Alexander the Great - Civilization VI



Why isn't he greek like before?

Sorry shill, you can't bump your own threads.


why is he a midget?

>dreamworks face

>while Greece is already in the game

Holy fuck, why are Firaxis so hellbent on making their characters as disgusting as possible?

He's supposed to have been a bit of a twink IRL. Everyone would mistake his gigantic personal guard which followed him everywhere for him, much to his amusement


I wasn't aware any FYROM scum worked on the game.

>Pericles, Gorgo and Alexander
Why so many Greeks?

Why do you think?

wow thats awful rude to nathan fillion

Are you implying any of those women in Civilization V looked good?

Alexander is not Greek though.

desu it is a completely different art style, though prettier characters can be made in that art style
it looks very much like newspaper politician caricatures turned into models

Yeah, but Civ 6 is splitting hairs a bit more than previous entries. They have both the Parthian Empire and Persia for example. Now they have both Greece and Macedon.

In Civ 5 they had the Greeks and the Byzantines but at least there the culture had changed vastly due to Christendom and a penchant for Civil Wars and blinding Bulgarians.

Design overall was much better, image was sharper and clearer. Not it's just a mobile game

I get it for the females, but why the males too? Don't these ugly wymyn like to shlick it to kakkoii bishouen?

I'm talking about character design, not graphics.

The Greeks ruled the world. Alexander did.

Yes? See

huh, I studied alexander before and I don't remember reading anything similar. I do know he had a retarded little brother he brought with him on campaign, and his retarded little brother became a sort of mascot for Alexander's army.

then thay got rape by niggers

They were part of the same cultural sphere and most likely spoke the same variety of Greek as the Spartans. This is a silly technicality.

The only bad thing about that is how you faggots pronounce "Makedonia".

Pretty rude desu Italians are barely that dark

to be quite honest family, I've never liked Alexander as being the leader of Greece. First off, his father was the one who united Greece. Alexander cared more for his position as the King of all Asia (Persian king) later on. Macedon is a better position. I'm glad to have Pericles as Greece's leader, but I think Gorgo is fucking stupid. Personally, I would go with Agamemnon. I mean, Gilgamesh is a leader, and so was Dido.

>Alexander was described as having blond hair by his contemporaries
>He's a shitskin in the game

What's with their fucking obsession of making everyone other than germany a brownskin

He's so dreamy.

>it looks very much like newspaper politician caricatures turned into models

Maybe the caricaturization is the point.

Gods, I hate Gauls.

Neither Sparta, neither Macedonia, neither ancient Athena is Greece, neither any ancient city state. Greece is post balkan wars today and only that. Nothing is silly technicality.



This. It's like saying Augustus was an Italian

pay debts Greek

This is an excuse to have yet another leader from this area instead of something else?

Also, I never claimed they were all "Greece."

Not most likely. They spoke greek, had greek names, greek customs, greek warfare and greek philosophers. The only difference is that Makedon was a kingdom, which did not sit well with butthurt athenians, who came up with a lot of propaganda against them as they did with everyone else.

Yeah, you're absolutely right. The "most likely" there was in reference to the current pseudo-consensus that the Macedonians spoke something similar to Doric Greek. I was being overly specific.

>already have two Greek leaders
>Another Greek civ that some fags will pretend wasn't Greek because of classical hair splitting
Come on now

Greeks have brown skin

They really like adding Greeks. By the way Alexander and Gandhi are the only leaders to appear in every game now while Shaka is a given. Expect Elizabeth at some point.

>first few Civ games
>4 European countries
>4 Asian/Middle East countries
>2 African countries
>1 American country

>Civ 6
>20 European countries
>4 Asian/ Middle east countries
>2 African countries, one of which didn't really do much in history but sell its people as slaves to Europe
>And America + tribal native American countries

Jesus fucking christ I would have understand if they added Southeast Asians or the Mesopotamian countries more since they had their moments in history

Are you telling me my bro Gilgamesh isnt the most rockin bod in antiquity?


I didn't know Alexander was ugly

But they did add Mesopotamian civs?


Wait wtf I thought the city states made up Greece

are they going to add a Texan civ yet

Byzantium should be the only second Greek civ