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those should be switched
What does cemu have to do with the switch other than botw?
Specs used on that clip? If it's anything like what I'm used to seeing in new console emulation than the CPU alone could buy a Switch and a half.
iirc it's a i7 something and gtx 770
>i7 something
That's incredibly vague, my fucking laptop has a i7 but it's still only 2.4Ghz
>a i7 but it's still only 2.4Ghz
yeah you ain't gonna run cemu if you ain't got at least 3.5 Ghz
oh wait you're retarded
3 cores with modern intel desktop IPC clocked at ~4GHz is needed
16GBs of RAM because loading those zelda cached shaders when starting it take over 10GBs
I wasn't asking if I could run it you absolute dumbass, I was just illustrating the fact that saying "it's an i7" is a super vague statement.
>I'm retarded because I own a laptop
wow good one
>3 cores
Didn't know Cemu made good use of multiple cores, in most emulators single core performance is almost all that matters.
>16GBs of RAM because loading those zelda cached shaders when starting it take over 10GBs
nope I'm loading the cache on 1.7.3d with 8gb of ram
once you've cached more shaders it exceeds 10GBs
>once you've cached more shaders it exceeds 10GBs
I downloaded a big one off reddit
unless there's a 100% one around now I have tons already
it makes proper use of 3 threads
probably one thread for audio, CPU and then GPU emulation
Good thing I have 24gb of RAM
But how? How much ram does Wii u have?
emulator doesn't work like original hardware duh
Holy crap guys. First of all, two weeks ago, Zelda wouldn't even boot, now it's looking to be almost fully playable. That is incredible. On top of this, we even get a feature to add DLC support to games! Holy shit! These guys are killing it! To make it even better, this works with more than just official dlc. Using this method I got the Japanese unDub for Zelda, and a bunch of skin mods for MK8 in the games and working without having to modify original game files. I've been in the discord for a couple of days and it still wont let me post in channels, so I just had to talk about my appreciation for these dedicated developers one way or another. I became a patreon for the last release. If you are still holding out, what the fuck, these guys obviously deserve it!
well fuck me, guess I'll have to use swap
wii u doesn't need to load all that shit to the ram at once
RIP in peace SSD
The cemu shills are too much. I've seen more shill threads for a piracy program than any game in the last few years.
Gotta take down the man, man.
Is the joke that Cemu supporters don't think?
Because there's no logical reason to drop hundreds of dollars on a few jews making a premature emulator.
By the time that shit is actually working the game will be years old and tech probably would advance to the point where making a Wii U emulator wouldn't require so much resources.
But what else are neets going to spend money on right?
skip to around 1 minute and it suddenly starts dropping until system is using less than 8GBs of RAM, I wonder if it's something that can be optimized, no idea what's going on
>by the time this is working
Public release for this build is April 9th
Why does this game look so fucking boring?
it's fun for 20 hours and then you realize how shallow it actually is
it is
Because there aren't enough explosions every 5 feet to keep you entertained
Nothing, just like the last thread where PCMR were posting PS4 games sales in response to people questioning them lapping up Wii U games, while crying that console gaming is holding back the industry.
Nice fps (not). And I bet whatever PC captured that costs a lot more than $300.
PCs can do a lot more than just play Zelda
And framerates will improve, they doubled in a couple weeks
>And I bet whatever PC captured that costs a lot more than $300.
and yet it can do much more than play a single game
Nintentoddlers are so fucking triggered by this
t. Someone who spent $20,000 to play one game
Stay triggered you cuck
It already has higher fps on cemu then it does on switch / wiiu
Also PC users buy PCs for more then just one game, unlike console users.
>nice fps(not)
why does everyone that speaks against piracy talks like a fucking nu-male
It's that holier than though attitude that people that drive Priuses and Tesla's and shit have
They just think that they're morally superior to you when in reality they're just jackasses
Didn't the dev steal code from Nintendo, which is why it's closed source and progressing a lot faster?
Literally watched this episode this morning. Season 5 is especially funny, I've noticed.
>the people constantly making threads about the switch and their games
>doesn't think about switch at all
I have Cemu but it has literally 0 (ZERO) upcoming games. It's a dead platform.
If you were smart you would realize that these threads and posters are pure shitposting
>1 month and already at 20 fps with most features enbabled and few glitches
come 2018, it's gonna be better than wii u or switch
this is some advanced trolling
i'm genuinely impressed
I like that you put the shitpost arguments in a different font so I don't have to waste my time with them
Switch can't greentext?
this desu
Cemu is just people playing the scraps of Nintendo players with a new console being out now.
upvoted xD
>hundreds on cemu
99% of people using Cemu spent $0
1% of people using Cemu may have donated $3, which is cheaper than the cost of one (1) shitty Nintendo ROM from their virtual store that Nintendo themselves downloaded off the internet
It's obviously because BotW is the Switch's flagship title and people are trying to get the CeMU to work so they don't have to buy one, dummies. Think straight.
I pity CeMU fags, personally.
Did Nintendo fix the issues people were having with the Switch crashing and freezing up?
I honestly hope you guys get it working, but it's super embarrassing the way you have to cut up all your footage because the majority of the game is unplayable emulated.
CeMU fags don't even think about Switch fags
nah, we just play your games for free and don't really give a fuck about the whole nintendo scheme.