*raids your tomb*
*raids your tomb*
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She has amazing backstory
i wish we'd get games more like the old ones again
nu lara is cute and all but it's just not the same
The halcyon days are gone and can never come back
What once was can never be again
>mfw it went all the way through and she started to pat the head
How does Rise of the Tomb Raider stack up to Tomb Raider 2013?
It has Sup Forums in it
No, seriously. I'm not even memeing.
It has contemporary politics shoehorned in
how? why?
I'll try to explain without any plot leaks
You know how Lara usually travels to some unexplored region of the world?
This time, she needs to go to Syria. And when you get there, if you look in the distance, you see explosions in the towns.
>raids her womb
>by the time you retire, it will be finished probably
Post the tumblr page
holy shit I thought it was dead
*raids her womb*
>Watch the Womb Raider porn video
>It's just a shitty movie with a few softcore lesbian scenes and no penetration
Good thing we have half a dozen other Tomb Raider pornos to fill the voice.
Still not enough for such character.
She can raid my dick anytime.