Hire an attractive actress

>Hire an attractive actress
>Make her ugly

What did Bioware mean by this

Other urls found in this thread:


>hire popular actress with no voice acting experience to boost sales
>still one of the best VAs in the game
what went wrong?

She just has a nice voice.


She's 37


can't unsee the bogdanoff-asari

anybody got the pic?4

>that pig-nosed bitch
couldn't stop celebrating when they killed her off in GoT

>3D model all your characters
>alien hair still looks like cheap rubber
how does this happen?

This is what happens when you give fucking retards 40 million dollars to make a game.

Moria Goblin isn't an attractive actress.

>Hire an attractive actress
why did you post a picture of an ugly one then

Joke on, you know they will be vindicated with 5 million + box sales

I don't think she was face model, she just provided the voice.

>they think smirk-fu is actually dead

and fyi I called that snow wasn't. and hound.

yeah but she's popular with nerds thanks to game of thrones

This, it's very relaxing

>no voice acting experience

are you literally retarded? she isn't a fucking mime. she knows how to speak and use her voice to effect

paper bag dlc when?

Someone post Bogdanoffs version

You called things a fuck load of people knew?

>she will never tuck you in bed while telling you how you will be a good long someday

Yeah its almost as if you hire a professional actor instead of some "voice actor" aka a fanboy who managed to suck a director's dick for a role in a video game, the voice ACTING ends up sounding good!

Wow user you sure called those out of the blue, it's not like they weren't known as soon as their "death" scenes occurred.

a fuckload of people insisted they died mate.

especially snow since the production staff trolled everyone.

GoT is celebrated for its progressive cast of all-inbred actors and actresses.


>attractive women in games are misogynistic, say femicunts
>apparently they create unrealistic beauty standards
>silence when MaleShep is a 6'8 tall buff Chad Thundercock whose perfectly facescanned from a male model, has beast arms and a 12 pack

what is a long

A good long what? If she's gonna play mind games like that I'm not sure I want her at all.

>speaking ever


he looks like a weasel

>6'8 tall buff Chad Thundercock whose perfectly facescanned from a male model, has beast arms and a 12 pack
i miss shepard

>I called that snow wasn't.
everyone knew because conveniently enough there was a priestess of that one god who can actually resurrect people around
>and hound.
everyone knew because you never saw him die

meanwhile smirkfu got blown the fuck up right before your eyes and the actress confirmed it was her last season.

>retard calling other people retarded
voice acting is very different from normal acting my friend. of course you wouldn't know and instead just throw insults for no reaosn.

We all do user

I mean they are playing nobles in a dark fantasy setting, inbreeding among those types was a pretty common thing until relatively recently in universe


>It is now considered unrealistic and offensive to be fit and attractive in western society

better pic

good job

Who the fuck genuinely thought they died? Even my 'normie' friends knew they didn't. The fucking 40 year old woman at work that legit cried talking about the death of Jon Snow even said, while crying about it, she knows he'll come back but was still upset. All the bookfags knew they weren't dead.

*if you're a woman
It's okay if the male protagonist is super buff and attractive. Because feminists don't see their double standard.

>actress confirmed it was her last season.
so did snow

>hound, everyone knew
fair enough point.

>snow, everyone knew
yeah and I didn't spend a month arguing with people who believed the lie. spoiler alert, I infact did.

It means that the actress is too unrealistic and therefore must be sexist

>that smirk
I just fapped. Please no.

She's only meme pretty. Not really attractive.

normalfags user. your friends probably arn't as normie as you think.

Will pls
VA's are worse actors than real ones which is why they deserve less pay

It's been like this for awhile


>*if you're a woman
Ahahaha holy shit I didn't even realize this but it's fucking true!
why is it so easy to call out feminazies on their shit?

They just claim it's a power fantasy. What they fail to realise there is they're admitting that while some men and women are fine with ridiculously attractive characters because it creates an image for them to sculpt theirself to, those that scream it's sexist and unrealistic are unwilling to better their selves and would rather everybody was as unattractive as them.

95% of "professional" voice actors are aspiring actors/hollywood flunkies (in other words, Los Angeles waiters/waitresses/barista's)

Wow she looks damn good for 37

No fucking way that blue shit it based on Natalie Dormer.

It's easy to call out "____" supremacists on anything, since they start with their answer and they look for anything to justify it.

