Does Sup Forums still like Arino?

Does Sup Forums still like Arino?

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A new sub came out.

nu/v/ doesn't like anything

They like to hate things.




How many more years does he have guys?

>liking arino
Hello r e d d i t, my old friend

He's Japanese so like 50

>posting on Sup Forums
back to pl*bdit

Isn't he pushing 50 already?

Who pissed in your popcorn m8

He just turned 45.

the new episode was weak but i really enjoyed and am looking forward to MSX series.

I pissed in my own popcorn, I like it moist
So my 50 years is correct then. He will be playing assasin's creed games in 15 years

There's enough shitty Famicom games alone to keep him going for years, but I don't know how much longer he'll want to do the show.

Has the sub slowed down? I don't think I've seen SAGCCX release anything on a schedule in years. There's a release every six months or so, but I miss the near-weekly releases.

They were too busy with work for months. They started translating again last month and have at least a few subs coming soon.

FujiTV shot Game Center CX in the foot by pulling a Nintendo and mass copyright flagging all youtube videos that featured their it. It made it hard for anyone to watch episodes anymore and people just lost interest.

Japan needs to learn that youtube is not their enemy.

reminder that tokimeki memorial is the best episode

>They're training a replacement

I'm guessing Dynamite Headdy sub will come before long.

He played Dynamite Headdy? Do want

It's because they thought they could actually sell it on the international market. They've been at it for years with no takers and they just don't seem grasp the concept that outside of Japan almost no one is interested in watching a middle aged man clumsily brute force his way through old Nintendo games.

>and they just don't seem grasp the concept that outside of Japan almost no one is interested in watching a middle aged man clumsily brute force his way through old Nintendo games.
Oh, people are indeed interested, but japanese distribution methods are too fucking old. They expect to sell it on the international market via physical sales. If they streamed GCCX via netflix or crunchyroll or some of that shit they'd make some big bux.

its more boring than funny

it gets a pass because its japanese

They said that months ago. The truth is the Goons don't give a shit about translating the show and only actually do it if another group shows up and threatens their monopoly because they believe they are the only ones who can do the show justice.

Did you see the shit fit they threw in their irc over the latest episode released? I've never seen such a big meltdown since it was found out that zari-gani slept with Kan the producer of the show..

Actually it's more interesting than funny

>zari-gani slept with Kan the producer of the show

Happened a while back, Zari lives in Japan and was meeting with Kan to do a childrens book, hanky panky happens and one of the other goon translators who had a crush on her finds out. Shit hits the fan. NTR'd translator gets buried by goons.

Post extremely underrated moments from the show

Kan had zari-gani illustrate his book. The rest sounds like bullshit.

They said on their forum last month that they were back to translating. Show us the irc meltdown if you didn't make that up.

>NTR'd translator gets buried by goons.
The only other translator they have now is married.

He's the worst eceleb.

Is there a way to watch the whole thing online?

>goon damage control
Tell that to guy who was pushed out from /vr/ who went to work for you guys.

Didn't SA-GCCX have 4 translators working for them at one time?

I don't give a shit about the goons. I'm just saying proof or it didn't happen.

>its more boring than funny

Personally I don't find it boring but I definitely agree that it's not that funny. I used to think it's just the Japanese have shitty taste in humor but I vaguely remember Arino getting upset once because the show was recognized as a variety show or something like that instead of as a comedy show so I guess even in Japan it's not exactly considered quality comedic entertainment.

Seeing as the burden of proof is going to shift from 'give me proof' to 'that is shopped' I'll just tell you go find JD.

I don't think he was upset about getting an award.

I haven't watched an episode since Mansion of lost souls. How far am I behind on the subs?


Please respond.

Open the first reply in the thread and click on sources.


>downloaded 122GB of GCCX
>still haven't watched any
I'll get around to it one day, surely.

I think he would have preferred to get an award for comedy, seeing as how he's a comedian and all. I don't remember which episode it is but in one of them he talks about how it didn't win for comedy and he seems a little resentful for it. He IS actually trying to make people laugh.

>ask about meltdown
>get told to find the guy who has regular meltdowns

Well, nothing really changed. Some episodes are great while some other episodes are shit. GameCenter CX was never consistent in quality since a lot depends on the game that is shown. It's kinda weird too since sometimes popular games make a shitty episode and some unknown stuff makes for great episodes.

I thought Sup Forums forgot about him when reddit replaced our userbase

Most people did. Same with Gaki.

