Sonic forces it up your ass

Sonic forces it up your ass.
It's a return to the Unleashed/Colors/Generations style of gameplay. People will complain because of "boost to win", but when Lost World took that out people still complained. Lost World was a little too "Marioesque", though...
You gonna buy it?

Other urls found in this thread:

You gonna force it up your ass or what?

I'm kinda happy they are making Sonic Colors HD
Fuck off open world adventure retards
Fuck off 2D obsessed retards
Buying day 1

>Fuck off 2D obsessed retards
But you just said you're happy they're making Colors HD

when I said 2D I meant those hipsters who think every sonic game should be Sonic Mania only

Sonic games were never good, my friend.

Even the "returning to our roots XD" mindset that Generations perpetuated basically meant going back to low-skill platforming and holding right.

The only remotely decent Sonic games were 3 and CD.

Lost World had bad level design, a dedicated run button, and mediocre physics. I would be interested in a new 3D Sonic game that takes out the boost in favor of a bit more platforming but I'd like it to actually be good. I do still enjoy the boost gameplay though so I'll likely be picking up Forces. I'm just disappointed to know it'll be using Classic Sonic as a crutch.


>It doesn't count if it's the kind of 2D that I like

On a more serious note, I love the look of Mania and Forces looks alright too, but they both seem to be playing it a little TOO straight and safe. Mania would've benefited from all-new levels (albeit would probably take way longer to make since it's a small team) but I can forgive that. What's stranger to me is the approach they're taking with Forces. It's like they're trying to play it safe by including classic Sonic again - which I think is a bad decision personally - but then they're completely contradicting that play-it-safe mantra by including a brand new third gameplay style. What's up with that? I really would've just preferred if it WAS Colors HD, i.e one consistent gameplay style for the whole game. For all of Colors' flaws, that was precisely the thing it did best - they didn't try to pull a Sonic Adventure on us and have all of these extra gameplay modes. Just one.

Sega is not going to give a bunch of western manchildren a brand new IP for the series
They actually rather hire some mobile japanese company to make it. That's how things works over there.
Sonic Mania is nothing more than a 2D celebration and the first 2D sonic game since Sonic 3.
(yes I'm excluding all Nintendo GBA/DS garbage)

Did you respond to the wrong person or something? I'm not sure what you're saying. I'm talking about how Forces would benefit from being more like Colors. What on Earth are you talking about?

Forces is Colors HD you dumb ass.

Colors had one universal playstyle. Forces is split into three playstyles, kind of like games like Sonic Adventure 2. If you actually read my original post it would've been pretty clear that this was what I was talking about and this was my major grievance. Who's the dumbass here exactly?

>too marioesque
sonic was basically made as a mario clone

user I'm not sure why you are angry. You've been spreading the third way is like Sonic Adventures
It's clearly not sonic adventures.

Are you legitimately retarded or is there a joke that I'm not in on

I'm not saying they're going back to Adventure gameplay, I'm saying that they made the same mistake they made with Adventure and Unleashed by splitting their resources across three gameplay styles instead of focusing on one. What about that aren't you getting?

We've established last thread that anything with more than one play style is like Adventure.

Rush is Adventure. Riders is Adventure. Generations is Adventure.

>Rush is Adventure
What was the alternate gameplay style in Rush?

>Rush is Adventure. Riders is Adventure. Generations is Adventure.
This seems autistic to me.
As long as it's Sonic Generations + Sonic Colors HD it's not adventures.

Blaze, with her slower top speed and higher jump, plus the ability to float.

>This seems autistic to me.
Yet filling an entire thread with whining because "muh adventure" isn't?

>Blaze, with her slower top speed and higher jump, plus the ability to float
Don't be silly user there's a clear difference between minor character differences, and entire gameplay shifts

Too bad, last thread it was decided that it counts.

user, never go full retard

Not an argument.

I know

"Not an argument" is not an argument.

Will the sonic devs constantly have to divide resources between two games to please all the fans? If the devs working on sonic mania and sonic forces were working together, I'm sure we'd have a decent sonic we could all like at least a little

You sound autistic, and/or very salty that somebody shitposted too hard in the last Sonic thread

Yeah, whatever makes you feel better, man. Now get the fuck out with your glorified endless run.

And you sound mad that consensus proves you wrong.

>Yet filling an entire thread with whining because "muh adventure" isn't?
Are you trying to get upvotes or what?

