Yakuza thread

This restaurant doesn't even exist, it's just a fucking picture of a restaurant. What the hell nagoshi

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>yakuza thread

good shit

What do you mean it's just a photo of a restaurant?

I'm about 16 hours into 0 and in Chapter 4, have done most of the substories that are available. When can I do real estate?

Just got home with a PS3. Gonna play some Yakuza 3.

The interior isn't rendered in game. It's just a flat picture of the inside of a restaurant with Shinada pasted on top of it.

post shit, I like seeing other people play and fool around

Enjoy comfy Okinawa and best Wesker

Chapter 5.

Are there other arcade games than space harrier and the running game? getting a bit bored of those two desu

where do i buy darts? and where do i get fishing hooks?


Space Harrier
Super Hang-On
Fantasy Zone

I think that's all.

Oh yeah, didn't see that second line. There's one pack of darts in Ebisu Pawn, same as the Peerless Pole for fishing. Both are pretty much the end-all equipment you're going to need for either minigame. Attaining completion is pretty easy with both, they're not very difficult mini-games.

the ufo :^)

kek, very true.

I lost my mind in that ufo catcher so many times

>where do i buy darts?

I don't think you can buy darts, I earned some playing dart challenges at the bar.

I got pretty good at it. The trick is that, while going left, look at the rail at the top, not the claws. The claws swing violently, but the rail at the top moves evenly. When you move back, you can look at the claws, they don't seem to sway as much then.

If you read the (very short) thread, you'd know you're wrong.

>There's one pack of darts in Ebisu Pawn

I'm retarded desu

No worries, if nothing else, it bumped the thread a little. Darts is easy either way. As you said, after a couple of dart games you get a set from the bar employee.

I'm awful at cricket darts

What's the best 0/Kiwami minigame and why is it pocket racing?


>escort stealth with qtes
what the fuck

>trying to watch Y3 cutscenes in youtube
>edgy faggot won't stop laughing at the orphanage getting destroyed

I hate this cunt

>forced combat section
>atleast it's over
>lol second half
I haven't been butthurt this bad in a long time
fuck off already

Do you not have any of the games with you currently? Just check the reminisice cutscenes


this is the comfiest shit in the universe

I only have 0 and 4 (and I can't play right now)

4 has those cutscenes though, as soon as you can play it. Without shitty commentary, but with a beautiful voice-over by Kiryu-sama.

>tfw the Orphanage Attack was the only part of 3 I actually cared about

>Majima only grabs Reiko by the shoulder
>the dagger was far enough and pointed outwards in a way it wouldn't hurt Reiko even if he tried

Didn't think about his animations here much, but now I'm thinking that even for a ruse I'm sure many other characters would have gone along with the act and be more forceful.

>there are people who didn't notice Majima wasn't meant to be a crazy psycho from the beginning

I dunno, I had a blast with Mine's yandere tantrum

Playing 4 now. I'm so in love with her I lost interest to visit the cabaret club.

how did such a cute kid with rosy lips and long eyelashes became so manly

Ashbfc has a comfy playthrough of Yakuza 3. Does all the substories that are worth looking at, doesn't talk over cutscenes and cuts out unnecessary stuff.

He may look handsome but he's still fucking stupid

>Nendoroid keep getting accessories all the time
>now they are getting fucking extra bodies

come on GSC I want to put shit on Kiryu and Majima

>Sonyfags in charge of taking screenshot

Yeah, back then we had these things called "pre-rendered backgrounds"

I am out of money for a month. Should I save up and buy this game or Neir?

I just finished 3 a few days ago. Not as awful as people say, but still the weakest of the non-spin-offs.
Also, I'm beginning to wonder if 3 was the starting point for a lot of the fujoshi fanbase because of Mine's (not so) closeted feelings for Daigo.

don't make me choose one

>Playing Yakuza 5
>just got to Tsukimino as Saejima
>see ramen delivery guy on the sidewalk
>have to deliver ramen to some dude standing 10 meters away
>sidewalk is kinda slippery, walk slowly
>suddenly npcs sliding on their asses on the ice as obstacles
it's these things that keep me coming back for more

>was the starting point for a lot of the fujoshi fanbase because of Mine's (not so) closeted feelings for Daigo

Fujos will like anything that has attractive male characters. I don't think this really corssed their minds and if it did then didn't work because the most popular pairings on twitter and pixiv are still kiryu/majima, kiryu/nishiki, saejima/majima and oda/tachibana.

