Horizon has better graphics than ME:A and it runs 90% of the time in 30fps

ME:A stays in 22~28fps 90% of the time.
No PS4 boost for ME:A while Horizon is 4K 30fps stable.

Other urls found in this thread:


Damn...can't believe a modern Bioware game is technically shoddy.

>fighting over 30fps

>being proud
>in 2017

Fucking console peasants

and neither of them are good games

Crysis has better graphics than Horizon and has 144 FPS 100% of the time


wow I can't remember the last time i played a game at 30fps. I think the last time was timesplitters on my ps2, fucking hell consoles really haven't innovated at all, so glad i went to PC

post yfw even cod has better fps on consoles

>Bragging about 30 frames per second.

I wonder how many sonybros believe that this was typed from a pcfag
it's obviously falseflagging
And he does it in every horizon thread

for a 2012 hardware is not bad considering how good the graphics are

you can type pcfag but not sony fag

>Gaming on a "NEXT GEN" console
top kek

steamcucks are the worst cancer only losing to Nintenbros and Metal Gear fans.

>Being this buttmad


>If you have a ps4 pro
Fixed that for you OP, I returned Horizon after playing it on my "I only paid sony once" playstation.

Post pic (proof of purchase) or confirmed false-flag.


Horizon is 1527p upscaled to 4K
ME:A is 1800p

>games still struggling to get 30fps
Why do you console friends put yourself through this?

Who spent weeks shilling Undertale here?

Who makes Nintendo console war threads?

Who buys $600 video card to play CS:GO and Dota 2?

Who spend all month saying video games are dead because even the exclusive steam indies are garbage now

Who makes daily threads about pc ports being bad, claiming they own a 1080 and not having a PS4 to play jap games?

Who made 10 threads per hour about The Division saying Ubisoft made a masterpiece?

Who spent an entire week talking about early access DLC and how it was good for the future of ''western games''

Which group pre-order meme cards that in less than 90 days cost 25% less?

Who opens daily threads about how superior $300 razer-tier keyboards all worth?

who buys 2013 TN monitors for 500 dollars just because it has "gaming" in the package?

who spend 250 dollars in a chinese headphone because it's supposed to be ''7.1 surround dolby digital DTS" ?

Kek, why would I hold on to a receipt for something I returned weeks ago user, quit sperging, I returned the game, deal with it.

>says while jerking off cemu for emulating botw at 30fps

Getting a console to run a game at 30 fps is an achievement man

Only the pro runs it at a consistent 30 the plebstation drops frames all the time during robo dino fights

Nintendo has made it the norm. 22 fps is far more cinematic anyway.

what PC could I have bought for $400 in 2014 that would get better performance on a game like Horizon?

>an emulator running a brand new Nintendo game at 30 fps

Now THAT is impressive, not even the switch or the Wii U can do that. You are gonna be real butt hurt in a few weeks when they get it running even better.

thinking more frames = innovation is why western vidya is dying btw ;^)

You could play Dota 2, CS:GO and Fallout 4 with mods!1 in fucking 144fps!

Guy I have a laptop that could run horizon as well as the base ps4.

>Asking for proof of purchase on a returned product
What did he mean by this?

I'm sure finding the email or the return receipt is an impossible task.
Here is your (you) and be glad that I'm giving redditors free replies today.

You get an email for returning physical copies to stores? user, come on now, your autism is flaring up, maybe time for a nap?

Just leave him alone, he's just upset that not everyone is used to playing games at 25 fps, he probably just paid for the second Playstation and never saw the frame drops on the original.

So you actually went to a store, bought Horizon (out of dozens of well established good PS4 games) and then returned it because you didn't like

That's amazing story.

Is it?
>new game that was hyped for months comes of
>stop off at store after work
>pick up new game
>play it for a few hours
>performs like shit
>take it back a couple days later and return it
Sounds like a pretty basic story to me. To be fair though it's far from the only game with terrible performance on the normal playstation. The best I have right now is Nioh, and I STILL get fps drops in its performance mode.

>dozens of well established good games
Kek, good one.

>performs like shit
Your false-flag is more obvious
At this point is just better to leave the thread and hope everyone forgets about your false-flag.
Nioh doesn't have any drops in fights that goes below 56 fps. You get drops in some areas.
Horizon doesn't suffer from performance issues on normal PS4. It's the typical 26~28fps in rare moments. 90% of the time the game is locked at 30fps in a regular PS4. Dark Souls III and Bloodborne are about 40~45% slower than Nioh and everyone enjoyed those games.

