He bought Mass Effect andromeda

>he bought Mass Effect andromeda

I did so i could confirm how shit it is. Crashed 7 times in 2 hours and got stuck in an endless loading screen.

>He posts on this website when he could be enjoying a game like the people who bought this game

spicy tabs user

Thanks, just passing the time until it comes out in EU tomorrow

>mfw I've been replaying ME1 and having more fun than I ever would with Assdromeda

>Buying a Bioware game after Dragon Age 2

Update your drivers you complete fucking idiot

Did yesterday. Game is a broken mess.

Did and having a fucking blast!


EA needs to go bankrupt. They are poisoning the gaming industry. What is the fast way to do this?

I actually sort of want to buy it too in order to experience the trainwreck firsthand.
I'll wait for a sale tho.

Just pirate this crap


Do NOT funding the poisoning beast that is EA.

From what I hear. I'd pirate it AFTER its patched. The animation is so so so bad.

I actually bought 2 copies for my sister as well
It's just a game in the end

>current year
>buying a bioware game

OK I bought it. Thanks for your advice user !


Besides a few ugly characters here and there, the animation is similar to the one on previous Mass Effect games.

But hey, anybody can pick one of the ugliest looking characters on Andromeda and create a hateful filled meme, because, hey, showcasing some of the ones that look alright wouldn't be as fun.

I actually thinking about buying it so i can understand the hate although i never played any of mass effects

Why do you help the bad guys user?

Because they provided some pretty spicy memes.

I watched Brote's stream for hours and hours yesterday. At no point did the quality of the gameplay, animations, and writing ever improve over the "hateful filled meme" footage that has been passed around on Sup Forums.

Oh so you wanna start a debate between you, who watched some footage online, and me, somebody who actually played the game?

Yeah, that's right, that's how the Internet works.


But this shit isnt worth 60$

you couldnt even edit the stale meme to make sense with your post jesus christ

>no white avatars

when will we see a torrent?

Well, there's the youtubers,speedrunners, the skate 3 audience...
Quite a few people with reasons to buy that game.

Just imagine if one of those autists find a way to get to the credits in 5 minutes.

same poster : forgot to mention. I'll skip it as I did with DA:I. Bcs I refuse to pay for flawed, underperfoming, cheap cash jump of a game. That if had any other name stuck on top of it (and creator company name was different).... would've been pissed on by whole world.

Is it really this shit?

Goddamnit I hope all preorder people die, allowing studios to release unfinished games because fuck it our quota has been reached with preorders alone

This was one of my top 5 game series

I blame them

You want it to sell cause youre an EA shill you twatbag

They want to make a fucking movie

The game is beyond saving via patches. Just play it as is for the full hilarity experience. Thats the only reason to play it anyway, as a joke.

I'll buy a used copy at some point

>he can't run or afford me:adromeda

>>He pays for shitty game made by half wits, retards and SJW's

Keep on wondering why games are shorter, shittier..... and astonishingly - flashier (better looking at least for the most/some part).

Because it's loads easier to make a good looking game than developing good gameplay/mechanics for it.

I bought it.
I'm going to enjoy it.
I will block out the over-sensitive kiddies laughing at minor issues.
I'm going to enjoy the game.

Why are people so judgmental here? we all like different games i don't understand why we must insult those that get games that some don't enjoy.

Fuck. You are fucking retarded

>I bought it because of support reasons
post again when you scrapped enough money for a 4k system and a 38$ game


game is actually okay. you realize the game is overly sensationalized and lied about once you've been playing for 5 hours

post yfw you are only human

kill yourself you tumblrina underage fag

People paid $60 for this.

>Wanting to buy that piece of shit
Andromeda was one of the reasons I set up a double 1080x rig connected to a 4k 55 inch screen


sure thing buddy
back to solitaire on your 1366x768 rig

Only a non-gamer would want EA to continue to poison the gaming industry.

Thats some high quality shitposting

what if ea releases a meme patch for this game?

it would increase the meme and allow in game catching of the freshest meme all thank to worse animations


Does EA have any franchise that is not shit or hasn't been run into shit after acquisition?

mass effect


I've never played a mass effect game before.
I honestly had no interest this game until Sup Forums started memeing about it.
After watching a few gameplay vids I thought it looked decent enough.
I look forward to playing it when I get home from work.

No. Remember they killed dead space

No i legitimately bought it i just used snipping tool and paint.net. I love mass effect and all the insulting you can do will never stop me

>Decide to play DS to the very end
>DS1 is spooky but you get very intimate with the IShimura in the end
>DS2 is less spooky but better action wise. Nicole suddenly becomes a nagging wife.
>DS3 begins at a horrible place and has bad build-up. Ellie turns bimbo and cucks Isaac who wouldn't have started these relationships either way at the first place. DS series suddenly becomes a dudebro macmuffin the game.
Boy, am I mad.

You can't tell good writing and animation from a video?

I wont. This game will do the job

Brother is a biodrone so i played it some yesterday
>why is Cora telling me all this shit about my father I should know
>dad's death was pretty ok, but why not share the helmet?
>why is the npc idle animation not a complete loop?

I only payed $15 for it.

Considering that the early play demo from Origin Access contains files for the full game, .exe included, not longer than a month or two.

Battlefield is better than ever. So i will always buy any nu-Battlefield and Sup Forums kiddies can't do shit about that ;)