ITT: Post games NEVER coming out. I'll begin

ITT: Post games NEVER coming out. I'll begin.


Bloodborne on PC



why ruin the thread with console war faggotry?

Bravely default came out years ago bro.

Came here to post this.

They said the same thing about des, now looks where we are at.

I will never forgive Techland for shitcanning Hellraid in favor of more zombie survival schlock.

Didn't they say work on Hellraid was paused indefinitely or something? Not cancelled but just not actively working on it atm or some shit, too bad since I was looking forward to it after playing Dying Light

on hellraid facebook a post was made in 2015 that development was put on hiatus because:

A: They weren't happy with how the game was and want time to improve it

B: Wanted to work on Dying Light expansion first

It's been 2 years since then and we've heard not a peep. It's not cancelled, its just in development limbo or vaporware.

The studio lead said in a 2016 interview that Hellraid "definitely isn't dead".

Here's hoping they will re-reveal it at this year's E3

And it was shit. I'm talking about a game that actually has a second half

I don't give a shit what they say this is 100% fucking dead.


The fun half of starbound.

God that was such a disappointment

How does the exclusivity work here? Has Sony already paid them to bring that out on the PS3 exclusively? Where are they left now that it's obviously stalled development and would have to start again pretty much? Do they get a refund from Rockstar?

freelancer 2 ;_;

>release date March 2017
>not a peep from the devs since February


It got an official steam page a few months ago which is way more progress than I expected to see within the next three years.
