Games with satisfying late game

what are games where going into late/end game feels very satisfying gear wise

pic related is grimdawn

Is this game a good arpg compared to POE or Diablo?

I played Grim Dawn for 4 hours and I don't remember seeing anything nearly as cool as that.

i haven't played POE for 2 years now so i can't really make a comparison
but this is Titan Quest with guns and i really love it because i just keep making up dumb builds that end up working
my next build is going to be a maximum movement speed spread poison around the map

It's alright, if you've ever played titanquest it's pretty much exactly that.
Better than that diablo 3 dogshit for certain, not as good as diablo 2, and it's hard to compare it to poe because poe is effectively a diablo mmo.

Haven't played PoE but compared to Diablo 3 I found it massively disappointing. Visually unappealing and messy, spells and combat feels clunky, very few spells feel good to use, the level system makes trying out new things a chore, inventory fills up comically fast even for an ARPG, difficulties are poorly balanced, gear that feel like exciting upgrades are extremely rare.

I'll keep playing it for now but I wish it was better.

the legendary weapons in this game are great

It was a year ago I tried playing, guess I didn't get into it.
I'll try again, tell me what class to play.

if you want to just plow through the game go for warder (druid/soldier) with lightning damage

No I want to have fun.

then make up a build
i was planning to do a trickster full speed lightning dual wielder

Blizzard is very good with this, despite the anti-Blizzard circlejerk on this website. Diablo 3 and WoW respectively have the most endgame content in their respective styles of games.

An interesting choice is the Mega Man Battle Network series because while they don't necessarily have "gear", the options for the player character really expand in the post game and said options become more important as well.

from the thumbnail, I thought that was a screenshot from WoW.

Is Torchlight 2 worth the shekels?

>satisfying late game
yeah, choose one, this shit always gets boring after few hours of doing EXACTLY THE SAME

>Diablo 3 and WoW respectively have the most endgame content in their respective styles of games.
I hope you're trolling rather than being a complete moron.

Can Wizards play anything other than Firebird yet?

Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst has a satisfying endgame just because of how many different weapons and equipment you can collect and trade.

Man I wish I could enjoy games like this, but it's all the same underwhelming boring shit

The first two diablo games were the shit, but thats where the "genre" died if you can even call it that after two somewhat decent and for that time original titles.

If you play these games in the current year I hope you have loads of carpal tunnel cream and adult diapers nearby, because you're fucking autistic

i know there are shills here
post webms

i am too stupid/lazy to learn how to make webms

Are pet builds fun?

the absurd amount of pets you can have makes the game a breeze

When was the last time you played? Firebird hasn't been a thing for several seasons, completely outclassed by archon, tal rasha's, and now even more blown away with the new manald heal lightning ring

In any case he is right, the leveling process may not be great in d3 but the end game is the entire point.

Are you talking about firebird archon? Or is there another set we are wearing now?

Expansion WHEN?

>grind a whole day
>see 100 item drops
>can use only 1 of it
>browse through all available items
>figure that there is hardly a single good item per slot for your build
>realize you will never have great gear
>realize it doesn't really matter because you can kill everything even with shit gear
>realize there is no point in going through the game more than once

gee grim dawn is so satisfying it makes me want to not play it, because I am so satisfied with 1 playthrough

Play with friends and share items, thats how i roll and its FUN

Almost everything is fun with friends.

>That feel when cadence crits with two handed weapon