So is Dark Souls 3 officially the worst game in the series if the new DLC ends up being shit like the first one?

So is Dark Souls 3 officially the worst game in the series if the new DLC ends up being shit like the first one?

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Not as long as 2 exists

No, the worst game in the series is called bloodborne

There's no need to wait for the DLC. It already is the worst in the series. There's more people currently playing 2 than 3.

No, the worst is DeS because it has the least amount of content and the mechanics are in the most primitive state for series.


this, 2 is the worst one


t. 2 babby

It already is, not even an old hunters tier DLC could save it for me

A lot of people dislike the second more though

Already was the worst. No dlc will save it. They couldn't possibly make it good enough.

How can it be the worst if 2, 1 and Demon's are worse?

Quality over quantity.
>implying ds3 iframes and dodge mechanics are advanced
It's literally made for brain dead retards to be able to evade moves.

2 still is the most fun for pvp
but that's just my opinion

But it's not quality over quantity, it's less quality and less quantity.

It's objectively inferior to every other title in the franchise unless you are the type of retard that thinks story trumps gameplay.

ah yes, the quality of the first half of world 1 and all of 5

eeh m9

ds2 couldnt be saved with good dlcs either.
Ds1 stopped exiting after rodeo and was revived with blunderborne (as the legend tells) and is pretty much gone for more than 5 years (ds2 isnt dark souls, really) at least for the core community that is on pc since xdrone is probably gone with windont live being dead and all.
But fuck you anyway for talking about unmodable, dead franchises

world 1 is one of the best areas in the series....

world 5 being hard doesn't make it bad, its the same reason why nobody wants to do blighttown.

5-2 is still one of the biggest areas in a souls game, its genuinely intimidating

dark souls 3 is like a souls game with all of the trappings of the previous games (including bloodborne) put together

other than a few good end game boss battles that you need to slog through ~10 hours of knee high shit to get to there's nothing redeemable or noteworthy about it, it doesn't even look better than dark souls 1 or bloodborne

>it doesn't even look better than dark souls 1
nice b8

but thats wrong you fucking faggot and this are only PCfat this game is more alive on PS4.

it doesn't though

muddy textures, shit colour pallet, bad fashion souls etc

also don't forget half the armor sets clipping, including a starting set armor that clips through your shield on a character that starts off with a shield lol

This guy knows the score

DS2 dlc wasn't good.

It has 60+ fps it already makes it better than 30fps shit on consoles.


elyum loyce was the best single zone in any souls game.

The first dlc wasn't shit, it was just short

this dlc is confirmed for being the biggest souls dlc so my hopes are high

Anything white or snowy is fucking bad

This dude knows what's up.

Everyone praises DS2 DLC like it's god's creation. It's garbage.

Thjis is what Im saying since day one and what I said in my post faggot/friendo

Only Ivory King is garbage. Iron King is meh. Sunken King is great.

>The first dlc wasn't shit, it was just short
It was really well made and Friede is easily one of the best bosses and is better than all Bloodborne ones.

>Dark Souls
>Good game, Great DLC
>Dark Souls 2
>Bad game, Slightly improved by DLC
>Dark Souls 3
>Mediocre game, Bad DLC

2 is still the worst overall, but 3 didn't end up much better

AoA was the most quality content in the game so far. I'm stoked for The Ringed City.


>Dark Souls 3
>shortest game
>bonfires out the ass
>filled to the brim with shitty references
>massive amounts of on-disc cut content that will be sold as DLC
>rehashed areas in an already short game
>the worst, newbie/scrub favoring invasion system yet
>no arena
>Heavy armor sucks

