Ok faggots rank the 3D Zeldas in terms of how much like them, not necessarily in how good they are

Ok faggots rank the 3D Zeldas in terms of how much like them, not necessarily in how good they are.



yep this will be a good thread


After replaying OOT last year it dropped pretty heavily for me.


TP > OoT > MM > BotW > WW > SS

Good taste OP


BotW > WW > MM > TP > OoT > SS

Haven't touched BotW yet
Sailing around felt so fucking good. While I agree the lack of dungeons is annoying I somehow didn't mind it as much as others. That Triforce part near the end is completely awful and happy HD version fixed it.

WW > MM > BoTW > TP > OOT > SS



>1. Breath of the Wild
Ever since playing the very 1st Zelda, I've been searching for that blind sense of discovery and exploration with zero hand holding and not being anchored to a story that makes my path linear and constantly interrupts gameplay. None of the 3D Zeldas have offered that, at least not until now. It even let's me skip the insensate story entirely if I want to. Being old school in my gaming tastes, that couldn't get my dick any harder.

>2. Ocarina of Time
Was a pretty damn good game overall. Had some nice parts where you could wander around and do what you wanted, and some of the dungeons had really great design. Story was ok to, not too intrusive and not too dumb.

>3. Twilight Princess
Was exactly like OoT but had better graphics, better over world design and MUCH better dungeons, probably the best in the 3D series. Items like the double clawshot were fun as fuck, to. Also being able to actually get that classic enemy weapon (the spike ball & chain) and swing it into crowds of enemies was pretty awesome. To bad the game was PISS EASY. First Zelda I beat with 3 hearts and didn't even break a sweat doing that. That's the only thing that stops it from being above OoT.

>4. Majora's Mask
Interesting take on Zelda, very neat in design and I really like the dark tone. But I won't pretend it is the best because of just that. Time limit discouraged players form really exploring, and the world wasn't too big to begin with. It's a fantastic game, but very much a spinoff in feel and execution.

>5. Wind Waker
I tried to like this game, I really did. The art style didn't bother me too much, but the "giant world" really felt more like a giant nothing. I kept waiting for the time I landed on an actual, large piece of land and the real adventure would begin. That time never came.. I actually had to play this one in small bursts because I couldn't stand it.

>6. Skyward Sword
I put it down after the first 40 minutes of boring exposition/tutorials.

botw nearly delivered on that picture.

Shame the game didn't have any actual dungeons for you to just find in the wild like that.

MM > BotW > OoT > TP > WW
Skipped SS.

BotW > WW > MM > OoT >TP > Shit > SS

OoT did not age well. Loved it as a kid, but it just isnt fun to play now.

Fuck SS


OoT aged like wine. Especially compared to the post-N64 Zeldas.

Have you tried replaying WW?

>botw nearly delivered on that picture.
>Shame the game didn't have any actual dungeons for you to just find in the wild like that.

100% agree. It may be my favorite 3D Zelda, but it isn't a perfect game. There are even wonderfully crafted places in the BotW map (like that pic) that look like places giant dungeons might be, but that just kinds of adds insult to injury.
But if BotW had TP's dungeons scattered about its map? I mean, the actual dungeons; they don't even have to be altered. If it had that, I think BotW would be the 10/10 "perfect" videogame some reviewers claimed it is. It's a shame it didn't.. But hey, at least we came this close.


I really can't decide which one I dislike more out of TP or SS, it changes every time I think about it.



BotW did a great job breathing new life into the series if you ask me. Besides so minor annoyance such as how fast weapons degraded and lack of good dungeons it pretty much delivered on everything I was hoping for based on what they were showing and said their goals were for the series. I expect this to become the new standard for 3D Zelda much like OoT was for a long time. Hopefully next time we'll get 7-8 dungeons that are more traditional dungeons.

OoT > TP > MM > BoTW > SS > WW

Objectively superior



These are the only two Zelda games I've ever played


TP's pacing is inexcusable and TWW is just a mess.

Why would you like something if it's not good?

This is objective



The issue for me is TP tries so hard to be just another Zelda game that it becomes boring. Plus trying to be dark and edgy doesn't help it in the slightest. SS seem to try to do something at times but on every level its awful.

Honestly, looking back I think Twilight Princess was actually a really good game. Easily the best Zelda. I used to think it was Windwaker but now, I don't know something changed my mind.

Probably the most correct, even though I hate BotW. It's barely a Zelda game.


This is objectively the right answer.

