I'm still not over this

I'm still not over this.

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What's this about? Shit fanbase?
Anyway, have anyone ever gifted Sonic to other important fucking people?

did this really happen?


A retarded game for an equally retarded man.

I'm sure Undertale isn't completely bad but pope a shit.

The title says he gave him a game.
What was the question the hysteric guy on twitter is refering to?

true dat

Yeah; Matpat made an entire video where he talked about how a youtube program let him visit the Pope, and to "promote the gaming community" he gave him a copy of Undertale (read: A slip of paper with a steam code). He then spent the next 10 minutes of the video sucking undertale's dick as if it was the first game ever that was """peaceful""".

It's not like the pope has anything worthwhile to say anyways

you know that idiot that makes those game theory videos? he got the encounter the pope and then gifted the pope a copy of undertale because it's a videogame about love and peace and understanding

look, i'd like to believe it didn't happen either but the proof is all there

did the pope ever end up playing or even just watch someone play it at all?

Matpat asked him what he thought about games in general and if undertale would change his mind since it let you be a pacifist.

I unsubbed to that fag when he stopped making theories and just kept shilling his YT Red series.

He must have, because a month later the pope said that videogames are shit and people should stop playing them.

That's a new low even for that dude. Also he's got to be the only one still talking about Undertale.

Probably not, but it's just a theory

Did Obama play the copy of Witcher 2 Poland gave him? Of course not.

>one of the most important men on the planet

Lmao, maybe 50 years ago. Catholicism is dying fast.


>the pope

It was Witcher 3, famalam.

>People don't have varying levels of things that are important to them
>The pope isn't just another guy

Considering how hip the pope is it makes sense for him to consider games as a relevant thing for people.

He hates them, says they make people vegetate.

nope witcher 2, the pc version

It was 2


Underrated post

I don't know why his Undertale shit still trends on Youtube. It's always something moronic like "this character is really this gender!" or "could Undertale and this completely unrelated video game take place in the same universe?".

To be honest if i were to give something to Francis it would probably be my Drunken Master II DVD

Whats the best game to DEUS VULT!

Undertale was a runaway hit game literally about pacifism and mercy. Not like Deus Ex or MGS where you can be Batman, but a game where the POINT is to try to teach the player about the meaning and value of true pacifism, total avoidance of violence. It was a perfectly fitting gift and topic for this completely meaningless photo-op event with a completely meaningless B-list celebrity.

Has the Undertale still refused to acknowledge that they're the modern day bronies?


Which one of them is the B-list celebrity?

Being a pussy bitch is literally what Christianity is all about.


Oh please, the Undertale fanbase is largely diminished at this point. MLP was a small cultural movement, that's still going on today. Ponies eat up Undertale, and all that other gay shit.

I still can't believe that this happened.



Current pope is a globalist plant

>most important
Says literally who? Skydad? Skydads Adventures Vol. 1?

What happened? What is this a picture of?

>the first game ever that was """peaceful"""
you mean a game where 2/3 of routes involve killing monsters?

even postal 2 lets you get by without killing anyone

What would you ask him about anyway? Things that he talks about every other day already? May as well bring up a fresh topic.

It's a biblical tradition for a priest or religious figure to wash the feet of 12 men (representing the 12 disciples) and then kiss their feet on Holy Thursday as a symbol of humility and brotherhood you fucking uneducated swine


See: Roman Catholic practice

Should have gift him GREZZO 2

Did anyone else become religious because of the memes and hatred of reddit?

>Not giving the pope Dante's Inferno


The current pope is fake that doesnt care about christians anyway so it doesnt matter.

>not Diablo


This. He's clearly a Jewish plant there on orders from the CIA.

And who's above the CIA in this instance? The Babylonian Brotherhood.

Is MLP still a thing??

>Francis is trying to tone down Catholic pomp and push Ecumenism

I'd argue that Undertale is bigger right now than MLP is

Even though he has stated multiple times that globalism is evil and destroys the lower classes?

