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I can't stand Dan and I'm not sure why. Maybe it's jealousy? I dunno, I really can't stand him.

>GameGrumps has now been Arin + Dan for longer than Arin + Jon


gonna have to admit, arin was pretty funny in the recent grumpcades with oneyplays

maybe he just needs people who don't suck his cock 24/7 like dan

I was a fan of egoraptors animations since childhood. I started following Jon around a year or more before the grumps came out. Liked both of their content, and loved the way they acted together. Sad to see them go separate ways. Used to hate Dan, but he's grown on me as of late and I've recently in the past few months started enjoying the content again. I usually watch it because I'm lonely and have no friends.

Their sun and moon let's play was aids.

Literally stopped watching after Jon left

Egoraptor will never go back to making animations for any reason other than to sell his garbage albums ever again

This. On the whole Oney and his gay friends feel more like actual friends with actual conversations. Nothing is off limits and every stupid thing that comes to mind they say. I haven't watched GG in a long time but with Dan and Arin it felt like a business partnership more than a friendship. Plus Dan is a PC faggot.

I love Dan. Arin is kind of annoying, probably must be his shitty wife ruining him because I usued to like him on newsground.

I know this is probably the unpopular thing to say on Sup Forums but I really like them. They're one of two Youtube things I actually subscribe to.

All e-celebs are cancer. Quarantine board when?


>It's a Arin spews bullshit he claims as fact and lets his autism show
He fucking went off because a cashier asked him if he wanted his eggs bagged

>Claims all video games stories are worthless as they remove him from the game

>Arin shits on Ocarina of Time
>His Windwaker playthrough makes him look like he is literally retarded

I never watched this garbage, just looking at the title card pisses me off
am i missing out

a lot of their stuff is hit or miss
they have a lot of really funny stuff (just look at all the animations)
i really love both Dan and Arin, long time fan
What most people dont realize is EVERYTHING they do is improv. which means there will be really funny stuff and cringe cancer that a 12 year old wouldn't like.

their personalities are great and over the years they have gotten much better comically and skillfully. they are both talented and charismatic people.

>only mine is right

Jon wasn't even on it for year, danny has been there close to 4 now

>Arin/ Danny has now been QUADRUPLE as long as Arin/ Jon

>He fucking went off because a cashier asked him if he wanted his eggs bagged
What's this about?

Was much better in the JonTron era. /thread

>Claims MM holds your hand in the game

To be honest Danny is the only reason I can stomach this shit. Arin is insufferable and needs

Gotta admit - it does feel like Arin is closer to Oney than he is with Dan. Could be because that Arin and Oney have lived (still live?) together, plus actually having experience with animating probably makes them feel close.

What's interesting is that on Oneyplays they just say whatever and if they feel that it'll be offensive they just cut it. On GG they try to keep things PC, but on the episodes with Oney they seem to be more lenient.

I like their one-offs. I can't stand the marathon plays of games I really don't care about watching someone play. Like seriously? You're going to do a 100+ episode lets play of Dark Souls 3? A game with a couple hundred hours of replay value?

I don't like how Dan has been getting less involved with the actual games too. Like just find shit and make him play it.

Also just wonder, does anyone actually watch Steam Train?

I love them so much.
I get angry at them for being stupid, but i forgive them because they still make me laugh.

His OoT video already made him look like that.
>This enemy doesn't work on 3D because you can't see the whole picture so it attacks you off-camera, nevermind it has a clear pattern
>you know what this part of the game needs? This enemy I just told you doesn't work on 3D.
>why am I saving Gorons? why can't I have the most tedious escort mission?
>lock-on removes you from paying attention to the enviorement, Wind Waker did it better (even though it's exactly the same)
I never saw a series go bad so quickly from one episode to another. But I'm still glad he started Sequelitis because he inspired a lot of much better people.

I kinda wish arin would bring in someone new for game grumps, i really like him and ross together, I also think stamper or oney would be good, but they have so many shows now I guess it doesn't really matter.

It's a couple of friends playing video games and talking about the games/themselves/shit going on at the time.

If you like their personalities and humour then you might like some of their stuff. If you don't like their personalities and humour then you're not missing anything.

I find them funny, but I totally get why some don't.

I mean you should at least give it a shot. I normally hate all the e-celeb bullshit, but there's something about them that is endearing. It's usually pretty juvenile, but it's fun in a way.

Dan and ross are cool, but Arin WHOA ?PFFFFF WEEEEWOOOOLO Hansen gets in the way.

It had conflicting opinions about games and everything else.
Dan is so boring, he agrees with everything Arin says.

What an autist

Oney's head would explode once they'd tell him he couldn't make fun of the gays or blacks anymore

the selling point of e-celebs is their acting skills and therefore they belong in Sup Forums

The problem with danny is he isn't really good at video games, and rarely plays he is just the improv guy, where jon would do both.

Jon era was better. Oneyplays is better than either.

Danny is better at videogames than Arin, he just doesn't get to play them nearly as often

watching LPs on a flight y/n

with a blutooth speaker y/n

No you fucking idiot. Use headphones. No one cares what you're watching unless they can hear it.

Three strikes and you're out. Underage autism, saged and filtered.

