Welcome to Weenie Hut Jr.'s

Welcome to Weenie Hut Jr.'s,
how pleb are you?

I savescum in Dwarf Fortress by closing the process in task manager whenever things aren't going the way that I like. Plus I have only ever used the Lazy newb Pack.

I once used a walkthrough on a Telltale game.

I keep impulse buying early access games.

I bought Cubeworld.

Me too.

I used the Fenrir keyblade strat to beat the lingering will in KH2FM

I cheated in straight 25s on all KF2 perks

I refunded it as soon as it got out of EA.

I unironically enjoyed FF13 and MGS4.

>I cheated to skip the fucking Tripwire grind that takes a birrion gorillion years

I don't see what's so wrong

I love Starbound, and have put about 60 hours into it so far.

my time in ESO is 99% just stealing things compulsively, and barely play the game.

Ark is a fantastic game

I sit in discord chats and silently whack myself off to the sounds of softspoken fuckboys.

I enjoyed spore

I savescummed FTL so I could finally beat it at least once

I never beat RDR because the gunplay felt boring unless I was getting chased on horseback and close to death.

I stopped coming on Sup Forums to avoid Andromeda spoilers and because I was pissed that every Andromeda thread was full of contrarian faggots.

Turns out they were right. I bought copies for both PC and PS4 and after three hours I have to force myself to even start up the game. Fuck you for doing this to my favorite franchise, Bioshit.

>I bought copies for both PC and PS4

but why

VII is my favorite post-1996 FF.

I haven't 100% completed a game in years

Always get to around 80-90% at most before something else I wanna play comes along

I'm still not sure if this is because I'm a pleb or if the hardest challenges in games are getting extra autistic in order to compensate for modern handholding, shit's time consuming

I use trainers in all my pc games in which are all pirated, especially the indie ones.

I borrow multiple games from my friends only not to return them.

I backed ouya.

That last one though

Back when I played Need For Speed: Most Wanted on my PS2, I would run up to the console and shut it off just as/before I got busted by the police so my car wouldn't get an impound strike

They'll never take you, my sweet BMW M3

>I backed ouya
jeez, user

>I backed ouya.

jesus fucking christ

Only 60?

>I backed ouya.
How have you not killed yourself by now?

I just started playing a week ago user.

Zelda games are too hard for me

Sort of related but not really: in a game with realistic graphics, I will always restart a level just before dying when I can. Watching my character die is just too sad


Nah the real pleb option would be anything from X onwards.

>savescum in Dwarf Fortress
me too

MGS 3 is worse than 2 and 1

that's not pleb it's pretty valid actually

>I backed ouya.
surprised you have friends to steal from

i've never played any zeldas, only bootleg marios and no final fantasy titles
i only played xcom reboot on easy and savescummed to the point i had 0 failed missions on the endgame scorescreen
i'm unironically 1.5k mmr at dota two

How the shit is that casual? I mean other than FF7 you've got "FF spacetime emos" and "FFAH-AH-AH-AH". Only FF9 came close, but they're a toss up

>i've never played any zeldas, only bootleg marios and no final fantasy titles
Honestly not as bad as you might think. Zelda and Mario will probably seem shallow if you try to play them now, and if you don't like JRPGs Final Fantasy won't change your mind