>pope is important
maybe if you are brainwashed fool

Give us back John Paul

Same, not to mention when he made a seprate channel for his live shows but then proceeded to spam his regular channel with it filling up my sub box with dumb fucking streams I didn't want to watch, that combined with the onslaught of youtube red pop ups where infuriating to say the least, hogging up my entire fucking sub box.
Not to mention the obvious shift in demographic to young teens, his content isn't just for anyone anymore, he want that supple young teen demo since it's the biggest on youtube.

lol i dont believe any of that but there is no denying that francis doesnt care shit about his flock in the mideast basically gives word but in his action he basically ignores the christian genocide in the middle east.. someone should tell this dude that words are cheap and only actions matter.

Jesus himself did this you dumb bandwagon faggot christians. Go act retarded in some other deity's name

Lets not forget the time he said Bethesda named Fallout


yeah but it's fucking gay and literal cuck thing to do suck some niggers feet wtf

But it could.

Diablo 3 just to be extra devilish

>give us back the guy who covered up priests raping little boys for 40 years

He doesn't own a computer, the pope isn't allowed to own anything other than basic necessities. Matpat basically gave him a piece of paper with a bunch of meaningless numbers on it

>not believing that the Babylonian Brotherhood are behind this

They've gotten to you too, eh?

pope submitting to black men and other garbage

It is already confirmed that Sans is Ness

if things go well you get austrian Cardinal Christoph Schönborn a pretty based dude:
"Austrian cardinal tipped to be the next pope warns of an 'Islamic conquest of Europe"

he is a nigga so he probably popped it open just he got out of the president life and smoked a fat joint, then got pissed that he sucked and nekkers fucked him up and throwed it into the trash like niggers do to all good things

it's getting a movie

shit's old dude, move on

>I don't like this person
>So this head of a religion about suffering for the sake of others and not treating others like shit even if you think they're bad people or living wrong is a cuck for not hating them too

>all those kids with all those sweaty ass bronies sitting together in a theater
I wonder how many bronies get arrested for clopping in the audience in front of kids

>give your life to service and charity to the poor
>except niggers lol -- Jesus Christ

why in the fuck would you give a single solitary shit about what pope anything of anything thinks about anything?
it's a guy some other guys voted as the voice of some god, he's nothing special

i vote you as the voice of god
what do you think about undertale?


'most important men' ? Fuck that!

how sad must someone be to get involved with religion in 2017?

>the pope
ex dee

It wasn't even "a copy", he gave him a paper with a download code

What would you give to the Pope Sup Forums

>because I don't believe in god the leader of one of the largest, richest, and most politically influential organizations in the world isn't an important world figure


stop being weak minded faggot and realize who is the real enemy of white race and oh yeah, im going there because these faggots attack whites constantly and want to end white race
are they even christians? muslims will not help a single fucking white person or christian, we shouldn't help them either, fuck them

current one really isn't, benedikt was credible at least

ofc he has power but by not being part of any church he doesn't have power over me

>organized religion

I wonder who's dumber, OP or the people who think the pope is important?

Stop trying so hard to convince underage Sup Forumstards seriously, you're just wastin your time.

You didn't actually prove anything was important at all whatsoever. All you did was say he's important.
I say you're important. That don't make it fucking true. All that faggot does is exist over in europe and make money.

Probably dmc3 to ask about eventual symbolism and its favorite style

Enjoy hell, pagan

A ten second head start

Fucking Christ gamers are embarrassing

>share the same religious beliefs as me or you will be tortured for eternity

I'm pretty fucking sure this game allows you to be a complete sadist and ruthlessly kill everyone you meet after getting to know and befriending them.

You seem like a pleasant and very world-wise person, user. I'm sure your opinions come from real-life experiences and independent research, and not Sup Forums and your job as a grocery bagger in the middle of nowhere.