BotW = MM > TP > OoT > WW > Powergap > SS

BotW > WW > OoT = MM >= TP >> SS

Breath tied w/ Majora > Wind > Ocarina > Skyward > Twilight

ranking 2D because I can

Past > Minish > Between Worlds > Oracle > Awakening > Original > Triforce Heroes > Adventure > Spirit > Phantom > FSA > Four Swords

It is more of a Zelda game than anything made after Zelda 2. The 3D games were always not Zelda games.

BotW > OoT > TP > WW > SS
I think WW is much better than TP, but fuck sailing shit sucks, and also something about TPs artstyle does it for me
never played MM

>awakening worse than albw
>motion control better than oot 2.0

dont have children

>WW=BotW>OoT>MM=TP>>>>>>>>>SS (Never finished lol)

Very close call, the first 5 I listed are all very great. Lots of good memories.

What's "that part" of the 3D zelda games you dislike doing?

Never played BoTW but this is probably closest for me.

Each game has it's own worse part
Water Temple
Having to keep resetting over and over to do one thing
Triforce collecting
Funny that game is so bland I honestly forgot most of the game but guess collecting those tears was annoying.
Pretty much everything. There's really not many good parts to SS.

OOT > TP > the rest > SS

Haven't played tier: BOTW

Here's an objective rating based on how good they are:

#1 OoT
#2 WW
#3 MM
#4 SS
#5 BotW
#6 TP

This cannot be argued and is 100% accurate as well.

Haven't played BotW yet, only a little bit. Would probably end up behind TP.

Here's my personal list of 3-D games. As it stands right now it's BotW > OoT = MM > WW > TP >> SS.

That being said BotW's flaws might bother me a bit more after the honey moon phase is over. I have to sit on the game for a few months before I see it's final spot.

OoT > MM > BotW > WW > SS > TP

Memes aside after playing through OoT for the first time (N64 version) recently the Water Temple was about as bad as I expected.
It wasn't even hard, just a boring slog.
>have to go through the menu to switch iron boots on and off over and over and over
>forgot to get a key before raising the water level all the way so I have to go all the way back down and do the whole thing all over again up until I can reach whatever door I need to get to
Such a shitshow compared to dungeons I really liked like Shadow and Spirit temple.



>Wind Waker
That one is obvious
>Majora's Mask
Great Bay Temple
>Ocarina of Time
Water Temple
>Breath of the Wild
Having to abandon a mountain climb because it started raining
Fucking everything related to Dog Link and light seeds
I played it at launch so it's been a while but I remember the desert being pretty shit the first time you go through it and again, light seeds

The trio of 3D Zelda is WW, BotW and MM.
BotW is probably the best Zelda game out there. These days OoT is overrated. If I were to rate them, it would probably be:

BotW > MM = WW > SS > TP > PH > ST.

I'm going to make an argument here for TP. The one thing it got right when trying to toe the line were the very inspired dungeons which were, in my opinion, the best of the 3d series.

TP>BotW>>MM=OoT>WW>literal shit>>>SS

I'm the person that user responded to and I have to agree with that.

The Temple of Time might be the best Zelda dungeon ever.

>how much like them
>how good they are

The weird thing is there's not much bad parts in OoT. I mean there's not a whole lot to do outside of the main game. But for the most part it's still a very solid game. Water Temple is really the only thing about the game that feels slow and annoying.
The only dungeon that I can really remember in TP was the desert dungeon. Everything else I completely forgot about them. I even have problem trying to remember the Forest Temple

BotW = TP > SS = MM > OoT > WW

This is an objectively correct list but where is OoT?

1. MM
2. BotW
3. WW
4. OOT
5. SS
6. TP
The only accurate answer.

While I do agree with you but as someone who FIRST played WW after playing botw WW was a damn good game and I see where a lot of the good from botw came from. Its a shame because outside of the trials to get the mask the game was piss easy even with that nice sword combat. Swinging my weapons in botw felt like trash after going back to finish some shrines after beating WW which was way too short.

I'll put my 2 in for OP as well


I need to play TP going to get that game soon. I owned it for the wii but I can't find my copy.

OOT: None
MM: None
WW: Triforce (fixed in HD)
TP: City in the Sky, Tear collection (fixed in HD)
SS: Every moment dowsing is required, the backtracking

LA > OoT > Oracles > TP > everything else > MM >>>>>> LttP

Haven't played SS or BotW yet.

Fuck GC/Wii babbies, but WW was great.

Endorsed 100%!

I honestly think OoT is overrated these days, many games already have surpassed it.