Femicunts are female supremacists so everything they say or do stems from "WOMYN GOOD MEN BAD" mentality, which is clearly not representative of reality

They think reading is boring, listen to chart hits and nothing else, only break from FIFA and CoD when a Triple-A game is shoved in their face, and consider TWD to be one of the best TV shows ever. I dunno how much more normie they could be, in all honesty.

Nigger what? I thought she was in her early 20s.

there are tons of VAs with great voices who wouldn't fit in a movie because the voice doesn't fit their looks.
meanwhile there's actors with mediocre voices who are popular just for their looks and not their voice or acting ability.

>Hire an attractive actress
Let's not be hasty now.


She's actually 35, but still. Good genetics and $$$$ do wonders

>Kang's Apology
This makes my blood fucking boil.
Every single fat person I've met irl has either admitted that being fat is unhealthy or is actively doing something about their weight.
To think there are actual fat people shaming others for not being fat is infuriating.
It's like that talk show where the landwhales on stage are telling these fitness coaches how they're naturally fat and eat healthy and go running everyday and what not.
Seriously FUCK these kind of people.

Can somebody give me a quick rundown?

> the council bow down to the asarinoffs
>in contact with the reapers
>rumoured to possess biotic abilities
>control the citadel with an iron fist
>own planets and settlements all around the galaxy
>direct descendants of ancient royal bloodline
>will bankroll the first cities of andromeda
>in process of terraforming a reaper as their own personal planet
>own basically every dna research facility on the citadel
the list goes on and on

>tfw didn't browse Sup Forums for like a week when the bogpill meme took off and STILL have no idea what the actual story is behind these fags are because i just get the rundown meme when i ask

>missing one of the best memes of the last 70 years

I get the feeling that they actually aren't that bad on the technical, just that the software is actually too good and what they produced is indeed the actual face of that caked up bitch on the left, just without all the beneficial makeup and lighting. Though they must suck on the artistic side if that was the result.

What? The in game model looks like you tried to artificially age a 12 year old who has a face made of play doh into a 20 something

That is probably what that woman actually looks like without makeup.

>chart hits and nothing else
>FIFA and CoD
im so sorry user.

Most people don't look like they're made of Play-Doh without makeup

I have seen some shitty faces in my life and it wouldn't suprise me.

Dr. Lexi isn't modeled after her. Dr. Lexi uses the same generic face that all the other Asari (except PeeBee) does.

forced meme, someone posted it on reddit, then someone posted it on Sup Forums. then someone did a quick rundown on it and here we are.

that's not the definition of a forced meme and it didn't come from ledit, you newfag

>fail to realize that 4cucks isn't as original as people think
>muh private treehouse
your retardation is showing

>I have seen some shitty faces in my life
Mirrors only count once, user.

>Hire an attractive actress

That gremlin isnt attractive

they exaggerated the size of her eyes nose and mouth I bet they though that doing that would make her more expressive but it just made all their janky as fuck animations more obvious

She has a really punchable face and I don't know why.

It's the smirk

The only non-normies I know are huge weebs that make Jojo references any chance they get. Life is suffering.

wew, not even the guy you replied to but that post absolutely REEKED of newfag. Let me guess, you got here after 2012?

>Actor with no voice acting experience

they are literally just french celebrities who had a shitty plastic surgery that has backfired on them in their old age

you now understand the meme

I honestly had no idea that was Natalie Dormer.

She doesn't sound anything like herself in the game.

Maybe she toned down her British accent?

Commendable if that is the case, because I'm sick and tired of hearing the British accent in literally everything.

>it's a film about Romans
>main cast speaks with Brit accents

>apparently they create unrealistic beauty standards

Yeah, because this just happens naturally to people without any effort at all

>white women
fucking disgusting

t. dumb nigger

voice acting is literally just acting with most of the hard stuff taken out

please stop embarassing yourself

please stop embarassing yourself

please stop embarassing yourselves

In 'the biz' a female (and most males) will take away 10% of their age when it comes to public knowledge. She's at least 39. Good genetics it may well be but any children she has will be downys.

There IS a difference between actors and voice actors, and no, it's not how popular they are. It's range. Actors very rarely really have any reason to sound like anything but their natural voice. Voice actors need to give impressions of non-humans all the time. Further, a voice actor with good range can voice more than one character without anyone noticing.

please stop embarassing you' are selves


i've seen some guy from japan make skyrim girl mods that look 1000x hotter than this.

how the hell did a large dev team with millions in funds mess this up?

She's not attractive, and they look nothing alike. So it was a waste of money regardless of how you look at it

> attractive

She has a constant goofy expression, so no.