just watch porn

Stop posting this in every fucking thread.

Call me when they make the models look like the artwork for each girl instead of having them being cookie cutter part swapping dolls.

This confuses me but also makes me think they're going to pull a timeline merger in order to pull stuff from the main universe with story justification.

Yeah, it seems pretty significant that they are specifically using the number 7 instead of 3 despite there only being two numbered games so far.

It's the smart move though. The spinoffs have always been more popular so they may as well be the main series.

My hope is that it means yoma battling and seriousness with the extended cast, but I fear it'll mean shitty Versus-style excuse plots with supposedly serious characters like Naraku, Kagura and Dogen instead.

I think Takaki is itching to make another "real" Senran at this point, so I'm pretty confident it will be the former. The use of the number treating it like a "main" game seems to back that up.

It's time for HD rumble?

>game is only at 2
What the fuck? They make more spin offs than the fucking main games.

We're at 7 already? Jesus Christ

Will the gameplay will be anything above mediocre, for once?

Stop buying games with your dick

>SK Burst
>Shinovi Versus
>Estival Versus

Haha no.

Stop telling people what to do. It's not your fucking money.

Bon Appetit and Peach Beach Splash, even though they're basically spinoffs of spinoffs.

Shinovi Versus
Bon Appetit
Estival Versus
Peach Beach Splash

Every single game counts.

Does it make your dick feel good to go in threads for games you don't like and whine about the so-called "mediocre gameplay"?

PBS actually does progress the story of EV and binds the timelines together. It has already happened now rather than something which will happen in 7.

Also this game has some of the best bosses in the series, maybe of all vidya.

If every game counts then they are at 8 because Senran Kagura on the 3DS had two versions.


The tits are no longer enough to make me endure another one of those.

The world will be wrapped in happy boobs.

Can you go into detail?


So ... what's the point of the mainline games again? Isn't this essentially DOA with anime girls? Seems like people prefer the spin-off fanservice games than trudging through a story just to get 5 seconds of not-lewd.

People prefer the versus series because it has more waifus.

The whole point of the main series was that they had ninja schools, and learned to fight, in order to ultimately kill off the youma/demons that would show up and slaughter people. The main story involved Asuka &co, from the good ninja school, with their run-in and fighting with Homura &co, from the evil ninja school.

Shinovi Versus mostly forgot about the youma points, focusing instead on introducing two new school (well, really, one new school and a second group from the existing evil school) and the interactions with everyone. They also seemed to have forgotten everyone's personality, mostly flanderizing them. Estival Versus introduces yet another new school, with even more flanderization.

It's okay user your parents still love you

Ofc they do unlike you i have a life :)

Did that building explode?


tfw both. Degenerate weeb in senior year of business school with a job lined up

>like a million of these fucking games in just a few years
>another announced

neck yourself

That only means you are closer to death




what is this edgelord response
fuck off user

>look like the artwork for each girl instead of having them being cookie cutter part swapping dolls.
but they look like cookie cutter part swapping dolls in the artwork as well

You're blind.