BotW > MM = WW > OoT > SS > TP > PH > ST.

the n64 games sidequests or just sidquests in general

WW and BotW were the only games I beat with more than 8 hearts because I could stand doing the optional content. MM was just a fucking drag altogether and I would hate the game if the dungeons and mask system weren't the best things ever, Ikana valley in general took that game from 5 to an 8 to me easy.

Water Temple
The entirety of Great Bay
Original: Triforce hunt. HD: Can't recall anything major really
Lake Hylia tears
The whole game is tedious, but the worst offender is Flooded Faron Woods
Climbing in the rain


Not far enough into BotW to rate it. But I'm not keen on open world games, so I'm not expecting to rate it highly.

I disagree. OOT is the only straight-to-the-point 3D Zelda. While WW might have "more" inside it, the pacing is still negatively effected. OOT has the best pacing in the entire series, and isn't bogged down by any negative elements. Plus , it still has the best controls of the series. For that reason alone it is superior to Wind Waker and BotW imo.


Good taste


MM > WW > BOTW > OOT = TP > SS

BoTW > MM > OoT > WW

Only ones I've played enough to comment on

Hilarious how babbies cite the two best dungeons, Water and Great Bay as "too tedious" and "too hard" when anyone who isn't a shitter can complete them in 20 minutes.

I don't think WW has any negative pacing to it, in fact I liked WW's pace. MM has the best pacing in the entire series, arguably the best soundtrack and plot as well.

The big open world dungeon style terrain is there, they just don't have much in them besides some normal enemies and maybe guardians.

I would have like to have seen memories in these places, maybe not of Link and Zelda but just some cutscenes from the past that give a little lore and history of the area you're exploring. Would give you another reason to want to explore these places that isn't finding a shrine.

The old formula is so stale, it is good to see BotW is a game that isn't a linear slugfest with unnecessary story.

Ocarina of Time>Breath of the Wild>Majora's Mask

Couldn't stand the others for more than the intro. That is, I only got ten hours into them before quitting.


OoT and MM were my favorite, but Breath of the Wild came along and really gave me true freedom. That being said I think BotW has more flaws than those two games. So it's really hard to place it. How does going back and playing the two N64 titles after playing BotW feel for those that have?

This so fucking much. This game was literally the embodiment of the old concept art/screenshots I used to look at when I was younger with the 2d Zelda games. I would love to see this expanded on in future games.

Needless to say, this is the first time I've played a 3d Zelda and felt the sense of wonder I felt when I played the original 2, LttP, and LA.

BotW>MM>the rest



I like the top 3 pretty close to the same. The rest I usually think of my complaints about the games before the games themselves.


You have absolute garbage taste, OP.

Here's the official ranking:
MM > BotW > WW > OoT > TP > SS

How much I personally enjoyed them:

BotW > WW > MM > OoT > TP > SS

How good I think they are overall:

BotW > MM > OoT > WW = TP > SS

First and last place aren't different at all, and a lot of this is because I think there's a lot of overlap between objective quality and subjective enjoyment. If you really liked a game then obviously it was for a reason that played to that game's strengths.

Anyone who puts TP at or near the top is underage with shit taste.

>Zelda games will never replicate MM townfolks' routines
Now that's how you make a living and breathing town.

more accurate

r8 and h8 my ranking

BotW > OoT = MM > WW > ALttP > LA > ALBW > Seasons > AoL > LoZ > TP > MC > Ages > SS > ST > PH.

>Butthurt WW baby detected

>dungeons for you to just find in the wild like that.
That's what I want, non-essential whole dungeons no one forces you to go to that you can just find out there by exploring. It's something I've only really felt playing Zelda 1 and boy do I fucking miss it.

The fact that the divine beasts is half way there and the fact that the shrines are there for you to just find on your own just make me want it more. I absolutely love the idea of just walking behind a waterfall or climbing up a mountain to find the entrance to a whole dungeon, with a unique theme, with multiple floors, puzzles, keys locked doors, new enemy types, a mini-boss, some sort of exclusive treasure in a big chest and a big boss monster to top it all off. It's never a quest objective and maybe the NPCs from the nearby settlement can drop hints at the location but the discovery is still yours to make.

They all don't have to be hidden, but Zelda 1 had some out in the open and others you really had to do some searching for and I want that to come back.

What is actually good about TP. It tries to be OoT 2.0 dark and gritty edition and pretty much fails at that. Nothing is really memorable and it is even worse with item usage than most other Zelda game. Desert and that Ice Mansion might be the only thing that I actually really like about TP.

Spirit Tracks is too low.

It should be glowing orange.

had to get rid of the lttp sword too

best zelda

tfw getting a chub at her hitting me with friendly fire arrows