What's with Tharja being the best girl?

What's with Tharja being the best girl?

She's not even that good.





Then who is the best girl in your opinion?

Camilla of course.

Childhood is thinking Tharja was best girl.
Adulthood is realizing that it was Lucina.

"""adults""" proved to have shit taste as always.


She gives you the best family a guy could ask for.

>no option to make her call you "Daddy" in front of Chrom


You mean Sully


>censored in USFeminists



I'm glad it was censored. Makes it less likely I'll be beheaded

>Her daughter is nutty because of her.

Then she's not even the best girl by that logic.
She's not, by the way.

>literally made of curves

Good taste user

Because you are bravely enough to come out of the closet?

>tfw still waiting for the rerun of her figurine

Oh god I want to rub her legs so much