>Defending Ocarina of Time

How's it feel to be a 90's kid?

He isn't , he said he has problems with 3d games, have you seen the doom lp?

>all jon did was yell and say stupid shit
>all danny does is tell stories about some time when he was high or his past as a jew
>all arin does is whine about modern gaming while complaining he doesn't know what to do because he tuned out during basic instructions and plot explanations.

they are shit. even fucking pewdiepie learned to stop being a faggot, but they are still the same bottom of the barrel shit they were when they started, just with 1/2 of the crew replaced.

The Oneyplays episodes on Game Grumps were the only good thing they've had since Jon left.

I didn't say the weren't good

maybe actually read what I posted before you sperg out

Maybe you shouldn't sperg out yourself since I was just saying Oney is the only good thing that has graced GG.

Have you watched any of the Paper Mario LP? Granted, TTYD isn't that hard, but he's been doing a lot better than Arin would have if he was playing.

>Arin makes good and interesting points about Megaman and Castlevania in his first two sequelitis videos
>completely drops the ball in the OoT/LttP one

What happened lads?

>A jew and a cuck screaming at a screen and laughing because someone said ''penis'', for 4 years straight.

Jon was better and felt more natural than Danny Shitlord.

Suzy is ugly as hell desu.

Bring back Barry.

Jon era, BEST era.

>Super Castlevania is too easy!!!!
>*proceeds to get stuck halfway into it on GG and cant even beat it*

Uh huh.

is Barry gone now?

He's 100% right about Ocarina of Time aging like a turd and A Link to the Past aging like wine

I miss egoraptor

Arin's a blithering idiot who can barely form complete sentences anymore, relying on funny voices and talking about the mundane shit in his life nobody cares about
Dan would be a decent straight man if he didn't have to work off of fucking Arin
Ross is okay in short bursts but he's been gone for over a month by this point because he's actually fucking animating
Suzy seems nice enough but has absolutely no comedic timing and ruins everything she appears in

Oney and his friends used to be alright but it gets grating after a while. Chris thinks basically every game they play is except for FFVII, quite possibly the most boring game to LP. When Dingdong doesn't like the game it's just "Haha look he made the funny joke", and Julian literally only exists to wheeze. You don't get to keep making jokes about how all you do is make funny voices, then proceed to make funny voices and screaming at random intervals for another couple of months. If this was anybody else you'd throw a fucking fit, but I guess because it's a guy who used to make funny videos you let it slide just like Arin?

He's spatially retarded. He could barely even play WW the babbiest easiest Zelda game.


Dan seems like a bro, but god I can't stand his obsession with sex or drug jokes. I get that he's been a stoner, or maybe still is, but isn't there some other field of humor somewhere in there? The rare cases when Dan gets to play a game are most likely the more entertaining episodes. His lone playthrough of Space Quest III was probably one of the most interesting ones in recent memory.

Arin comes off as an asshole most of the time, especially considering he's making money on playing pretty much all games worse than a five year old would because he literally doesn't care about 99% of the games he plays on the show. But on the other hand when he DOES know what to do in a game, almost always because he's played it before, the viewing experience is worse because the fun part about watching Arin play games is his first impressions of stuff. Instead he pretty much rushes through the game as quickly as possible with almost no reaction to it and with complete disinterest in it. Overall, the viewing experience would be so much more fun if Arin actually cared about the games when he played. Not to mention the guy has pretty much completely lost his sense of humor. His lone playthrough videos were kinda interesting, but still pretty bland.

I look up to Danny. Everyone else is alright but Ego's girlfriend always makes the worst jokes. Oney needs to stay off the show he is way too nervous/autistic and it doesn't work.

>but I guess because it's a guy who used to make funny videos you let it slide just like Arin?
wait about 2 years then we'll have bitching threads about Oney, don't worry

"hey everyone, julian is gay"
*everyone wheezes*
"hey homer"
*everyone wheezes*
"we're in undertale"
*everyone dies of laughter*

oot is still the greatest game of the 20th century

>look julian, you're in the stars
>would you rather 'x' or 'something that rhymes with 'x'
> (in a homer voice) hmmm me wife

And yet the first thing you still think of when you see "Game Grumps" is Jon. I guess he really made an impression.

Yeah, the albums are pretty shit. I finally for around to listening to them yesterday, and some songs are quite good and funny, but everything is so short, and a lot of the jokes are very hit or miss. Many don't even make sense like the Pokemon ones. It's just super edgy humor that misses the mark.

That said, I still like the Smash, Metal Gear, and both Zelda ones. But mostly cause the Studio Yotta animations are so damn good.

And Jesus fuck, have you seen their video of them performing live? Not only is it max cringe, but they're also pretty fucking terrible without studio editing.

Idk why Arin is trying to become a fucking rock star, when he certainly doesn't have the personality, NOR the professionality for it.

They could make something legit professional and good, but they instead choose to be "heh, us internet guys and our amateur style and sense of humor, heh."

Would you rather post on Sup Forums or shit on Sup Forums?or

The most mainstream "two dudes shoot shit over video games" series on Youtube next to Two Best Friends Play. It's shit.
It's the reason why Arin stopped doing animations.

I love his flamboyancy. Guess it's a select taste.