Sword have cylindrical handle

>Sword have cylindrical handle

Other urls found in this thread:


>axes have square shafts

>you keep the rest of the bullets in the magazine

>swords have carburetors

>guy can unsheath his sword while it's on his back

>what the fuck is this shit

what the fuck
that might be dumber than the gunblade
does he just have to rev up his sword like a goddamn lawnmower every time he fights

Indeed he does. It also needs gas, as you can imagine.

If it had a chain on it that'd be a chainsword which is surprisingly common and not all that ridiculous.

But that just looks like a normal fucking sword with a fake engine strapped to the hilt.

Where do i even begin to hold it?

Where the two handguards meld together.

*reloads katana*

What the hell would be the point of those other two handles then.

>What is the point of X in a Final Fantasy/Disney crossover

There is no point, it's all completely retarded, and your best bet is just going with the flow and not asking too many questions

>Axe has double-sided blade

What do you mean? It has two "heads" or would it be like one regular axe like that of Gimli but with a blade on the inside turned to the wielder?


Screw you, battleaxes are cool.

You know that those are real, right? Stop being retarded.

mostly ceremonial

Axes are tools also, not only weapons.
Double headed axes were used in forestry

What's the point of the spike between the blades? It's too short to stab anyone with.

youtube.com/watch?v=MYc6g5EzEcs&t=1s hahaha

>sword clips through sheath

That was at least an interesting (still stupid as fuck) idea, with the gun part not shooting at the enemy but actually shooting the katana out.

Like most things in MGR shit was dumb as fuck but damn it if it didnt look cool.

I think i threw up a little in my mouth.