I know there are mmo games where you can have cybersex and stuff like that but are there any online multiplayer games...

I know there are mmo games where you can have cybersex and stuff like that but are there any online multiplayer games where you can rape another player?

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Rust or one of its clones has the ability to tie people up and drag them along, im pretty sure thats as close as you're gonna get.

Street Fighter V

hellmoo, if that's still around

Catholic religion


Every single fucking MUD as it seems
>tfw max level because I made my character a googirl and crawled inside someone, then came back three years after


what a cute boy

Is that a birth control patch? So she takes it raw huh?

>feminist trying to get ammunition for their next video
You can enslave people in conan exiles, what you do with them after that is all you baby.

Lifeweb, it's also one of the best games that exist right now.

GTA San Andreas Multiplayer


go away randy

Second Life

Those panties don't work with that butt.

Lifeweb is a heavily modified Space Station 13 server made by a drug addict krokodilshik 40 something year old gopsquat Russian terrorist childfucker called Randy.

Lifweb is a game set in a post apocalyptic world for humanity after almost reaching singularity, where after a massive corporate entities fall humanity became super religious and stranded on one horrid planet filled with all sorts of strange creatures and whatnot.
The game involves a lot of heavy roleplaying forced by gameplay itself, none of the usual three hour long texts to explain how and why you did something, mechanics for almost everything starting from your bladder biology and ending with sex are implemented, acting like a retard is also banable.
There is a lot of strange cult bullshit and intrigue going on, and if you are into more hardcore shit you can go play as a migrant in the caves, but you will need some good skills and cooperation with other migrants to survive constant hunger, cold and ambushes by monsters.
I can not stress this enough that you can basically do almost anything that you would want to do in a "I CAN DO EVERYTHING" game, including degeneracy of all sorts, but the game and it's community is punishing as fuck so expect to die a lot to some disease caused by you slipping on bums shit and getting some of the germs into your system.

How is Lifeweb bad? It is literally the most feature heavy byond game out there, the only byond game that has a unified vision and updates weekly with significant changes.
Also Lifeweb is probably the only game where you can simulate somewhat genuine rape, and you know that it will be a lot more genuine than in Second Life and shit like that where everything is pre-planned. When a portal randomly opens up and a Soulbreaker Bashar slaver jumps out, breaks your legs and rapes your anus without your ingame or out of game consent, that's rape.

But really, tell me please, how is it not the best byond game?

here is a video
It's long and boring if you don't know how byond games work, but read the chatlog and look at it for a bit and you will see what it's like.

I had a dream about this thread once.

I didn't like it.

You're a sick man OP

Lifeweb is only good when you don't understand the system, once you have a good few days worth of games (most of which you will spend dead because of inane RNG and BYOND being fucking terrible as always). Once you pass that certain point, the value and fun of it drains away slowly but in huge amounts similar to SS13, where you have to beg and attempt your best at making unique and fun shit happen. Sure this might be started by the "villains" of the game, and shit such as the dreamer or various events that help in an attempt to start this up, but otherwise you'll just be wandering around for fucking hours in an uneventful landscape that repeats and repeats and repeats.

Is it fucking great when shit does go down nicely and there's someone playing the antagonist that isn't 100% garbage? Yes.
Does it happen very often? No.
>The Maid kicks you in the crotch. Critical hit!

oh yeah and the sex system is just now funny lines because randy got upset at like 3 of the players who actually play prostitute/ERP and the usual person who goes prostitute when they get the superAIDS special.

That's an understatement, I always have at least one fun thing every party, or a thing that was so furstrating it's memorable.
Regardless, when you see soulbreakers enslaving an angel, anally raping him and then selling him to slavery, after which the console gives them only 75 credits and tells them that it's a wrong slave type, you can't help but at least chuckle.

I never see that because being a wraith means some other wraith will blast you to the purgatory because eyy randy

and I'm not the guy who was calling it shit, I like it but at the same time I very much dislike it at a lot of times, although that might be because of

also you forgot to mention that lifeweb is only up 3 days a week from friday to sunday in an attempt to re-create that drug effect once you do get hooked onto it

What'd I miss?

>attention-grabbing porn whore in OP

According to a certain female assistant writer at Bioware they can virtual rape you in GTA V (modded).

Tips fedora

If you mod gta:o you can use the sex animations on another player. Pretty funny desu