Do you think some day No Man's Sky will be remembered fondly? Spore and Fable are both universally loved roughly a decade after their release, and I remember both being hugely disappointing to anyone who listened to their lying devs.
Do you think some day No Man's Sky will be remembered fondly...
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Maybe if you're like ten when you played it. Kids never seem to judge things as harshly.
That said, I doubt it. Despite Will Wright and Peter Molyneux's promises for their games, they were still trying to break new ground, and still had a lot of great ideas in those games, which, if they'd kept their damn mouths shut and let the games do the marketing for them, probably would have changed a lot in how we viewed them back then, not just now. Can you REALLY, honestly take a look at NMS and say the same?
It's Starbound 3D, but without anything that actually makes that game somewhat charming.
Fable and Spore are actually fun games.
No Man's Sky is a bunch of washed-up shit we've seen 10000 times before.
>durr herp crafting
> Fable
> loved
Mocked, sure, but I dunno if I'd call that love...
Spore at least seems like a deeper, more interesting version of more recent fare, despite it's age, even though at the time it seemed like shitty limited versions of 5 popular games duct-taped together. It just shows how crappy the videogame industry has become, now that reviewers and developers have gone into a circlejerk.
If we didn't have JRPGs and Polish fare like The Witcher, maybe Fable would actually start to look good.
Fable and Spore are shit, you're just a neo-Sup Forums retard with no standards.
Mocked in the beginning, for sure, but the original Fable, had Molyneux not been Molyneux would probably be regarded as a classic of that generation, just based on the things it DID accomplish for its time.
I'm still mad Sup Forums. This game crushed the last bit of hope I had in the industry.
Spore 2 when? Honestly, it was a bad game, but it could be such a fucking great game with some work and adjustments.
Plus I miss my space dinosaur pirate race.
Spore had some honestly great ideas in it. The tribal aspect prior to RTS mode was a lot of fun, and really, even the bacterial mode, running around eating shit and avoiding being eaten by shit was fun too.
Spore is not universally loved.
Personally enjoy it but it still has plenty of haters. And for good reason too.
Fable's problem isn't about Molyneaux. Dungeon Keeper is looked back on fondly, because no recent game has done what it did better. Spore is looked back on fondly, because the more recent games that tried to do something similar were total shit.
Fable is not looked back on fondly, because we have Soulsbornes, Witchers, Niers, and even Final Fantasies that offer everything Fable offered, but better, including more realistic homosexual relationships.
>the game that killed Sup Forums's positivity for good
I had the benefit of playing Fable before I even knew who Peter Molyneux was, and it IS a fun game. I still go back and play it once every couple of years or so. Spore was okay I guess, although I knew about what lying fucks they were about it so it definitely tinged what I thought about it.
Nobody thinks that NMS is fun.
>calling Fable shit
>belong here
pick one faggot
I loved both games, thogh playing them recently made me see some more flaws. But knowing what these games could have been and weren't just ruins them for me. Specially Spore
Everyone that hates Spore hates it because they claim they were promised something that they didn't get. Which isn't a very valid reason, maybe hate the company that lied but not the game that was actually very good.
Everyone that played Spore without prior knowledge of whatever was supposedly supposed to be in it loved it.
If every stage of Spore had the similar attention Space got, it would be very good. As it is, it's a shallow game until you get to the space stage.
I'm surprised no one has tried something similar, the idea of working your way up from a cell to space faring civilization is a really novel idea.
Name ONE homosexual relationship in any of those-
Okay, name fifty homosexual relationships, five hundred trans species relationships, six gorillion more realistic economic models, and a bajillion villians that can be defeated with a music box, in any of those games that don't have "Witcher" in the name.
I was in middle school when Spore came out. (I am 21, I can browse this board, dumbasses) and I had been following the games development since like forever. I remember when the Spore website was just this weird ass blog looking thing.
When the game came out my friends and I actually weren't hyper disappointed by it and we had a lot of fun playing it. Only when I got older did I find out what it could have been and was disappointed by that.
