This is how Nintendo is "fixing" the joycons sent for repair
A literal piece of rubber
This is how Nintendo is "fixing" the joycons sent for repair
A literal piece of rubber
what was the issue?
looks like antistatic foam
Bad signal
Does it work?
If it does, whats the issue?
it has no antenna whatsoever
How easy is it to diy this? What kind of foam do you need or driver to open the joycon and can you get it in any hardware store?
The fix is a piece of wire to work as antenna
The rubber is placebo
Nintendo is lying
When your warranty expires, Nintendo will charge you $60 for this "fix".
looks like foam
The person who got it back from nintendo with the foam said it worked though.
Should be $60 already since they opened the Joycons themselves
It's anti static foam
Something must be fucking the signal up and this is blocking it.
Eagerly anticipating how this simple fix will be spun into a negative.
A flaw like this is simply an insight into how shitty this console is built.
So everybody has to send back their joycons for this upgrade?
Only if you're having issues
No they didn't
Great news!
Now I can buy a Switch for Christmas without regrets
Thanks for beta testing, guys
yes they did faggot. they even removed it and tested it
special mumbo jumbo nikle/ copper something foam
No they didn't
god nintendo is so cheap
cheap nintendo is so god
nintendo so is god cheap
so is nintendo cheap god
Prove it.
It's not a piece of rubber, it's a piece of conductive foam, which is often used when there isn't enough space to otherwise shield the antenna from interference.
the foam is conductive you faggot, IT ACTS as an antenna you fucking fag
So is god cheap nintendo
Antennas don't have to look like rabbit ears on your Dad's crt tv kid.
I'm sure glad I didnt pay $300+ for a tablet and worse Wii remotes
>nintendo fixes the joycon issue
>user who probably don't even own a switch still find a way to complain
>placebos work on electronic devices
Are you actually retarded?
This board would be better off without redditspacing faggots like you constantly trying to force your stupid console wars.
Please go and stay go.
I have a question: If the controller is communicating with the rest of the system through this antenna, where does the interference come from? Are there other wireless parts or is it just electromagnetic noise from the other components?
They added a spužva.
The electrical infetterence comes from scanning one joycon twice at checkout instead of individually.
It's the signal losing when something is in front of the controller because the antenna is so weak.
Not me. My launch day Switch hasn't had any issues.
99% of people in this thread won't do the research to realize it's conductive foam and will spend the next year shitposting claiming it is rubber.
Screencap this
Remember when nintendiots swore this would be fixed in software?
Apparently there have already been different batches of joy-cons shown by different serial numbers on the board, makes me wonder.
Bought my Switch on day 1 in Germany and the joy-cons work perfectly, even from many meters away and when I cover them with my hand.
I guess my Switch might have been made later than some of the Switches sold in America, then?
But does it work?
That is the important question.
Hello newfig
But it fixes the issue. Whats the problem here?
No they didn't.
Honestly, I don't like the joy-cons much anyway. At least when they are separated. I just can't get used to controlling something with two tiny things one in each hand.
With the grip they become "okay", but it's still nowhere near how amazing the pro controller is.
Tbh I'll probably never buy any Switch game that doesn't work with the pro controller.
Shut up abdullah
Anyone know where I can buy this stuff? I could repair it myself.
>it's actually just a faulty antenna design
>literally just said fuck it to their trace antenna and went with a small plane antenna made of conductive foam
I guess I really shouldn't have expected good antenna design from a video game company.
> Fixed the problem
> found an extra piece of foam
where is your logic retard?
stay in school please
Is it fixed though? Isn't that the only thing that should matter?
ain't clicking that bait
damage control
The antenna is the thing the square foam is covering on the second photograph. It's built into the circuit board.
Yes it fixed it
No it didn't
Yes it did. Every report I can find about it being sent back said the joycon works fine now
Nice sources chief
Says the guy that just keeps posting "No it didn't".
Is it a spacer? Are the pins losing connection due to movement and pressure?
they literally "forgot" to put the antenna in the left joycon
I'm not clicking that
>they will fix it in a software upgrade, they said
It's conductive foam that helps reduce RF interference
No one will suddenly think you're pulling an epic prank if you keep doubling down on it, user.
>electrical infetterence
I don't think thats a word, not in the Milky Way at least.
>itt: people arguing about vocabulary and missing the scam
>conductive foam infeterrence
What scam?
That foam is conductive
And how is that a scam?
Oh you're that guy.
All this talk about foam...
Basically it's cheating because it's a cheap workaround for a design flaw. It might be working, but they should just redesign the whole thing.
>And how is that a scam?
>What scam?
the joycons are sold for 80$ and they are missing parts
Well, when my ps3 controller was acting weird I fixed it the same way, just added a piece of double sided tape to the board and it stopped pushing all sort of buttons when I pressed the home button
Only if it was a widespread issue but every launch is going to experience some hardware problems. This seems to be within normal expectations.
i tried eveything to force any joycon sync issues but they never stopped to work flawlessly.
>Whats the problem here?
That its literally illegal when nintendo does it, 1 out of every 3 xbox 360s can fail, and 2 out of 5 ps3 will get the YLoD, the ps4 controller battery only lasts 2 hours, but its against the law for nintendo to release a new system without some guy out of 1000s to have a problem with his system
you're probably standing too close.
try using them while sitting on the toilet, with the door open so you can see the TV in the living room. it breaks every time
It's called clickbait, user. Articles about problems with Nintendo and Apple products will always get more attention. That's why OP made this thread.
stop using statistics to support your claims
I'd say the easy way to 'spin' it is "they should have been shipped with a fucking antenna to start with".
>That's why OP made this thread.
I literally cannot live without (You)s
Looks like I'd be able to fix it myself if it ever gave me problems and the warranty expires. Good to know.
>and the warranty expires
The battery will stop holding a charge before that
It only happens to some.
Nintendo has said that the amount of failures the Switch had at launch is no bigger than with any other console launch, it's blown way out of proportion. They also seemingly fixed this already in production a while ago, so the only people who might encounter issues are those who unfortunately ended up buying one of the earliest Switches made.
I bought mine on day 1 and mine works flawlessly too unless I stand far away and try really hard to cover it completely.
So I guess you could crack open your joy-con and check for the number on the board, but if yours works just fine then no need.
Did they never test this shit before they sent it out to be mass produced?
That specific joycon suffers poor signal and connection issues.
Sitting 6 feet from the TV, my left Joycon loses signal if anything interupts line of site with the console, my own leg, someone walking by the TV, meanwhile the right Joycon never loses connection.
That's not a scam, it's just half-assed.
A scam would be releasing the non-functional JoyCons KNOWING they're borked, and then offering to 'repair' them (read: install a part you intentionally excluded) for a small fee.
>Sitting on the toilet with the door open
The one console that's literally built so you can just take it to the shitter with you, and you keep trying to play it on a TV in another room?