>Armor variety is less than DS2 BASE game, despite copypasting a 3rd of the armors from previous games
>Magic needs 2-3 ring slots just to dish out melee level damage
>Magic itself does reduced damage for PvP
>removes a shit ton of spells from the previous game
>awful scaling balance
>FP is the most awful casting management system introduced yet (worse than DeS mana, which had better regen options and more efficient)
>FP horribly ineffiecent with damage, ends up causing everyone to use 1 or 2 FP efficient spell like Great Heavy Soul Arrow
>Miracles awful, best and most viable one locked behind the final boss
>bland NG+
>awful covenants
>no blue eye orb
>blue sentinels and darkmoons the exact same
>left hand weapons no longer have full movesets
>dual wield weapons are gimmicks
>boss weapons can’t be infused
>Straight Swords and Curved Sword are as fast as daggers
>Great Weapons are slower than previous games, and costs more stamina, while barely doing more damage
>1-2 Weapons ALWAYS the best in class, no redeeming qualitys for special weapons resulting in less weapon variety than BB
>very little moveset variation
>WA are mostly shit or copypasted powerstance moves
>No backstep i-frame
>rolls have too much i-frames and cost too little stamina
>bloodborne enemies catered to R1 spam from ss and cs
>hexes gone and dark magic is shit
>shittiest dragon form
>no dragon covenant
>refined/hollow completely dominates
>DLC has so far been shit
>19 bosses, a good chunk being gimmicks
>linear level design, less branching options than DeS, DS2, and even BB
>b-but the DLC will save it!
>b-but other games have faults!

DaS 3 doesn't even come close to BB, DaS 1 and DeS to me, but it's still better than DaS 2

the dragon fight was shit tho.
From going away from technical/mechanical fights to cinematic was a shit descision and it shows in ds3. Thats why you need 10k iframes and unlimited stamina instead of chirurgically precise postioning and one swings. Its a shame that the best core mechanics are trapped in a subpar product called softs.

So what's the difference between Deluxe Edition and The Fire Fades one?

Still not sure if Friede or Ludwig. Fuck Friede is hard with low sl but you can manage her.
Ludwig with low sl without the right blood gems is fucking impossible.

>Copy pasted assets and boring encounters: the DLC
>Weapons not even good enough to justify it
Don't worry, it'll be shit.

Why are ds3 haters so stubborn?

Glad we can all agree on this

There's an event going on for DS2 this month. Those numbers are kinda pointless.

I don't understand how people can say SotFS """fixed""" DS2
It literally made it worse

Yeah, who the fuck likes PvP anyway?

cuz they could not beat NK or Friede without summons.

Give 3 (three) reasons as to why SOFS made DS2 worse.

bloodborne is actually an ok game, but considering the amount of shitposting on this board coming from people whose first "souls" game was bb - i agree with you

at the same time it functioned really well as a separator between classic souls fans and retards who only pretended to like souls games while secretly wishing for a more arcadey dmc/bayonetta like experience


>Bad DLC
There's nothing bad about DaS 3 DLC. "Short" is not bad.

And the whole map structure was easily better than shitty DaS 1 DLC map.

>I am le shit nigger XD
>DS2 2 hurd!

Friede is a perfect boss because of two things.

1. At lower SL she is challenging and fun boss.
2. At higher SL she is amazing to bully, I love bullying her, just imagining her getting more frustrated as she tries to be edgy and threatening, but being constantly knocked down on her ass.

...Hang on, can you use dark hand on her? I might have to replay the dlc.

DS2 didn't give you infinite rolls so you actually had to time them as well as your heals.

DS1 > DS2 >>> DS3

>this game is more alive on PS4.
literally pulling things out of your ass.

>Whose first "Souls" game was BB
Who gives a shit? They're completely separate games only similar in combat mechanics and the developer. If you have a PS4 you may as well, considering how dated Dark Souls 1 has become.

How stupid do you have to be to take points away from your personal rating of a game just because you think people who talk about it are obnoxious?

Who did BBcucks managed to survive Sony's betrayal and no "PRO" support with 60 fps or anything relevant?

I remember it being the most spammed "argument" about PS4 Pro version and how good it will be.

Now people with no Pro version are completely cucked, have no BB with 60 fps, have no support whatsoever and live with inferior versions of games made for "PRO" version.