No, that was TORtanic. TORtanic has RUINED this board.
People just accepted Spore for what it is.
Nigger not once in the 8 years I've been here ive seen anyone shit on fable get your nigger taste out of here
As someone that was so hyped for spore I don't look back on it that fondly it just reminds me what a letdown it was compared to how it could of been and I think the same feelings will stay with the people that bought into the lies surrounding no mans sky
No, no one had expectations for TORtanic in the first place, everyone expected it to sink.
Spore was a game Sup Forums was genuinely incredibly hyped about since the first gameplay presentation came out, and could only watch in horror as everything good about it was stripped away by EA.
You have to look at it without modern lenses, though, considering when the original Fable came out on the Xbox Hueg, there weren't many action RPGs out on it at the time. It may not have been revolutionary, but if you remove the hype surrounding the game, it would have been a solid classic on a system that didn't have that many. (Again, at that time.)
Weren't they completely different? If I recall correctly, fable and spore have been competent games, that promised far more features than they delivered. I think they were regarded as medicore at their worst, and niche and charming at their best. Most solid critique was lack of depths and repetitivity.
No mans sky, if I understand correctly, is a techdemo at it's best, that manages to cover the lack of real gameplay or any depth for the first few hours.
So it's considered underwhelming or below average at Its best, and non-working, non-delivering, non-game at its worst.
That being said, was nms really hyped for the promises? Did people really expect a mmo or something? Or did it get hyped for the sake of hype?
I thought the space stage was the least interesting stage, and it was the one I was looking forward to the most.
Bacterial, creature and tribe stages were the most fun. RTS could have been more in-depth (why is every city populated by your species if you go the peaceful route in tribal?). Space just felt like running back and forth collecting trade resources and driving from one end of the galaxy to the other to fend off an eco disaster/invasion because your empire has only invested in one warship. A mix of strategy and exploration would have been better.
Creature stage is pretty long and in depth though. I probably played that more than space.
Spore will always be a joke.
The first Fable was pretty decent. Then went to shit. Fable could of been great but Molyneux is a hack.
I fucking loved fable since the day it came out and still do. who the fuck likes spore though?
No, it was Spore. I used to love videogames. Then 2008 happened. I got hyped up for Spore and WAR only to have both of them to release as total shit.
I never looked at vidya the same way again
Well I mean more in the things you do. Aside from the main evolution portion of the creature stage, what do you do? Dig up bones, dance by mashing 1-4 keys, or kill by mashing 1-4 keys.
The space stage at least allows you a wide amount of goals to achieve, from terraforming planets to being diplomatic to stealing shit from lower civ planets.
I'm not sure I find any entertainment in the Tribal stage at all, it's more of the creature stage but you corral a group of creatures to kill/dance.
You realize that the only people who wrote reviews for it are retards who actually think it's anything but a piece of shit, while the normal people with working brains moved on before Steam reviews were a thing?
>No mans sky, if I understand correctly, is a techdemo at it's best, that manages to cover the lack of real gameplay or any depth for the first few hours.
This is hyperbole. There is gameplay, it's just shitty, shallow, repetitive gameplay of which other games have done almost every element better.
>competent games, that promised far more features than they delivered
This is an accurate description of NMS, if you're generous with your definition of "competent". It boots up, and it probably won't crash unless you really fuck with it, but at launch you couldn't count on either of these things.
>That being said, was nms really hyped for the promises? Did people really expect a mmo or something? Or did it get hyped for the sake of hype?
Where were you last year, under a rock? It was insanely hyped because of all the promises made, because people wanted to believe that a space game could be good, and because once a true hype train gets rolling it'll roll right up till it can roll no further. But absolutely the devs' lies played into that. Don't you remember the
Why did you remind me user?
>The space stage at least allows you a wide amount of goals to achieve, from terraforming planets to being diplomatic to stealing shit from lower civ planets.
