How is Yakuza 0?

How is Yakuza 0?
I've never played any Yakuza game before, can I still play it?

The price of the game is suspiciously low for a new PS4 release over here, which has me wondering if it's a full game even.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's several full games.

It's great. A lot of the later games in the series are either boring or force you to constantly switch between unlikable characters.

Is it everywhere this cheap?
It costs 38 euros here, which is suspicious for a new release, especially since it's a japanesse game.

In America, it's still the release price. One reason for a pricedrop in Europe is because the game generates almost no hype. The people interested imported it ages ago, and most new fans see this as the real Yakuza 6, so they are intimidated.

I see.
The mainstream retailers never bring japanesse games unless they're extremely mainstream and the few niche import shops over here always rip people off so it seemed weird.

Thanks, I'll propably get it, knowing it's a prequel and all.

What games are recommended from the main series if I like it?
I got a good PC, PS3 and PS4.
Fucking kill yourself


Buy it.

Seriously, you won't regret it, the Yakuza is really well described and they had famous actors from japanese mafia movies giving their likeness for various characters in the game. The first chapter will already make you love it, seriously, storming the Yakuza office in order to beat up one of the higher ups was probably the most goosebumping experience I have had in gaming for years.

>fighting Kuze (one of the lieutnants of the family) for the first time after going past his goons
>this starts playing

Get it you motherfucker.

It is a prequel so you can play it without worrying about missing something, also SEGA is bringing Yakuza 1 and 2 remade in Zero's engine, so supporting them might be enough to make that a reality.

Another awesome track:

The nigga asked you what was good, not what the series consisted of. Wipe the cum off your eyes, slut.


One of the best games of the year

I'd totally recommend it

I agree, get the game. I'm the same as you, never played a Yakuza game before but heard they were good. Bought it to give it a shot and wanted to try a new game series, I love it, lots of talking and it's cutscene heavy but it's necessary.

The game balances seriousness and goofiness perfectly if you're into that stuff.

tldr it's gud shit buy it senpai, especially if it's that cheap

>I've never played any Yakuza game before, can I still play it?
It's a prequel to the first game so you wont miss anything.

Just fucking buy it you faggot. What else are you going to buy? Yakuza 0 is the only good game to come out this year.

Is it normal to play yakuza 0 for few hours without accomplishing anything? 20 hours so far and im still in chapter 4

>Waste 20,000 yen on claw machine game for an hour and a half

Alright, I'll get it then, thanks anons.

Yeah, 30 hours in and I just got control of Sajima. Holy fuck I like him more than Kiryu.

Does japan seriously have places with phones for the purpose of talking to random girls? or is it just the 80s? weird shit

Sadly this. I've tried demos and watches a couple minutes of gameplay for several games, and nothing appealed to me.

I really don't feel like running around desolate areas, killing robots with an android.

>without accomplishing anything
Look at the completion journal. I was a good 40 hours into the game when I realize that I had slowly built up most of the stats (a lot weren't even touched), so I slowly focused on finishing them.

I'll probably never get the platinum. The completion journal will have you doing things that you simply do not want to do at the moment.
