What's going on with /ourguy/ someone fill me in

what's going on with /ourguy/ someone fill me in.

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SJWs get overly sensitive yet again. Basically business as usual.

he's nursing bird eggs

he let his colors burst

Will Jon's career ever be the same again?

Just another white supremacist who took his hood off.

Dumb e-celeb lets his ignorant mouth run wild, but plot twist! He's conservative for once! What a shock, better make twenty more threads on Sup Forums about it.

He got caught trying to sell bootleg game shit on craigslist and now he's in a huge shitstorm on plebbit and his fanbase.

He was part of a "debate" with some cuck named Destiny. They babbled on for an hour, basically "debating" multiculturalism and homo-geniality. Destiny unreasonably supported multiculturalism citing poor examples, trying to nitpick, and JonTron basically did the same thing for homo-geniality. Only distinction is that Jon was supporting the right to support homo-geniality, and didn't seem to be completely supporting it himself. However, this meant that people saw him as a white nationalist, which may or may not be true.

no he lost 0.3% of his 3 million subscribers he's going to delete his channel tomorrow and commit suicide after going triple bankrupt and turning into a gay nigger

woah. jon is gay?

He took the bogpill.



you mean homogeneity

god those tiles turn me on, post more user

He hates immigrants and pretty much anyone else who isn't white. Even though he's literally a second generation immigrant. Can't make this shit up, someone slipped him a redpill in his drink without him noticing and now he's going full retarded.

Once you go full /po/ you never go back.

It was revealed that he's the actual leader of the alt-right and orchestrated gamergate.

constantly talking about muh jews and politics without actually having an informed well thought out opinion on the matter.
It's actually quite funny.

*full based

He's not allowed to think the way he does, end of story.

he dislikes illegal immigration and doesn't like a culture that consistently despises everybody not a part of it. dont see the issue desu

I too, like the stark beauty of papercraft and origami

Just watch the fucking video.


more like just a guy with normal opinions being hounded by marxist degenerates.

He expressed his opinion, but it's not the correct opinion. Thus, he is now a pariah that jacks off to Pepes wearing MAGA hats.

It's pretty sad when expressing yourself is now something I consider "brave".


this, also i regret voting trump!!

Here's the raw copy of his craigslist post and all the links to the pictures at the bottom and his response to the shitstorm he's dealing with. Should have everything in there to get you up to date with what's going on.


fuuuuuck, im gonna cum user

He may very well be a supremacist or a nationalist, but he certainly isn't white

He was anti-SJW for a while, and I was on board with that.

Then he started preaching straight off Stormfront white supremacist shit. He went off the deep end. I hate people who bring up race related bullshit in any way.

There aren't "two sides" to this, there is just a large collection of retards who never evolved from apes shit flinging at each other and I want no part of it.

He expressed much of Richard Spencer's opinion, probably without even realizing it.

why the fuck is he cutting that tile?

>Stormfront white supremacist shit
No he didn't.

please tell me about how islam is such an accepting religion user

>Then he started preaching straight off Stormfront white supremacist shit

>tfw built my entire house out of folded paper
>all of my clothes are complex folded paper arrangements
>even eat folded paper
>I've gone full /po/

Wow that's pretty fucked up. Jon is a sleezbag for selling bootleg crap as rare games.

This isn't video games

Sup Forums tries it: Politics - The Thread

Video game culture

post broken tiles

>correct opinion
Did you even pass 5th grade?

>posting gore
>outside of Sup Forums
are you trying to get the lad banned?

Homogeneous cultures are the best cultures though, most successful. This is objective.

Just look at all the immigration in the world - are people fleeing to mixed countries like Brazil or are they fleeing to majority white countries like Sweden?

The question is, why is it white people's job to take care of this influx of uneducated unskilled 3rd worlders? Especially when they outnumber us 6 to 1.


>why is it white people's job to take care of this influx of uneducated unskilled 3rd worlders? Especially when they outnumber us 6 to 1.

Are you asking for a...quick rundown?

That seems . . . broad

thanks doc

I know. He got caught doing a lot of sketchy shit to get around it, such as listing them as rare and genuine, even when showing the people upfront the obviously fake game covers. He actually has the gall to show them the fake game CD right in front of their face, up front.

Worth mentioning that the best countries that are being praised by this dude are extremely leftist by American standards. Really makes ya think.


Not videogames. Go away

How does it feel knowing e-celebs represent all gamers now

Leftist and progressive "cucked" cultures are the best cultures. This is objective.

cringeworthy. That's how it feels.


he got destroyed in a debate, lost even more subs than he was losing, made to look like a sad and pathetic idiot because of it

/ourguy/ lol

>Samurai Jack thread on page 2 was deleted 5 minutes ago
>this thread on page 1 is still up

Europe and Japan already fled to Brazil and South America last century. It's Europe's turn this century

He got destroyed in the debate, but I think he actually earned subs in the long run instead of losing them. No doubt Sup Forumstards consider him /theirguy/ now

He's the son of an Iranian immigrant who isnt white and went full Uncle Tom.

The idiot doesnt know that the very people he's defending will go against him after they deal with blacks and people that are more brown than him.

Don't forget to report

the altright is defeated we beat them comrades