Too bad you can't do any of that because every literal five fucking minutes you have to fuck off to some world that's being attacked by pirates or facing an eco disaster.
Which is easily circumvented by things you can buy to all but stop these. It's not as though it's absolutely required you respond either.
Slightly delayed, and failing to attend to these will lose you your spice, lose you the work you used to terraform, and worsen your diplomatic relations. Then there's the fact that you also need to personally collect spice from spice-rich worlds. I also fucking hate that you can't set course to the world you want, you have to manually hop from world to world whenever you want to go anywhere.
Basically, it's a stage that should have given you the most freedom, but instead you're swamped by busywork.
In the case of Spore, I blame EA a lot more than Will Wright. It was an ambitious project, eys.
But Maxis & Will Wright made one of the most ambitious games of their time: SimEarth
That game came out in literally 1990. Thats right. TWENTY-SEVEN years ago.
And yet is the only game that is a FULL planetary simulator. You simulate EVERYTHING about a planet. And they did that, for old 486 computers.
Imagine what they could do with more modenr technology. And they gave us The Sims in 2000.
No, Maxis's failing, was the fault of EA: the greedy motherfucking piece of shit consortium that buys up companies like Westwood and Maxis, and drains them of their creative talent and kills their respective simulation and RTS markets, as they pump more money into FPS-shit.
Spore has, and will retain its following, because, even though it didn't get to fulfill its promises, it came close. And yes, it is more rewarding than No Man's Sky in some ways.
The original plan was, iirc:
Bacterial: Something really simple
Creature: Diablo 2
Tribal: Populous/Black & White
City: Civilization
Yes, Spore could have been more. A LOT more. But then again: if the earlier stages got as much attention, it would have taken away from the endgame content of Spore. I'd say it was a tough balancing act - it could have been mitigated if there had been a, I dunno, a "progress limiter" for Spore. But problem is, Spore was meant to be continuously online. Which is another thing that made it suffer: you can't put limits on it
>there are people who buy or will buy Spore on Steam just because it's on sale even though it's a terrible version with completely fucked up compatibility
> you have to look at it without modern lenses
No I don't, because pop culture won't. Why do you think everyone that buys video games is required to see things the way you want them to see things?
Spore would've been redeemable of the space stage wasn't literal dogshit. It was so tedious and boring I preferred to stay in the civ stage as long as possible
Btw, is the GOG version better?
Civ stage was shit too.
Wasn't Spore released on steam a few months after the actual release? You'd think people buying it on there would go in knowing what to expect, or in other words the people who bought it while the hype was still up had already expended all their salt for it so the reviews weren't slammed with negatives.
No mans sky won't be remembered accept as a massive let down. All hype aside the game still doesn't really do much that hasn't already been achieved by other games. Elite dangerous already has procedurally generated planets you can walk on.
Yes it was. Just slightly less shit than the space stage. The whole game is basically garbage with the only redeeming points being that you could ally with the Grox and that it's a neat concept (evolution).
Wasn't civ like literally 10 minutes long?
Space is really fun though, maybe it's tedious and boring if you try to minmax or something and do nothing but gather spices, but there's so much to explore and do in space stage.
>We need some achievements for our in game achievement tracker team, ideas?
>Well Bob, how about we add one solely for breaking the creation sharing rules?
At least they realized pretty fast how bad they fucked up. Also as someone who played it at launch I'm surprised at how fast the servers got flooded with shit creations. Not just penis-monsters and the like, but stuff that looked like they didn't even try. Come to think of it, if there was an achievement for "share x creations," that was a bad idea too as it promoted people doing that shit.
>Nothing but gather spices
That was all there was to do m8 but it's been years so my memory's fuzzy. What else was there to do besides:
Terraform a planet (did the lifeforms on board actually die?)
Genetically modify lifeforms (could you uplift them to space age?)
>do missions for the factions (boring as fuck)
>blow up planets?
>visit the center of the galaxy for the greatest dissapointed
>ally/wipe out the grox