PC focused website reports news on emulation

>PC focused website reports news on emulation

This is hilarious.

It is pretty impressive

Of course.

They have nothing else to report on but MMOs and mobas

No it's not hilarious.
It's not anything.
Stop shilling.

>PC focused website reports news on PC focused gaming software

It is impressive that the PC is going to save you $300 for one game

>PCFags won't spend $300 to buy the real thing
>Yet are fine spending $2000 + a $5/month tip

I really dont know why a built a pc, theres nothing on it but replaying old games at better graphics and emulating shit.
Not gonna invest on another jew made overpriced gpu, sticking to shitty consoles that at least get games from now on.

More like they are reporting on software that is only legal in the technical sense and degrades the industry by promoting piracy.

That's why it's funny, a news source that advicates for the industry and is invested in its growth is publicizing a program that will do the opposite.

>website about pc gaming talks about pc gaming related news.

>$5/month tip


>$5/month tip
what is this fresh new meme

When will this meme end. I paid about $500 for my pc

I'm gonna spend 400$ on great upcoming games instead of buying a switch and BoTW, what about you nintentoddl-

wait nevermind :)

Well they don't have anything to play other than emulated games

Sho sho, indie dev.

>not being in the computer business for an injun band and selling all your computer parts, then building a new system with the 1500$ profit because your fellow injuns are retarded

>PC gamers don't play PC gaming

kill yourself fucking faggot l hate you, how dare you fucking joke about this ? People work hard everyday to feed their families and save up for some fun and you PC retards ruin everything by stealing, no wonder nobody likes you

I was about to buy a preowned Wii U. Then I found out that my local aftermarket is crappy and they're going for the price of a discounted Xbox One.

>implying I play games

Calm down nigger you might accidentally scratch your switch by breathing too hard

my shitty 5 year old PC that i assembled for 1000$ plays modern games including shitty unoptimized console ports just fine at 1080p medium-high settings at higher framerates than ps4. I also make money with it that i spend on actually good non-meme hobbies. Can your ps4 make money? Thought so...

You joke but my point still stands. It's ironic that a pc magazine is reporting on piracy software that provides a negative benefit to the platform.

Wut. My PC costed me 1000$ in 2015 and it is still kicking at 60fps min in all I through at it. And I bought it for working, the playing came as an extra. So I actually did make money from buying it.

Why do diehard Nintendo fans hate game preservation?

I emulate games constantly and you CEMU shills are starting to piss me off with your false flaging and sense of superiority

can't get latest version of cemu unless you donate $5

you can always wait til they release it a week later to the public

>not pirating the pirating software
fucking evolve my man

That's a funny way of saying piracy.

It will end when suckers like you stop responding to it.

I'm actually amazed at how quickly it's coming along. Seems like it took dolphin a lot longer to do what cemu has done, even though dolphin in its current state is far more advanced.

Fuck nintendo.

Goddamn at how thirsty pc gamers are for this "terrible, paid reviews" game.

I'm glad they're getting publicity though. The heat is really on to deliver now. I'm sure all 20k dollars of those investors, whoops, I mean patrons won't be upset if there's a delay or something goes wrong.

If it succeeds, it'll change the way things are done in emulation, now that a "pay to play" standard has been set.

If it fails, it'll be hilarious to watch all the rumproasted pirates suddenly say "I never wanted to play rehash Zelda anyway!"

Either way, interesting spectacle.


I'm not talking about Nintendo. Cemu fucks the pc platform.

we're not so different, you, and I


>he thinks it's a new idea

A $500 pc won't run cemu unless you got crazy good deals.

I thought emulators take years to make. PS3 doesn't even have decent emulation yet.


Cemu has been worked on for a while now, it has only gotten attention relatively recently after some other WiiU games started working pretty well on it

My circa 2011 pc will run it just fine.


It's funny to be told "PC has more games than any platform!" yet I only ever see threads praising emulation.

I mean, okay, if emulation is what it takes to justify your $1000 computer more power to you, but stop bitching that consoles are holding games back while you lap the 'shit' up.

$500 pc from 2 years ago will run cemu just fine at 60 anything more would be for 4k. When you start buying the parts yourself instead of buying a prebuilt you save yourself literally $1000s

Are you retarded
you can get a PC with an i3 7100 for 538$ which will run CEMU like a dream



A lot of games are unbearable to play on consoles. For example, the only way to make Super Mario Galaxy into a game that isn't trash is to emulate it, play with a controller and bind to the waggle to an unused button.

>PS4 when discussing Wii U emulation

The level of stupid of PCMR.

You know when you act retarded you just convince retards that know no better to spout more retarded garbage, right?