Taxman and Stealth have nothing to contribute to the 3D games unfortunately
They're probably making a better deal with this than hiring Dimps

>If the devs working on sonic mania and sonic forces were working together, I'm sure we'd have a decent sonic we could all like at least a little
That hardly even makes any sense, Sonic Mania is made by a small team of Aussies and Americans with a mobile-game-tier shoestring budget. Adding the miniscule budget of Mania to the Forces budget probably wouldn't change shit, and for that matter, the communication barrier would probably just make things even more difficult.

At least link the shitpost thread you're talking about if you want people to even pretend to take you seriously.

>when you get so soundly destroyed you resort to "r-reddit!!"

Fair enough, I just think there should be some sort of middle ground that would make fans happy

>so soundly destroyed
See why i'm right to call you a redditor?

user I don't understand what you're so mad about, could you link us the archived version of the thread in question so we can see why you're so assblasted?

There is no thread
He is just mad at something and is trying to make internet fights to sound like a macho and report back to his friends.

Look, he did it again!

Why are you projecting so much?

Also, the archive fucking sucks.

Hes trying to argue, but instead of regular arguing hes trying to establish some sort of authority standpoint to lend credence to his claims.

Ignore the "Its correct because its correct" circular logic meme.

>haha le projection
Whatever dude just show us the thread

Meant to include you in >logic is now a meme
fucking Sup Forums

Damn dude its almost like you are talking out of your ass.

No source.
>Archive sucks!
Back up your claims
>I'm not going to spoonfeed you!
Then you are full of it.

This is some 2nd grade "that kid" arguing.

>you gonna buy it?
get a real job and selfrespect, you parody on decent human being

Get learned, shitposter.

Who the fuck are you quoting?

Also here >the wikipedia meme
Two can play this game.

I'll buy if Modern Sonic's sections are actually 3D and not """"""""""3D.""""""""""" At the very least give me that.

I knew you would do that.

I fucking love that you throw it out the window even through credible sources are cited.


meme your way out of this one, shitposter.


>no friends
>no buy

Sonic threads were a mistake, and the funny thing is it's nearly always the same 2 or 3 shitposters who ruin it for everyone. I bet the current shitposter is the exact same guy as mobiusfag

Anyway, we really haven't seen enough of Forces yet for me to fairly judge it, but I'm incredibly wary of this so-called third gameplay style. Boost formula is pretty cool, Generations style classic is flawed, but fun. What could they possibly add as a third style? Shootan? Fuckin RTS? Boom Sonic? My pessimism is rising fast. The longer they go without showing the third style, the more my anxiety grows. Just rip the band aid already Iizuka

>the dictionary meme

>someone killed my argument dead
Sonic threads were a mistake, indeed.

Oh, I was in that thread. Who exactly was claiming that minor character differences like Blaze are the same as major gameplay shifts? I sure as shit didn't see any of that.

You assblasted fuckfag.

from your earlier post:
>Why are you projecting so much?

>Also, the archive fucking sucks.

And then you throw around some mythical "thread where the Sup Forums community (as a whole) decided on this one thing" When all you did was link a regular sonic thread with trolls trolling trolls.


>someone killed my argument
I just got here what are you even talking about

People were arguing that minor character differences like the teams in Heroes were the same as major gameplay shifts in Adventure.

I fucking love it man, lol.

Adventurefag here, I'd much rather have a full 2D game like mania, than the utter fucking horseshit 2.5D games that have been spewed out since Sonic Rush. I'd rather see polished 2D sprites than some lazy 3D model in a shitty 3D environment that you can't explore.

Don't get me wrong, I still want adventure 3 and am mad about it. But im actually going to have to side with the classicfags on this one. The 2.5D boost cancer needs to stop.

That's not my post you fucking retard.

I liked Generations a lot.

This looks like more of Generations/Colours/Unleashed (Day), which is exactly what I want from more Sonic.

Definitely buying it.

>the love meme

They'd be wrong of course. There's no "general consensus" to be made here, it's entirely a matter of how much effort and resources go into it, which is a completely OBJECTIVE thing no matter how many retards say otherwise.

Blaze in Rush is not the same as the werehog. Blaze was a new model and a few stat tweaks. A weeks work at best. Werehog had entire levels designed around it. No "general consensus" of retards is going to change that.