Unliked DS2:
The sound effects aren't shit
Weapon animations aren't shit, it doesn't feel like you're swinging around cardboard
Character animations aren't shit so no gliding around everywhere like a retard
Actual visual and audio feedback when you hit enemies
More than 4 decent bosses in the main game
Good texture work and art direction
No crazy hitbox issues
No soul memory bullshit
Red eye orbs

So, no

this is correct. I liked the base 32 bit version more than softs.

1.Reasonable enemy placements
2.Shit lightning as intended instead of the slapped on """"good""""lightning that just stands out as dx11 in a 2000's game
3.Even better performanceand modability
7.fuck you

Painted World of Ariamis is a god-tier souls zone tho

Worse enemy placement and level design except in Dragonshrine and No Man's Wharf
- Blocking off a TUTORIAL in Things Betwixt with a FBoY
- Heides Knights are only in Heides leading to boring rest of the world contrast.
- As related to the above, random amount of extra hollows placed in Forest of Fallen Giants

DX11 features don't make the game look different and some areas look like they're now through a orange, purple or yellow filter.

They sold small changes for 20-30 dollars that should have really been free. They had viral marketers advertise they fixed all the problems but all it did was change global lighting, add a bridge to No Man's Wharf near the end and change placements.

Utter piss on the face of the criticism that faced the game in order to make a buck.

3 was my least favorite souls game, I don't know if I was just burnt out or what but I constantly felt like I was struggling to get through even though I was tearing through it at a decent pace.

I blame my first character being a magic character and using a shitty rapier.

I don't know why people praise so much that DLC.
It's so fucking bad.

retarded enemy placement
more stupid Yore Branches blocks
Pursuer shit

>2. At higher SL she is amazing to bully, I love bullying her, just imagining her getting more frustrated as she tries to be edgy and threatening, but being constantly knocked down on her ass.

I'm not a "cool kid" who beats all bosses in Souls game with eyes closed. I'm pretty bad / casual about it and I find Friede really fun and challenging boss.
She has really cool moves and animations, it's a pleasure to fight her, it looks aesthetically perfect.

BB > DeS > 1 > 3 > 2
Fixed that for you.

>filled with references

I don't understand, shouldn't a SEQUEL to a game have references to the previous games?



I say this without any irony.

dark souls 3 lacked soul.

It's a good game but it feels so incredibly phoned in.

All that nostalgic ds1 cocksucking did nothing for me.


Deluxe is Japan only, so who cares.

He surely means the current Deluxe which is the same thing unless they announce something else.

what ds1 cocksucking?
please tell me you don't defend ds2, because that game was literally ds1 cocksucking and memes exploitation from area 1 to the end

>Best gameplay.
>Best weapons.
>Best music.
>Best atmosphere.
>Best enemies.
>Best consumables.
>Best mechanical balance.
>Best narrative.
>Optional content.
>Consistently great areas, bosses, etc.
>"It's the worst."

3 fixed that.
>run into room
>10 enemies
>roll 20 times because it costs 13 stamina now
>swing my straight sword 10 times one handed and do UGS damage with each swing
>each swing stunlocks everything it touches aside from slow as shit knights who are almost always alone
GG ez casuls.

>long ass loading screens
>rehashed screaming beasts
>phantoms instead of proper boss fights
>casual parry windows with long range pistols
>invincible frames while dodging
>no variety whatsoever you are always roleplaying as van hellsing cuck
>no magic
>literally 1 attack bosses
>literally spam pistol-parry on "bosses" to win
>lifesteal casul mechanics
>literally 1 attack boss

>witch of hemwick
>celestial emissary
>cleric doge
>one reborn
>living losers
>moon presence
>Shadows of Yharnam

All of them are stupidly easy and casual. No challenge whatsoever.

Bloodborne is the easiest Souls-like game by From and the worst after DaS2.

