Castlevania Switch

With Super Bomberman R being a success and continuing to receive patches and updates, do you think Konami are encouraged to make a Castlevania game for the Switch? Especially with the animated show coming later this year.

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>screen scratching intensifies

That would be nice. But im not getting my hopes up.

No, I don't think that.

>false flag meme intensifies

Would be really nice if they made another Bomberman game and improve it more than just to show off what the Switch can do.

They still had someone from the Hudson Soft days to develop Bomberman though, didn't they? Hasn't Iga left with the entirety of the 2D Castlevania team?

I hope not. I the Nintendo Switch ends up as the Indie machine that is the end for Nintendo.
Even 7 years old know that you can pirate GOG games easily or wait for humble bundles

Sony is the best at black marketing aren't they ?


no thanks

>Super Bomberman R being a success
is this real?
It sounds nice

I feel like the show is what'll do it but I'm also worried that they're going to fuck it up and make yet another 3D action game that people only care about for a month.

It's a shame that Igarashi had to shit the bed after Nintendo put so much backing behind him, if it weren't for Judgment Castlevania might never have died at all.

Best selling Bomberman game this century.

I wish Konami would re-release their ReBirth games on Switch.

It's one of the few Bomberman games of the century.

I'm pretty sure it's the screen protector companies encouraging that rumor.

Bloodstained is now coming to switch, in the eventual case of lack of castlevania

Me too. I never got around to playing Castlevania rebirth on Wii

>It's one of the few Bomberman games of the century.

educate yourself

Those aren't even Bomberman games. Educate yourself.

>Those aren't even Bomberman games


He cant.

They don't have the definable quantities to be Bomberman games. You think a game is a Bomberman game just because Bomberman is on the cover? You're fucking delusional.

They wouldn't waste the resources because there already is a real Castlevania game coming.

>Mario Tennis is not a Mario game

Technically, it's not a Mario game. Not a real one. It's a tennis game featuring Mario, you goddamn son of a bitch.

If Bomberman R is successful then they'll port the game to other consoles remember?

No. 3rd parties are already declining.

Metroid Prime isn't a Metroid game
Mario Sunshine isn't a Mario game

ok ok, let's talk about real bomberman games

I hope they do, so I can watch all the hypocrite sonybros having a good time after they shat all over the game because it was Nintendo exclusive.

How much does the switch screen reflect? I have trouble playing the 3DS because my ugly mug gets reflected in the screen all the time.

>no games on Switch
>literally one of the only ones
>sells because there is nothing else to buy
Wow, must be a great game to get sales.

>being a success
>continuing to receive patches and updates
Pick one.

Go fuck yourself

lol retard

Thanks, Kojima!

Cool. Thanks for letting me know I'm objectively right and you lost the argument.

It sold 10 times as much as Disgaea 5 on Switch

You can easily fix that by lightly sanding your screen to a matte finish.

go eat a dick, you fag

>continued updates?
Is this confirmed somewhere? I'd love for some updates that add more items.

But it's just a Bomberman game

They are, but Mario Tennis isn't.

>FPStroid Prime
>a Metroid game


castlevania games are too hard.
Those are only for the masterrace of 2D platforming.

Maybe they could make one with the possibility of choosing a newb difficulty.

Nintendo is doing a lot to get companies like Konami, Capcom and Atlus to move their AA titles to the Switch.

>continue to receive patches and updates
For like the first month or two then the third party devs drop it hard like Wii U and Vita

>Maybe they could make one with the possibility of choosing a newb difficulty.

Most of the Metroidvanias barring CotM and OoE are pretty easy unless you try out stuff like the hard modes in DoS and PoR.

It's the best selling bomberman game during opening week but the sales are still garbage when stacked up to other games. I think even 1 2 Switch outsold it.

What I hope from the moderate success of SBR is that the composer shows up in more games because the soundtrack in that game is probably the best so far this year.