>4k 30fps stable
>fake 4k 27-30 fps stable

Back 2 reddit

power of the cloud

Is Horizon actually a game or is it just a graphics tech demo? Seems to me like they just slapped a no-effort ubisoft “game” on top of their Decima engine as an elaborate tech demo / advertisement.

>Nioh never drops below 56 fps
You are either a shill or you never played the game, I get some nasty dips at certain points in the game, and it has happened in fights before.
>Horizon suffers from no performance issues on normal ps4
>it dips to 26-28 sometimes
It can get pretty bad during fights and pick one shill.
>Dark souls 3 ran slower then Nioh and everyone enjoyed that
Kek, I played dark souls 3 at locked 60 fps, speak for yourself.

Most of this comes down to you having lower standards then me, or just working for Sony. Hell 30fps is barely acceptable these days and that's when it's solid, no game runs at a solid 30 fps on the normal playststion outside of nioh and that's with a sacrifice to visual fidelity and even then it can't maintain its solid fps target, it does a damn better job then most games, but it still falls short if you try to pretend im "falseflagging" I hope you are being paid to lie to yourself.

>It can get pretty bad during fights and pick one shill.

No frame pacing issues. drops to 29 and back to 30 in 1 second

can someone show me where is the performance issue in Horizon?
yeah the video is extremely low quality but the important part is the framerate test


Not him but ubisoft shills need to stop talking about "framepacing"
digital shillry stayed in the arena the entire time and never when anywhere even slightly resource intensive

Indoors with lots of contact hardening shadow the game drop the 27fps and there are issues with frametimes in the forests

I play it with 90 fps and am very happy

So where is the performance issue? The frame pacing is near perfect and it's locked 30fps 99% of the time during battles.

Where is the issue during battle that people claim is a "deal breaker"? show me a screenshot or a webm

keep crying kid

>Use an engine that produces gorgeous graphics and performs well even on consoles (Frostbite)
>Make an unpolished piece of shit that runs poorly
>Take an engine that has produced great, realistic looking characters
>Make everybody a potato with Pingu lips

Can you show me where it's locked to 30 in every battle?
I don't know what you're talking about with deal breakers like I said I'm no them
literally nobody cares newfag

I'm hurt because I bought horizon expecting a game. Instead I got a tech demo.

Either way, that's the last time I ignore Sup Forums's advice. Everything else has been spot-on, stupid me just decided to ignore the horizon shitposting.

Digitalfoundry is the only piece of evidence we have, thus making it open to scrutiny

they have a proprietary framerate technology and will not let anyone else use it and Sony will not let anyone else develop another one

you sound asshurt

ok show me the game running bad

Look at the frametimes too

yea even the guys at digital foundry sad that was the only place where the frame rate goes streage what are you trying to prove here


I never thought I'd see the day when console faggots who have been defending trash performance for years because the human eye can't see more than 12 fps would start shitting on other consoles they don't like for having bad performance then praising 30fps as a good thing.

It literally makes me think of like the big fat kid on a playground feeling like a champ because the other kids aren't allowed to use his favorite slide.

I think my perception of consoles faggots just dipped to a whole new level.


No one was being sarcastic. Console tards hate each other so much for using a different system that I guarantee you the OP is 100% genuine

>Can you show me where it's locked to 30 in every battle?
The battle I showed you had no drops. It had multiple enemies and explosions.

Your only proof that the game has drops during battle is your imagination.

If I just showed you a standard battle with no frame drops it's expected that all battles are like that. The game's code is pretty decent and it's the only open world western game with stable 30fps in a regular PS4.
That's a closed location. It's like some areas in Nier Automata where there is nothing going on and the frame drops to 46 but in the actual gameplay and stress moments it's stay above 54fps.

You people are desperate

Battle shows no frame drops
>S-show every battle! prove it!
>I-it must had frame drops! it can't be! the game is supposed to be 25fps !



>Console exclusives

>m-my imagination is telling me the game has many frame rate issues! please show me the entire game with frame rate analysis to disprove my imagination!


>Any new HDR or graphics stuff for the PS4 Pro
>Are you gonna make any console exclusive stuff so we can get the stuff
>Will there be anymore console exclusive content

This whole thread

>Dota 2 has more players at once than horizon ever will
sad man