I've fucked hundred of times in games...

>I've fucked hundred of times in games, got married a few dozen times and even had kids yet I've never even had a girlfriend in real life

It feels so strange. Games all make it seem like some sort of natural process and then real life hits me.

The difficulty curve in Real life is too steep.
Shit devs, 2/10, wouldn't even pirate.

Are you talking about games like the Sims and Rune factory, or games like second life?
Big difference.

How do you even get a girl friend? They always just appear for me and it leaves me confused on how I got them and how to get the next one.
What do people text about are phone calls ok ? Do I just have to keep pushing until she is my gf or until i get rejected etc..
I never even dated a girl that knew what I was like before going out.

I can already tell you haven't made it past the 18 year mark where the game starts getting good

>It gets good 18 years in
Yeah no, fuck that.

I can tell you haven't made it past the 22 year mark when the game becomes much, much worse

>when the game becomes much, much worse
You made too many unviable decisions and no smoking weed isn't viable

Kys and reroll

>working is more fun than college

Sims have 0 standards. In reality, they would constantly get woohoo'd by various people, simply due to talking.

Not him but it is to me. My highschool was filled with smart people. Went to public uni and it was trash. Fucking extroverts. Now that I work at a tech company I'm surrounded by people into science and art, have a pnp rpg group going, get paid too much to fix enterprise grade software, and play vidya every night.

Helps that I gave up I finding a gf.

>I was lucky enough to find a good job that I enjoy

You're touched by a god, just so you know

>tfw level 23 with no car or license but gf loves me and we play melee everyday after work

>I was born on easy mode the post

Dude, get your license now before she starts hating the fact that she has to drive you everywhere and you lose the one thing that's precious in your life.

depends where he lives. Yuros don't need it as much, and neither do Americans in, say, Philadelphia or NYC for example.

Games react in a predictable and sensible manner, humans don't

>I never even dated a girl that knew what I was like before going out.
when i realized this, i realized how superficial everything is.
like usually when people say superficial, it's a buzzword, but no, dating can be unbelievably superficial, as in, you don't even know each other.

shit is scary to me son because i don't trust easily.

It is quite scary but also a bit fun at times
>Dating sexy as fuck rich korean girl
>loves to party
>But in public is very reserved and super polite with an amazing smile
>Seems to have always been super popular due to her beauty
>Meanwhile I'm just some dork who plays video games all day
>Keep her around because I have a big dick
>She tells me she hate people who watch anime and play video games and that they disgust her
>She is ashamed that there are such men in her country
>As soon as I take her to her dorm I go to my breakfast spot and watch dragon ball super at full blast
>Go to internet cafe soon after and play some shitty moba for 12 hours
>When shes asks me what I did all day I lie and say I was making a lesson plan for my rich student
Feels amazing to fuck this popular bitch who would normally spurn you and your kind

>being this normal


>Playing video games for 12 hours straight
I assure you most people at the cafe thought I was a freak of nature and eventually used me instead of the streams they normally put on display. Despite me having a job and a gf.

It's pretty easy to get a gf irl, all you have to do is be hot or be rich.

>being able to talk to very attractive women
>not a trait of a normie

Don't matter how good your KDR was in League, bruh

Actually you don't have to be either of those things, you just need low standards

>"attractive women"

what is the fucking difference? that is why you idiots don't get anywhere, what difference it make if a girl is attractive or not? If you actually start talking to people with genuine interest instead of being egocentrical pricks you will realize that people will respond much better.

How low? Show a picture as example.

Difference is I'm sure I'm an ugly, shitty cunt and there's nothing I can offer an attractive woman.

like i said, you're normal

I've never seen so many 2 and 3 letter words together before. Really confused my head for half a second there.

If by "normal" you mean I'm not a retarded whiny bitch like you, then yes.

although I used to be, but then I stopped blaming everyone else and focused on fixing my issues.

it is a natural process. once you have it you realize that and it becomes less important

> One developer
> No funding, no sponsors, literally nothing in the beginning
> had to spend the first five days building the procedure engine to generate world
> only had one day to do character, level, and gameplay design
> suppose to rest on seventh day, but had to day 1 patch in female characters due user complaint

Considering the resources He had, I'm surprised this shit even shipped at one. But get, at least the graphics, animation, and frame rate are pretty amazing (shame your average character design is barely above bioware status though)

it goes to shit after 12 faggot. innocent childhood is the only good part

Take how your mother looks then put it up a couple notches

those low standards

Who literally even has the time for a gf?
I am not taking some meme major that gives me 10 hours of free time everyday

I'm lucky if I get only 3 hours of homework and studying per day

Fuck off back to /r9k/ you bitter cunt

Framerate could be better

What major? I'm in mechanical and there are tons of people with girlfriends in my major. Well not tons I guess... And some of their girlfriends also don't go here either I guess.

That is because IRL ones require you to have insurmountable patience and conversational skills. They're really not worth the effort.

Mech eng? The dudes with gfs are probably dude Bros skating by at 2.1 gpa

and yet, somehow you have time to shitpost here.

you could use that time to get a girl.

>only 7 day dev period
>one of the days is resting
No wonder it sucks so much.

>tfw a cpu glitch at three years old ruined the rest of my life

I should probably reset and reroll.

>tfw staking by with 2.1 AND no gf
This is why we're short on engineers these days