Now that nobody plays Pokemon Go anymore, has society gotten better?
Now that nobody plays Pokemon Go anymore, has society gotten better?
Yes, everyone died
>rating a society's quality based on what specific media it does and does not consume
Fucking idiot
Go back to school
Yes, society is now a utopia because stupid teenagers aren't playing a fucking phone game anymore
everyone glued to their phone anyway, so no
It wasn't really a game you played.
It was game that played you!
Yeah, pokemon go was bad for society as a whole. Now that it has died down things are back to normal :)
Talk about dropping the ball with a huge game.
A lot of people still play it, but the societal "pop" from it is gone, so now it's just people who literally want to catch them all. The game attracted normies, non gamers, old people, and so on. Yet they decide to drop the ball by not fixing the main feature (tracking), then shitting all over anyone who got a random tracker instead of getting ideas from the developers.
Idiots. The game isn't even bad desu. My fiance and I went out every day after work (using an "aftermarket" tracker), and we had something to look forward to before or while we were out running errands, or just trying to get out of the house. Haven't touched it since the week they started cutting all the aftermarket trackers down.
wow, rmyt
rly maeks u thienk
Really makes you think.
Did it really made you think or did it only made you look up for this reaction face and post it?
No man is an island!
needs a LOSS edit.
>The game isn't even bad desu
Yes, it really is unless they've massively patched core features in the past two months. Let's just ignore the tracker complaints for a second and address other stuff.
>If you live anywhere but a city you're going to have maybe 4 Pokestops to work with in several miles.
Which leads to
>Can only really get about 30 Pokeballs a day in rural areas unless you autistically do laps around said areas visiting every five minutes, and even then you only get like 3ish Pokeballs max a check-in.
>Pokemon take anywhere from 3-9 Pokeballs to get unless they're the weakest shitmon imaginable and you still have to learn the arcing which changes with each Pokemon or the Pokeball just gets slapped away despite the Pokemon not doing that animation.
>Pidgey, Rattata, and Weedles flood the list constantly and anything different is so rare it might as well not exist.
I had seen exactly one Jynx, Blastoise, and Golbat in months. There was also a Pinsir in some person's backyard that I couldn't reach, and even then they have extremely short appearance timers.
>Getting gyms is basically pointless unless you have min-maxed out your ass since holding one for more than an hour is almost impossible to gain any sort of the paid currency and it takes forever to knock out the gym holder.
>Getting said min-maxed Pokemon requires that constant egg farming to hit the required level before you even think of investing into a Pokemon so everything you catch is basically garbage and you still have to hope you get the right moves.
Unless you lived in a city the game was a mess bordering on unplayable or requiring money due to how little of anything you got in regards to how little Pokestops there were.
Stop using this extremely useful device which lets you have contact with all your friends and gives you access to information from around the world!
I met my gf while playing Pokemon Go
I still play it, if you live anywhere but LA, NY, and Japan it's basically unplayable though
Damn..really..fires my..neurons...
I still see kids still playing it a lot where i live.
Give it a few months to become popular again, no normal person is gonna go outside and play this in the Winter. Spring is starting soon, I'll definitely play it more once it gets warmer outside.
Nou ga fueshita
What's the fucking market for this pseudophilosophical diarrheic waste?
60-70 year olds who can't understand "the computers"
I have a friend that is a massive pokemon addict, he still unironically plays Pokemon Go, even more now in current year because of the second gen pokemon released,which is his favorite gen. And he walks around with an iPhone, considering that we live in a third world country, he's pretty lucky nobody robbed him in his crusade since the game launched.
The same people that make shit like this. My favorite is one that said
>memories aren't created in front of a screen!
Which is asinine as fuck because a lot of my best childhood memories are from playing video games with my brothers and my friends
pokemon go dropping was the most fun social gaming experiences for that first month.
if nintendo actually developed it and whoever made it didnt copy paste all the features from some shitty game before it would have been better
the problem is the game had zero features beside throw ball. if they could have integrated features from the gameboy game into things to do IRL the game could have had serious staying power.
>baby boomers get mad millennials don't go outside
>pokemon go comes out and millennials start going outside
>baby boomers get mad millennials go outside
what did they mean by this?
you know that image of grandpa simpson talking about how he isn't "with it" anymore? That image is 100% accurate with basically every person alive.
So you have these people who are 35+ years old who don't understand the pop culture of today so they will perceive it as worse than their pop culture or call it millenial to make themselves feel better.
Some of those people draw cartoons and that's where these comics come from.
Mx yu tnk, Am I right?