Majority videos got deleted, I guess downloading torrent is the only viable option.

It's probably time for the gamingcx dude to reupload everything again. Leave some comments on his broken videos.

One new sub a couple days ago. You haven't missed anything else.

finally some new subs, been waiting fucking ages for this

>somebody tries to talk to him on /vr/
>spergs out about crazy shit making no sense
>mods come in and wipe half the thread
Every time.

Guy who has meltdowns would know about meltdowns.

Enjoy fagets


I wouldn't trust a meltdowner to give an unbiased account of someone else's meltdown.

Holy shit. Its been like a year. Is there people consistently working on them now?

why would he say he hates trump?

and it's still lightyears ahead of anything western youtube garbage, only some avgn episodes and avg (the episodes, not the stream) comes to close

Copying from an earlier thread.

There were really annoying playing card enemies in the game. They use trump as a loanword to mean western playing cards. They were making a joke about the double meaning by writing it in English with a capital T.

He's very meticulous in holding grudges.

one main translator SA guy was having life crisis or something and it ended up this year


>I have proof, but won't show it to you cos i suck nigger cocks and have aids
okay user, you win, go be homo somewhere else

That's exactly why I wouldn't trust him. He exaggerates or makes shit up, slants everything he says to hurt the enemies in his head, downplays his role in his own meltdowns.

Calm down Zari

it's just glorified let's play show, but it is entertaining, is it super funny? no, it has it's moments and it's regularly entertaining which is the biggest selling point

how hard it is to paste text or fucking post a pic of the proof?
are you from the SA?? You don't want to make your goons look bad?

>I'm not gonna give proof because lol
Here's a tip, if you make claims without being able to back them up then maybe you shouldn't say them.

Haven't seen new episodes in a while, but yes. We can't GCGX and Gaki have the same amount of subbers as fucking anime? Even Korean dramas have more than us.

The proof is with JD honey. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it's not the case.

>there are kids that young who post to Sup Forums
getting old is weird, pls stop time

He lost all credibility as soon as he said to find that notorious freakshow. I bet he's him.

OH wow, I though this shit was dead.

If the proof is with him and easy to find you should have no problem putting it here since it's so easy. If you're not going to do this then don't expect anyone to believe you.

You'd say I just made it up. Better to get it from the source. And it's not like he's making it hard to find him.

Or are you scared?

Because Trump is annoying Duh

Nobody subs anime anymore, you dumb fuck.

If you want to watch Japanese shows, learn Japanese.

He's baiting you by strawmanning and claiming you'd move the goalposts. Stop responding to him.


>You'd say I just made it up.
Actually, I'll say that right now because that's typically what people say when they've got no proof. You refuse to back up your own claims that by your own words shouldn't be hard for you to give us here. I'm the one that needs convincing, why would I waste my time when you won't?

Then the joke is on him because I don't even know who any of the people involved in this meltdown are so it wouldn't be easy for me to find regardless. I'm only responding as an excuse not to go to bed.

I'm just pointing you to the person who has the answers you seek, it's up to you to decide if you follow the thread until the end.

Another episode to add to my hard drive. YOSH!

That name means nothing to me though. I am incapable of learning of this meltdown unless you provide the evidence in this thread. Or I will be forced to believe the other user who calls you a liar.

What would it take for Sup Forums to put together their own sub team?

Knowledge of Japanese.

What would it take for you to learn Japanese?

Not my problem if you don't want to know the facts. Already told you who has the first hand account.

Which could very well be a lie because you won't post them here for no adequate reason.

I still like Arino but holy fuck do I wish subs came out faster. This past year has felt like one giant drought for subs.

I also don't understand why sub groups tend to filled with petty drama that have nothing to do with what they're subbing.

All I can say is JD has the truth you desire.

They develop egos because they're the only ones willing to do it. Until someone else offers and they've got to actually work to keep their claim. Best way to unseat them would be to simply sub it and release it and just ignore them. Give them actual competition.

But I don't know who that is.

Imagine being an EOP.

Just picture it now. Nobody has subbed a single episode for practically a year. And yet, still, you just sit back, waiting, wallowing in your mediocrity.

And then, suddenly, there are subs. And all anyone can do is complain about when the next one is going to be ready. Not even for a second does the EOP consider learning, like the negro in Africa who gazed out at the ocean and never once considered building a sail. He just waits for the white man to bring him another plane full of subs.

He's in charge of the group VRiSFAGS.

If you know it so well you should have no problem linking to it.

God bless.