So has anyone here actually played it?

So has anyone here actually played it?

No torrents.

Maybe they're playing it right now.

many people posted their pre orders so probably

>buy>go offline>refund>play

Yes played about 10h of multiplayer and 10 in single player.

I have 20 hours in so far
it's fun

have any questions about the game?

Is it what you would expect from a AAA dev 5 years in dev with multi million dollar budget? Was it worth the asking price?

Is the squad interesting and/or likable?

Have you drilled any bums yet?

If I was a watermelon, would you swallow or spit out my seed ?

Obviously its fair to expect something better specially for that time and money invested.

They took most of their idea`s of me1/2/3 and combined them.

However the asking price is still fair specially if you compare it with other products on the market.

Some are,Cora is ok but Vetra is my favorite.

Their is quite alot of character interaction going on.

Spit seeds are nasty.

Yes. It's not THAT bad.
It's certainly not good either.

It's just eh. Which really sucks to sa about a new mass effect. It's the worst case scenario of wasted potential due to incompetence.

I played a few hours of the trial. I still prefer the first game.

i dont play games

This is how I feel as well. Seems like opportunity wasted. Combat is better, but then there are some needlessly tedious things like scanning shit, unskippable cutscenes between scanning planets in the overworld map, and the dialogue is terrible especially for a bioware game.

Put about 12 hours in it yesterday.
And honestly it is okay. Nothing special, but nowhere near as bad as this place is making it out to be.

>story is meh
>combat is pretty good
>cast is a mix bag
>Vetra, Drack just got Jaal...all are pretty cool
>Humans once again boring as fuck

Game honestly is rough around the edges and probably needed 6 more months to polish the animations.

Torrent where?

>and the dialogue is terrible especially for a bioware game.
ouch, their dialogue wasn't that great to being with, how can you make it even wrose

Vetra is actually grade A waifu material. Surprised by how likeable she is.

nobody going to crack it before all the patches and if any DLC gets announced it will take even longer

Crush it completely then swallow for those gains

I bought it for the multiplayer.

I wish I could get a refund and get toukiden 2 instead.

>playing games
>Not just watching youtube videos and shitposting

There are huge holes in the writing, even for the mediocre fanfic writers are bioware.
Like how the andromeda aliens inexplicably speak English. There's a throw away like about translators but that makes no fucking sense when dealing with extragalactic aliens.

Also it's made clear that Milky Way people just started calling the Kett the Kett just to identify them.

Then it becomes their official name at one point?...

It's just all these tiny little world building oversights

Oh also an entirely new galaxy and only 2 new races, one of which are just scrapped ME1 concept art. That's just fucking laziness.

she is a bird though
garrus was alright, it's like having eagle for a friend
nobody wants cuckoo for a friend

I'm waiting for the pirate version.
I heard this game has the new version of denuvo.
I hope it doesn't take too long to crack it.

>Oh also an entirely new galaxy and only 2 new races
to be fair, no mass relays and it's just one star sector of andromeda not whole galaxy
2 races for one sector is quite rich in original best you get one race per sector or non at all

i watched a friend stream it

i can't believe how boring this game is

I'm really torn, should I wait for patches or get it now? I'm tolerant of janky animations not tolerant of terrible environments though
from what i've seen planets themselves look decent, do they?

I kind of get now why people are this infuriated by cucks.

>Andromeda aliens speak english.
Did you play the first mission? You couldn't understand the Kett until SAM had heard enough to learn the patterns. The point of being Pathfinder is having access to a SAM which is essentially a super powerful AI who, among other things, can learn languages in minutes. Once SAM has decoded the language that can be distributed to other peoples omni-tool translators.

>Kett becomes official name.
I'll grant you this one. It's just like "We've been calling them the Kett" with no explanation why they're called that.

>New Galaxy. 2 races.
We only have access to an incredibly small part of the galaxy. This galaxy also doesn't have access to the Mass Relays. In the Milky Way only one race inhabited a system. The reason they were able to cross these vast distances and interact was thanks to the relays. I'll give you it's lazy but it does make sense.

I suppose. But it'd be nice to have at least one line like "before the Kett all andromeda races were connecte" or some shit. Just something to let you know the entire trilogy won't be filled with space goats and rock men.