That has never been the case, in a sonic thread, ever.

Usually it starts with someone replying to someone random, with antagonistic greentext that has no purpose other than to anger the person they are replying to.

Kinda like, well, your post.

What I want to know is why "modern Sonic" gameplay still exists.

It was made abundantly clear when they acknowledged classic Sonic in Generations that it's what people actually wanted. I know Sega is incompetent and would probably fuck it up anyway, but why are they putting out a straight up Sonic 2D platforming built in the style of Generation's classic stages yet? Seems like a no brainer.

It seems like pure stubbornness that they keep trying to push MODERN SONIC GOTTA GO FAST AAA games, as well as new retarded spins on it like Boom and Lost World, when what their fans want is so utterly simple. Like they don't want to admit that the direction they took Sonic in is terrible and no one but literal autists like it.

I hate those games, but they should really just take a few pointers from NSMB line of game.

Sonic games will be shit until they recognize Adventure gameplay is the right way to go. I say adventure gameplay losely, what I propose is this:

Main playable characters:
-Sonic (sa1 gameplay)
-Tails (sa1 gameplay but no races)
-Knuckles (sa1&2 gameplay but no emerald hunting)

Unlockable characters in 2P & mission mode:
-Metal Sonic
-Metal Knux
-Tails Doll

-Full 3D stages with no 2D sections
-All of the levels are exactly the same for each character, but each character has different abilities that make playing the levels more fun/interesting. They are also all completely optional to play as to avoid autistic screeching.
-all levels are similar to unleashed day & night stages

Hub worlds:
-hub worlds are similar to unleashed and adventure the explorability of adventure with all of the fun of the unleashed side missions/minigames and enemies

Chao garden:
-the chao garden from sa2 with some upgrades and a new hub
-more chao minigames

[Insert story here]


Except that has nothing to do with the argument, you fuck.

Not an argument.

yes I loved generations, lost worlds was decent but some of the bosses were dumb because I had no idea what to do

>Mobiusfag gets here
>IP count of thread doesn't go up

What you are saying has credibility, but i think the fundamental flaw of one trying to interpret the sonic fanbase is to try and unify the many voices within it.

If sega would attempt to make games, say simultaneously; split the series into a 2D effort and a 3D effort, I think a lot of the autism would die down because instead of having the fanbase constantly at odds with each other, they could have mutual respect for one another because they wouldnt all be constantly vying for their respective gamestyle to be the one produced.

I'm also

I'm getting Mania on day one, but I'm not hyped for Forces.
It's kinda funny, Mania and Forces have the same idea (going back to the popular formula), and I loved Generations, but I didn't feel interested nor disappointed when they showed that short gameplay video.
Maybe it is the lack of info about it, or maybe I'm just a nostalgiafag, but Mania have all my attention right now.

Because forces will be worse than mania, and at least mania has 3 playable characters.

>and at least mania has 3 playable characters.
So does Forces, you fucking idiot.

What part of my post was trying to be argumentative? I offered an explanation to the poster you were replying to about the prevalence of shitposters within sonic threads, and implied posts written in the style of yours are what causes the derailing.

>Except that has nothing to do with the argument, you fuck
I honestly have no idea what your argument is supposed to be. I'm the original user from , then you went off on some tangent with some other user with all this bullshit about dictionaries and circular arguments so I just ignored it. What was your original point exactly?

Only post with logic in this thread

All sonics doesn't count as 3 characters user

>What was your original point exactly?
That calling Forces an Adventure game solely because of the different gameplay styles is fucking retarded.

Not an argument either.

I'm not arguing, man. I just want a good sonic thread.

>That calling Forces an Adventure game solely because of the different gameplay styles is fucking retarded
But I never called it an Adventure game, or at least I didn't mean it in the way you're thinking. I was making a very apt comparison regarding the splitting of their development resources, which is just like the Adventures, Sonic 06, Unleashed and Gens. Considering the vast differences between Generations' Modern and Classic Sonic, we can safely assume that the third gameplay style will also be pretty different to both boost and classic. Ergo, they're splitting their resources between three gameplay styles instead of focusing on perfecting one. So in that sense, yes, it IS quite a bit like Adventure in terms of development structure, and as such is risking making many of the same mistakes, even if the actual gameplay and themes are very different.

Did anyone actually like the classic stages in generations?
I literally never see anyone really about them, plus I don't find them fun at all.