It's ok when Dark Souls 2 references things in Dark Souls 1 apparently. Even if all of it is 'of unknown origin' bullshit.

Dark Souls 3 referenced Grave of Saints and Rat Vanguard in lower Undead Settlement after traveling through graves, near the ladder is a 'Saint's Talisman". No one battered their eye because it's okay when Dark Souls 3 references Dark Souls 2 which is why those with Stockholm Syndrome are excited to see a certain armour set in the upcoming DLC.

The Dark Souls 2 fanbase are a special breed of autism.

it's legitimately tragic that pcbros still try to convince themselves that bloodborne is bad 2 years after release

>Witcher 3
>good plot with lots of characters involved, story is developing during the game and has intense moments, dramatic moments, sad moments, fun moments, it's well written story overall
>no plot (read item descriptions lmao (americans can't read anyway))

>Witcher 3
>great remarkable characters with different personalities seeking their own goals, you can easily tell the difference between Geralt or Lambert, Triss or Yennnifer, Shani or Philippa, Radovid or Emhyr
>we wuz hunters n shit (btw I like Van Helsing xd), no characters basically

>Witcher 3
>spam left click on target until it dies, can roll or dodge attacks, can parry and use bombs / signs / oil
>spam left click on target until it dies, can dodge attacks, can parry and backstab

>Witcher 3
>open world with lots of side quests
>corridors and shortcuts

>Witcher 3
>up to 4k or more common 1080p/60fps
>30 fps / 720p


I really like DS3.
Good locations, giant list of good armours and weapons, great bosses and fast gameplay.
It's probably my second favourite Souls game after Demon's.

Honestly, i think that maybe this is the case. For me Dark Souls 3 was the least memorable.

I played through it once and had no interest in going through it again, and that's really odd for me. My personal favorite souls game was Dark Souls 1, and i understand why people dislike Dark Souls 2, but i still found that game really fun and played through it multiple times and fully explored every area.

I basically just ran through Dark Souls 3 and put it away and haven't touched it since. There was too much nostalgia pandering in Dark Souls 3, not enough originality. Dark Souls 2 was atleast intriguing because you knew that the world had ties to the first game because of more subtle hints, while Dark Souls 3 ham-fist super obvious "easter eggs" and entire areas and bosses from Dark Souls 1.


I get it, Dark Souls 1 is fantastic and i have a lot of good memories from that game, that doesn't mean i want you to regurgitate them and force them down my throat again, it won't be the same.

Yes, but those references shouldn't replace the content of the sequel itself.


>tfw you will never be so rectally ragnarocked that you will make up a bunch of false claims about a game.

What about Lord Souls and FREJA in Dark Souls 2?

Did you post this in a wrong thread? you stupid fuck

Sunken King was the only one that was close to being good.

Iron King felt like a shit-ton of backtracking, and Ivory King felt like a fucking maze. The aesthetics were on point but the level design was just so fucking god awful.


>posts witchshit
>thinking he got any of that right

I think those who haven't played bloodborne don't understand how much ds3 rehashed from that game.

It's "the least memorable" because you got tired of Japanese From Call of Battlefield clones.

I really find it hilarious how Call of Battlefield is bad because every new game they make is the same as the others but when Glorious Japan is making their Souls clones it's """okay""".

for me the pointless new game + and total lack of viable builds killed it for me. ive gotten halfway through a second playthrough and i just cant take it anymore. i knew i would feel this way the second i learned poise was next to useless

There's so many false claims in there that I'm not even going to bother refuting you.

Why would you play in a beta version of DaS 3 with sub-30 fps and screaming dogs instead of bosses?

For me I just can't take how linear it is. There's literally only one path to progress through the game. It was fun on my first playthrough but replaying it sounds like a slog.

>unable to make a counter argument
>still replied because truth hurts his butt


>Replying to copypasta

How long is DaS2's base game?

I really don't want to play it so I'm hoping it's shorter than 1's and 3's.