>THE ps4 exclusive not even in the top 11

What's with the Anti-PC threads lately?
Console fags still butthurt for some reason?

>Nintendo game
>bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbut PS4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why have I been seeing people talk about i7s with cemu. I guess I need to install it on my desktop, I've got an 8350 and a 1070.

Denuvo games are gettin cracked at a nice pace and Cemu is fast providing the definitive version of Swtich's only game. These are good times.

>""he"" pays fees to play shitty p2p multiplayer



Fine here is the Nintendo list

>Wii Sports!
>Lego Batman

You need a CPU with high single core performance

Is cemu not multithreaded or something

it literally doesn't fucking matter if a CPU is i3, i5 or i7 unless you're going to be doing heavy rendering work. look at clock speeds, bus speeds, threads and cache instead of just looking at a fucking meaningless number. some i7s on the market can't even run minecraft in 10 fps

That shit sold less than many of the indie PC games I play.

All Mario and Zelda, yet PCfats eating it up and paying for the development of the emulator, lol!

>It's another "wahh you can't play with my toys" thread

I feel for the PC meme and was incredibly disappointed in what was left after I played Valve's backlog and emulated games I already played a decade ago. There's nothing but the same thirdparty trite I intentionally pass on on consoles. Trying to dress PC gaming up as anything beyond emulating console scraps years after the fact is laughable.

hmmmmmm maybe if it wasn't exclusive to a DOA console whose playerbase only plays CoD it would actually sell
really makes you think

I'm not paying for it. How about that?

This thread prooves sonyiggers are the worst fan base

you say that as if the PC has 2017 exclusives worth playing

why do you think the "masterrace" goes on about console ports and emulation?

Congrats, you got something that's well worth the price for free. It's not like this is some Ubisoft crap. You're no different than a nigger.

What kind of games do you like? As far as I know, pc has a lock on almost all genres in terms of performance and selection. All except weeb shit and kiddy nintendo stuff.. but thats fast becoming rectified.

>Bloodborne sold little
You know it sold 2 million copies in under a year right? You know the sales numbers haven't been updated since then right?

Paying a few bucks to piss off Nintentods is nothing.

Not an argument

By proxy you're still part of the same shit.

>You know it sold 2 million copies in under a year right?
The funny part is that you think console games sell at all past the launch month.

First you say paying for the emulator is laughable, then using it for free makes one a nigger. Make up your mind.

Uses 2-3 cores at most

>implying I'm the same guy
First day here?

Well you both have the same degree of low intelligence. My mistake.

>people that were never going to buy Nintendo products are robbing Nintendo of their money.

That's jew logic, for ya!


This is true.

The only worthwhile new stuff on PC is console scraps and emulated right now.
PC exclusives? Where?

Emulating Nintendo games doesn't hurt PC gaming.

>PC master race
>Has a mid range rig

What a joke.

We know from official numbers it sold 1 million in 3 months and then another million in 3 months.
It sold 2 million from march 2015 to september 2015.

As PS4 install base has increased over time so has the sales of bloodborne. But we don't have numbers on it.

All we can conclude is that it didn't sell badly at all. For a new niche IP to sell that well is quite great.

>before CEMU
>Nintendo + PC bros forever!
>after CEMU

Why wouldn't it report news on emulation? Emulation is a method of playing games on PC, oftentimes taking advantage of some of the tools PC offers in the process. Its absolutely something worth reporting on.

Emulation is important to the industry; these sorts of things are worth reporting. I'm no CEMU guy since my PC probably couldn't handle it, but its pretty cool that news sites are reporting on emulation rather than demonizing it. It gives hope that maybe someday re-releasing older games to the public and selling them will be a lot easier than it currently is

>muh exclusives
There's quite a few
The funny thing is the Switch doesn't have single worthwhile one

It's less about what I like and more about what I don't. Anything produced by Ubisoft, EA or Activision is immediately off the table. Any indie game that doesn't make use of my 600 dollar graphics card goes right in the trash seeing as DUDE GRAPHICS LMAO is the main bullet point of supposed PC superiority. Valve doesn't make video games anymore so I think that pretty much covers everything on PC.

Its not piracy software and it only benefits the platform

What? PCfats are literally west cuck platform.

Why would anyone own any console or handheld if not for the exclusives?

>Why wouldn't it report news on emulation?

Well because it's illegeal for starters and also make them look salty.

Why do you faggots say a console just released has no worthwhile exclusives? Like no shit, it just came out.

Emulation is not illegal.

This. PCcucks don't talk about anything except for nvdia vs amd. Their their RTS exclusives barely ever get past bump limit

It'll be soon enough.