
What PS3 games are you [attempting] playing?

I bought a cfw PS3 a year ago and honestly, the best things I played on it were HD PS2 games.

hiyoku renri no darling doesn't boot, rip.
trying to find a non-ass download link for puyo puyo tetris.

>5 fps


>Literally less than 5 FPS


can so with good internet d/l tokyo jungel and demon souls?

It was a pretty fun game for 30 seconds.

Are games that popular hard to find download links for?

gib link pls

everybody loves raymond gets to a data install screen and then doesn't respond to controller input. a grand tragedy.


Castlevania Harmony of Despair

Doesn't work at all, obviously.

doesn't that game have a PC port now?

apparently. i just downloaded the pstriple version while downloading random VNs and shit but i might try the PC port since it was fun.


farted really loud

Huh, how come I never saw it. And I just ordered it physical for the PS4.

Guess I'll just jack off to the cover art then.

I think I shat shall we look?

Just get a CFW PS3. They go for $100 now. Makes more sense to buy that then get a $400 Intel CPU just so you can get 15FPS.

i bought an e3 flasher that i will eventually probably use, and that is how i justify wasting hard drive space on all these games

naaah Im fine

post your underwear faggots

Can I get some more details on this?
Poor gamer, here.

Find a PS3 on 3.55 OFW or lower, install CFW in 5 minutes with a USB stick, enjoy pirated games and homebrew.

You can buy pre modded PS3s on eBay for $150. Not a bad one time fee for unlimited games.