Oh and the very obvious "THE QUARIAN ARK SHIP WILL BE A DLC" shit kinda pissed me off

>Oh and the very obvious "THE QUARIAN ARK SHIP WILL BE A DLC" shit kinda pissed me off
dude spoilers, I haven't lost all hope for this game yet

The translation is very sloppily handled and not really explained. I did just assume it was the Mary Sue AI, but it's still lazy.

after 30mins i have 2.2%

Wait for patches.

>no mass relays
Fuck! Completely forgot about that :/

You get told that by the Krogan leader the moment you land on the Nexus. Like 2 hours in. When the Nexus set off (14 months before the Human Arc) the Quarian Ark was experiencing delays due to the wide variety of needs the passengers had. They are bringing the Hanar and Drell with them.

They look neat and the feeling you get from terraforming them is really nice. Spending a few hours on an ice planet where you can barely see 4 feet in front of you, then emerging from the terraforming vault into a clear sky painted with a pretty aurora borealis os a cool feeling.

>50 gigs

Nah thanks I'm gonna wait for the FitGirl repack.

Quarians, Hanar and Drell are useless.

No crack yet.

I'm In a lot of places: yes
animations and some story/writng: no.
Overall: probably worth getting on a sale.
And kinda? I expected a worse trainwreck.

The humans really aren't interesting.
I guess Cora is okay.
The Angara is interesting
Not sure how to feel about the turian
Peebee is fun to stick around but has this aura of "I don't give a fuck" about her which turns me off a bit

No. I did have a chance to with PeeBee, but I asked her for a relationship instead.


Its kinda sad you are only able to play a human pathfinder.

It would not be a big stretch considering the other races send arks as well.

dont support these lying faggots

Yeah, the trial.
It constantly reminded me of better games.

>Drell are useless

I've put in 10 hours.

The game is big, but not in a good way. I found myself bored quite a bit, which never really happened in ME1-3.

Lots of cringe dialogue and bad animation, then every once in a while there will be a really good line delivered well with quality animation and it leaves you confused. Who made that? Why aren't they in charge?

Combat feels fun. The jetpack adds to the combat experience, though it means inevitable platforming sections that make no sense. But it feels much more like a first person shooter than a squad based game because of a bunch of design decisions and poor AI.

Every companion so far is boring or shit. Mostly due to the terrible dialogue. But because the game is so big (in a bad way) you'll play forever before you even have a conversation with people.

Also, the space map is beautiful and fucking awful. They sacrificed everything interesting out of it to make it pretty so now I hate going into the map to plot a course.

Basically a thousand small but terrible gameplay designs piled on top of each other.

Ultimately, I know there's a lot of "this isn't Bioware, this is Bioware Montreal" stuff on this board, but there's merit to it. Because it doesn't feel like a Bioware game at all. They're fucking up all of the classic Bioware stuff.

Environment graphics are actually super. The strongest part of the game so far by a wide margin.

Yeah I kinda wish it pulled a DA:I and let you play as different races.

Only way I'll ever be a based Salarian is in the MP which is P2P P2W garbage.

Quarians are probably the most useful to race to have when it comes to learn to live on spaceships for long periods of time. They know how to make do and mend. They know how to make limited resources last a long time. They're used to cramped living conditions. Hanar and Drell are useless but that's fanservice for you.

>to be fair, no mass relays and it's just one star sector of andromeda not whole galaxy
Yeah, that would be an acceptable lore justification if they did not shit on justifying things in the lore constantly.

But Volus! Now they'd make a difference

Well they have all the money.

Quarians are literally space gypsies, faggot.
All their ships were stolen and scavenged that you can see in their ship-fleet

I have. Ryder is an isekai anime protagonist, the dialogue was written for an audiences between ages 12-22 there are no stand-out characters, story is alright but ultimately forgettable.

But hey, combat is fun.

This games timeline is very confused. I feel as if characters reference Milky Way shit even though they left before the event happened.

Also there's some fanfic shit in there too like the genophage being weakened to Korgan can colonize or the extremely important Salarian females become civilians because they wanted girl Salarians in the game.

A lot of the plot feels like "well this happened because that's what needs to happen to move the plot forward"

Like Jaals instant infatuation and willingness to join up with you.

Space jews

>not wanting successful scavengers in an exploration mission with finite resources

Played a few hours last night (just got to the nexus). It's alright so far. Combat seems like the best part. And the jetpack is a great addition.

