Games with mechs in them?

Games with mechs in them?

I started growing an obsession with them recently.

Other urls found in this thread:

Titanfall 2.

Mech warrior games.

Xenoblade Chronicles X

If you have a PS3, Zone of the Enders

please for the love of god

post more legos


That's mecha trash, not mechs.

Anyway, OP, just play whatever Mechwarrior agmes you can run.

I am sorry


C&C II: Tiberian Sun
KKnD (only one mech, though)
Deus Ex watch out, he's some kind of mech

Brigador is a fast-paced isometric shooter with mechs (from large one to powered armours), tanks and agravs set in a cyberpunk-ish space colonial megacity of Solo Nobre.

And I will never stop shilling it for free.


i wish lego wasn't so expensive
i just want to be autistic without using all my neetbux

if you like SRPGs,

Ring of Red and Front Mission 3, 4, and 5 are all spectacular

Came to post this, Brigador is fucking wonderful and a must-have for a mech fan.
Dorothy master race.


>lego warhammer
I never knew i wanted that

Armored Core, start from the PS1.

Haha, I tried Dorothy a bunch of times on MAX and got wrecked sooner or later. Had the best luck with Duchess/Pinch and either Cloak (not too impressive since you're so damn slow) and Smoke (actually pretty nice if you remember to deploy it in time).

Tried Buckmaster with same setup and just shredded through everything.

Northstar is my waifu!

>C&C II: Tiberian Sun

Playing any AC before they started using analog sticks is fucking horrendous. Start at AC Last Raven and forget everything before it, even if it's the hardest game in the franchise because starting parts are dirt tier.

thats not lego
thats the american ripoff, megablocks

Iron Brigade/Trenched it's a hero-defense for X360 XBLA, PSN, and iirc, Steam
During WW1 someone went fullretard and decided that the best way to finish the war was to combine the relative safety of cowering in your trench with giant robot legs and weapon arms. Tanks were never developed and Trench technology was continuously advanced.

Decades later the creator of television decided to use it to take over the world, quite literally. He made the monstrous Monovisions in all manner of size and dimension and unleashed them upon the world.
This is where you come in, a decorated combat veteran of Trench warfare, you must take the fight against the mind warping horrors of TV with machine guns, missiles, mortars, and anything else you can slap on your Trench, even a Mariachi's Sombrero and Disco pantsuit paint job.
There's a expansion called Rise of the Martian Bear, it's also amazing.


Iron Harvest looks pretty cool. WWI with clunky ugly dieselpunk mechs.

Is there a W40K Lego video game?

So the indie gaming scene has been doing NES graphics for ages now.

When are we moving up in tech to PS1 polys like this? Low poly makes my dick hard.

Mecha Kombat moves are gay

seriously lost all interest in Titanfall2 after seeing that shit

Northstar is a girl, the guys are more virile

>PS1 polys
That's from CnC 3

Hate this shit.

Reminds me of when master chief started doing backflips

the other titans might be more to your liking