this game.

Probably either for research into tech like say Valimar (since Rean is at the school), as a cover to spy like a certain student or as a teacher/mechanic.


CS3 is roughly 4.5 years after Sky.

Tita would be 16-17 here.

>we could've had 28 year old christmas cake Schera

Why would you offer your services to the bad guy country?

She is going to be part of the Prince's party when he appears again to ruin Best Dad's day.

It pays well? Honestly, wait till they reveal what she is doing there, she probably is a spy or something.

How strong exactly is Randy? I'm under the impression he's the muscle of their cop group and that's why they targeted him first.

Sara, Claire, le epic dark Rean, around that level.

Just started playing this Cold Steel thing, can I fuck the teacher?

No. Despite being a dating sim, you can only date your classmates and even then only Alisa actually gets romantic scenes beyond a handshake.

Go Laura instead user

I kinda like how Millium's scenes are basically about her being Rean's little sister, their relationship is cute.


I didn't do Fie's last event even though she's my favorite because I liked her as an imouto (not the Elise kind though) and didn't want their relationship to become romantic.

Fie has some cute scenes too, I really liked the idea of her basically building a new family with Class VII to replace the old one she lost. It's kind of sad they all just went their separate ways and left Rean alone at the end.

Am I the only one who likes that not every girl is a potential romantic option?

This, user. Fie is the little sister Elise will never be


Oh her! That girl who had no character arc in CS2 and only a very brief one in CS1. I forgot she even existed.

Quality bait

I still don't get Elise's point. Fie and Millium do the job way better as little sisters.

Preaching to the choir buddy, I dunno what they were thinking with Elise

Nobody knows. Elise being trash is the one thing Cold Steel fans and haters alike can agree on.

Fie does the cool sister, Millium does the hyper one and we have Alfin for the fun one. It's like she existed to force Rean into dark mode.

Rean has been in contact with them all between CS2 and 3. All that bullshit about Rean being a broken man? That's just fanboys wanting to make Rean into a le punished character. The CS2 ending was happy and sugarsweet as fuck.

I would prefer to have more friendships like with Millium, who is the best little sister, but on the other hand I wish they would just push someone other than Alisa as the main girl.

Elise is a joke, she really is flat and not that interesting. I kind of wish she could have hated Rean or something.

Alfin goes to the same garbage bin as Elise. That's where you belong when all your dialogue is about big brother.

Probably not, since one of the most common complaints about Cold Steel is that the harem system really hurt the character dynamics.

I think she's an okay choice for Rean but that might just me wanting the other girls to be with someone else instead.

Yeah, that's why the male characters are the most fun in CS.

Kinda hard to see Laura falling for someone who is not into swording as hard as she is.

>mfw I didn't do Sara's, Claire's or Sharon's events because I didn't want to ruin their characters by having them fall for Rean Darks
>turns out they don't even fall for him

The game already has harem dating. Might as well give us access to best girls