Would you marry Neptune?

Would you marry Neptune?
I would

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She's pretty marry-able

nope maybe the other whores.

Neptune is a legitimate pleasure to see, her personality and interactions always make me smile and as a protagonist she drives it home and is refreshingly upfront.

In all seriousness, she's fucking great.

Boobs too small. Cannot nourish children.


Shit hairstyle. Would not marry.

>annoying tripfag who posts 24/7 even though he never gets a positive (you) likes weeb pedobait

did you know that grass is green?

I am literally going to marry Uni!


Nah, but I'd befriend Vert and play video games with her.

She's just pretending. Neptune's real personality is Purple Heart. It's canon as of VII that all the Planeptune goddesses have that split personality type of thing, but their "true" personality is that of their goddess form.

In Nep's case it's because she wants to relax and have friends. She enjoys playing the fool unless the situation calls for serious things, that's what PH is for.



Yes. Preferably the big one.


learn2flow and ribbons

I like both sides.

Neptune would be the energetic freak in bed while Purple Heart is for cuddling and missionary position.

Yes. Taking advantage of dumb girls is my fetish.


No I would not marry a handicapped girl just to fuck her.

>Purple Heart for...

wait for V2R

The perfect combination of sexy and cute.

Yes. Having access to both a fun loving loli and a sultry boob demon makes her the best wife ever.

Which one is sexy and which one is cute?

You can't marry a toon character.

Shit character.

Nep is not wife-material, she is an autistic kid you need to take care of.

Noire is pure waifu material and I'm married with her. We are going to have plenty of kids but I can adopt Nep probably.

I already have

>tsun trash

I'd say they are both equal in terms of sexy and cuteness.

Behead yourself

But if they are both equal in them thenwhy bother having a different form?

PH is canonically the smartest goddess and Nep is PH even if she plays the fool.

To mix things up. Sometimes its fun to see her be little Nep and other times Purple Heart.

Can I marry Rom instead?

You fucking degenerates and your weeb shit.

Are you going to thread my wife's sister well?

>unironically liking tsundere archetypes
Take your own advice friend


Nowa best girl.
Kill yourself, peasant with shit taste.

>10 min
>not 12 hours
Casual shit

The only thing that needs to be killed is that black haired boring tsundere whore. Even her flattie sister is more likeable.

>not listening to the drama CDs for maximum waifuism

Are you even trying?

>understanding high pitched ching chong language

I'd marry purple heart

>tfw I married a girl who doesn't like anime, video games, pen and paper RPGs, fantasy, or sci-fi
>she just wants to watch her TV shows and read her books and we have 0 interests in common

I have attempted going to sleep while listening to "Godess will sleep with you" and it was nice, but after listening to all CD's at least two times(and 10 for the "I want to touch Blanc all over" and 5 cold showers) I want new material

>disgusting 3d piggu

I don't want to marry any girl that isn't Fuuka.

I would let Vert adopt me and be my big sister.


You can't marry something that's not real

I rather marry Nepgear.

>he doesn't want a perfect waifu
Fucking normies ree etc


No, but I can still wish for it.


Noire pleases old men for shares. Even if she didn't get any shares she still would because she's a slut.

You don't need to dislike anime to think waifufaggotry is fucking dumb

>I fucking hate waifu's, let me enter this waifu thread

Waifufaggotry is not video games

Sperging out and manually entering threads you don't like isn't video games either. Autism speaks, it's time to listen.


Almost every thread on Sup Forums is a waifu thread you faggot

No, I already have my non vidya related waifu. And i would never cheat on her.

>taking waifubait

why do i see a rem on this beautiful neptunia board?

Yes as she's better than her sister.
However I'd rather marry Uni.

Uni >Green haired whore under Vert > Neptune > Noire > Peashy > Ram in Rom > Blanc > Murderer > Vert

Not an argument

Do you guys think they'll add a character to represent the Switch in the next game?

Why would they?

Why wouldn't they?

The WiiU, PS4 and Xbone were just upgrades for existing characters. So I imagine the Switch will be the same.

Blanc is Nintendo home console and Ram/Rom is Nintendo handheld.
Switch would just be represented by a fusion or a Exe drive of sort

You're right, just like they added the Vita, PC, wii u, 3ds etc

Because that's Blanc.
Do you not play Nep at all?

I'd rather marry Plutia

IH has the best theme


Friendly reminder that V2R will come out in summer and that 4GO localization will be out on PS4 AND STEAM in winter

Rom and Ram represent the DS and 3DS

Uni represents the Vita.

Blanc is the Wii. Do you not play Nep at all?

>Blanc is the Wii

She's Nintendo home consoles

Rom and Ram = just the ds
Uni = psp


This image would be so much better if the bottoms were shopped out. Implied Donald ducking gets me the hardest.


I'd marry Rei.

I want to worship IH's body.

So who's the Wii U, SNES and the other dozens of Nintendo consoles?

Goddess=Consoles, Sister=Handhelds, unless it's super specific like Uzume is just the Dreamcast. If we just go specific then Nepgear should be oldest of the cast

IH is only good for something like that Godess rejection program doujin

why would you marry a girl you have nothing in common with you idiotic faggot
marry a girl who could also be your best friend, that way you'll actually like being with her rather than being just another retarded "tied down" stereotype where you don't enjoy her company at all

Noire, Blanc, and Vert usually represent the latest generation of consoles. In V-II the next forms represent the next gen consoles PS4, Wii-U and Xbone. In Victory since it's set in an alternate past dimension they represent past gens PS1, Famicom and original Xbox.


>ywn meet a vulnerable girl that strives to keep up with other

Why the fuck do I have a fetish for inferiority complex girl?


Because you have shit taste. Tsundere was a mistake.


a shit

I will marry Noire and have passionate sex with her every morning and night


You might ruin her concentration.