Coincidentially yesterday I found someone who draws daigo/mine yesterday while browsing Yakuza stuff in twitter and that's the first.

would you?


Its a damn shame Okinawa never appeared in any of the later games outside of appearing in cutscenes.


Kiryu would

trying to teach the dominatrix is the weirdest fun I had in a while

yakuza 3/4/5 remake/remaster for ps4 when?

NevEventually, I think I heard the developers do plan on remaking the games though simple ports would still work well, especially since 5 and 0 I think ran on the same engine on PS3

Would be nice to see them remake Kenzan and that game actually getting a localization though.

doubt it, those games don't look bad

they look alright but if you don't have a ps3 you can't play them and since yakuza 0 got lots of people into the series I'd expect sega would want to get the rest of the games on ps4 so people can actually play them

If they fucked up the Majima figma like the Kiryu one I'd hate to see how deformed they'd make Yakuza nenderoids

they would probably look as dumb as the Nendos based on real people because of how realistic they are

>watch sexy video
>trophy unlocked
>...I did it for the trophy
for fucks sake


Tfw I will never have a decent Yakuza figma I can put in stupid ass poses

>that suit

get her dragon

>Goromi will never give you a lap dance

Why live?

Yes, many things in Yakuza are lazy as fuck, rehashed from older games, prerendered, and so on. Welcome to Yakuza. The games are still top tier.

As somebody who loved Cabaret Club in Y0: Will I like Clan Creator in 6?

>まだまだ pole dancing やれるてい!
>you will never see Goromi's pole dancing

Say if Yakuza was mainstream enough to warrant funko pops, would you consider that good or bad




You want to take that back?

>pick up girl on the telephone
>heavenly doors open
jesus fuck this game keeps delivering
I haven't laughed that hard in a long time

They'd probably put one of those horrid black eyes over Majima's eye patch.

Funko pops are shit, no thanks.

I think I just got raped by a milf

>Dating that giant woman and losing all of your HP

playing 0

fucking this business shit seems like its gonna be dragged out

was anri in 0 or some other game?

how the hell did kuze ever become lieutenant of the dojima family when he gets beaten by a failed yakuza only three years into his oath five times?

Yakuza 6. It'll come out next year


how Kiryu lost his virginity in 0, sad

My god.

ah fuck
here I was getting excited

In the poll after 5 Mine is still the second most popular final boss/villain after Ryuji

Though I don't know the JP fanbase's reaction to 0 and Kiwami's Nishiki

Majima and Saejima's even more ridiculous.

They are 10 years into their oath at most around 0, and one massacare an entire clan, while the other raid a clan and beat up one Lieutenant and a legendary assassin

Not to mention Majima gets much weaker after losing his eye as Saejima point out later

Kiryu is like a fucking sealed ancient buddhist demon that they break the seal on every year to unfuck the Tojo Clan's shit. Kuze had the misfortune of being the first man who ever broke that seal and it cost him everything.

Best description

I want SEGA to give Takashi Miike or Beat Takeshi proper budget and prepararion for a Yakuza movie

Miike is fucking fantastic and it's a shame the Yakuza movies turned out so bad, and Beat is great too. You should go watch Beat's Zatoichi.

>back then

Are you autistic

Not even for 2 billion yenzies.

Does anyone have a sauce of this? Code or name of the girl?

>have eight more fucking catfights to get the platinum in 0
>have to do the two hardest minigames in Ishin for the platinum, final fan dancing is tough and I suck a bullet hell games so Courtesan Fucking is impossible
>only other game I haven't platinum'd is Dead Souls and it's Dead Souls

I want to play Kiwami nooowwww. I can only procrastinate for so long before I actually try to do this shit.

Even if his rol in the whole game is jobing, I fucking love Kuze.

I liked him more for the fact that Kiryu had to keep beating him up than for being himself


Kuze is easily the best lieutenant

Based on fanart alone I think they liked him a lot, specially in 0


I honestly prefer Awano. That coked out bad fashion sense motherfucker is hilarious.

Awano needed more screen time, the guy was charismatic as fuck. Too bad they focus the attention to Shibusawa towards the end.


If this was my first purchase of the series would I still enjoy it?
Someone told me it was just a "story driven" game filled with QTE and cutscenes

Should have been the final dance battle in Kiryus Maharaja questline.