How can we possibly export diversity and progressiveness in japan? Since ignoring their VIDEOGAMES has little effect in their sales, there must be another way to make them stop creating male oriented VIDEOGAMES nobody but complexed males likes or play. They must comprehend that their games promote things that are unecceptale in our time ,like unrealistic female characters and lack of LGBT+ ones. That's when it comes our part: we need to stop buying their VIDEOGAMES in mass to send them a clear message. Spread this over social medias let's make the world a better place together!
Well, what do you have?
the Sup Forums is not even subtle anymore
This can't be Sup Forums, the self-hating jap doesn't type like that.
>Be part of lgbt community that seriously wnats to change things
>Make thread about it
>No one takes it seriously because they think is falseflagging
Sup Forums strikes again i see
I'd recommend you to drink a bottle bleach that will help
trust me I'm a doctor
>lgbt community changing anything
not in this timeline
Can someone recommend a good modern JRPG for someone who never played them? I want to try this genre but I'm not sure where to start.
>lgbt community
What a bunch of faggots.
Girls love it.
Play Chrono Trigger
CCC masterrace reporting in
Dark Souls
I've seen this thread already today, stop replying to it, it's bait.
Also check my 5
Alternatively, jump in front of a train
Nice falseflagging Sup Forums. What's the problem, people are getting shick of your bullshit and you resort to this?
Dragon Quest 3
well, this thread was just deleted to the guy remade it