Villains intro was lame and characters are nothing special so far either. I wish performance wasn't so choppy I'd have a better time. Not sure if it's the framepacing or framerate itself (playing on Pro)

I forgot to cancel my preorder and it arrived yesterday. I'll play it once it gets a few patches.

All the aliens have the same fucking model. Go back to ME123 and you'll see slight variations in faces, spikes, skin, etc.

These aliens are all just recolors.

Like what? They left at the end of ME2. They haven't referenced any Reaper stuff. Closest thing I saw was the disappearance of Cora's parents which I thought was down to the Collectors but I haven't got far enough to find out more.

It's framerate. Console performance is garbage

>going outside of the galaxy without enough resources
game even shitter than I thought, how is that explained in canon

They did have enough resources until 4/5ths of the ships didn't show. Quarians got delayed. Asari, Turians and Salarian's got wrecked by the Kett. Only Humans got there.

Like how Ryder acts like he has no fucking clue what reapers are even though by the time they left they'd have already been established as a serious threat in the Milky Way

>playing gaems
>Sup Forums

senpai, you're in the wrong board. Here we just shit on each other faces

Pure hand waving nonsense. There are dozens of creative and thematically appropriate ways they could've written around that restriction. Nobody held guns against their heads demanding absolute lore abidance, especially considering how flagrantly they ignore it in other situations.

The fact is that they didn't want to create/model new aliens. Looking at the dogshit design of the Angara, it's clear they are out of ideas.

Sovereign was disregarded as a Geth Dreadnaught. Collectors have been around for thousands of years and were ignored as being this weird insular race that occasionally likes to slave trade. Nobody took "MUH REAPERS" seriously until they fucked up the Batarians between ME2 and ME3.

why the fuck didnt they go together

Fuck. Hope they patch it but it seems like they're scrambling to fix anything they can at this point.

It got like 4 already .

They were supposed to go to their designated golden world. Set up shop and then reconvene at the Nexus. Once the Arc is docked to the Nexus I think it's a permanent addition so they can't do it the other way around.

Everyone kinda talks like they're sipping a latte at Starbucks while read aloud a buzzfees article

They've got this undercurrent of millennial snark which fucking sucks.

Though there have been some genuinely good character moments. Like Drack trying to cheer you up by sending you a bunch of low res/watermarked pictures of guns because he's old and doesn't know how to use computers.

They leave between 2 and 3. Which is why it gets muddy.

Jesus . Play the game, faggot

Does this work?

I thought it has most up to day denovu protection?
That could take a while to crack, maybe never. Or am I informed wrong?

>maybe never

don't count on it homosexual

Try and tell us

I got it for about $15 and it's fucking awful. I legitimately feel ripped off even at that price.

The combat doesn't feel very good to me, it feels rather floaty and imprecise. Movement feels as awkward as The Last Guardian. The writing is some of the very worst I've heard from a game in a while, the animations are even worse throughout the game, it's ridiculously buggy and broken, not a single interesting character. The entire game feels like a 15 year old's Mass Effect fanfic.

It does have some really excellent scenery porn though. Most of areas I've been to are really beautiful and I have to give major props to the art team for that. The non human models and animations are pretty high quality, but the humans are so deeply creepy and wrong that it breaks immersion outright. The new alien designs are pretty trash, however.

Probably the biggest complaint I have is the UI, it's genuinely the worst UI I've ever seen in a triple-A game before. It's like it was designed to actively fuck you over. There are even text elements that run over other areas, your objectives appear over icons in the menus and the quest log is such a catastrophic failure. I'm a UI designer for web and mobile, and I got my start in vidya UI. This shit is unacceptable and there's no way their designers couldn't have realized what a fucking calamity the UI was unless they're actually I competent. Everything about the design is a shit show, bordering on game breaking.

>So has anyone here actually played it?

Can I pirate it yet?
Stupid question.. Giving money to BioCuck in 2017.

**1 race
The kett are the angara

Spoilers but I guessed that shit the second I saw them.

As soon as they showed what looked like a "Kett-ified" Krogan in one of the trailers it seemed pretty obvious. Obvious plot twist is obvious.

It's much better than I expected. The facial animations and dialogue are bad indeed, although the dialogue is not all bad.

The fighting and moving around are great though. Game is gorgeous too.