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>phone poster

Clearly the guy who sells you the Gerudo armour. He doesn't ever admit to being male himself, therefore he is trans. The game makes fun of him, points out he is a man multiple times, and he's clearly doing it to get into the Gerudo village but w/e. You could argue it.

I didn't play Horizon so who knows, and Mass Effect probably has some stupid token trans character somewhere.

>by Laura Dale

i'm guessing it's the one on the left?

I found that guy pretty funny

>tfw your GOTY isn't on that list

Thank you based Taro

Zelda- muscular man fag, dresses in women clothes, tries to act like a girl, tranny shit.
Faggot living in your house.
mostly played for laughs.

Mass Effect: striaght up tranny

Horizon: mulan, tomboy, jonah of arc that archtype.

None of them have trans characters except for mass effect.

>Be me playing new mass effect
>see character I can talk to
>"What made you want to come to andromeda?"
>Exit conversation
>Remove character via mod
>All is right again

How is a video game article related to Sup Forums?

In the case of MEA, it's true. The first tranny you meet:
>Hey, great to have you in the team. What brings you here?

I'm only slightly paraphrasing.

>don't pander
"why is racist sexist problematic etc."
"why fails to avoid being racist sexist problematic etc."

doesn't seem worth the effort tbqdesu

Anyone got a a webm??

Those people have a mental illness and need help not encouragement and plastic surgeries

Sounds like Zelda plays it for laughs which is the proper way to represent trannies in your work.

As a biologist nothing infuriates me more than some fat dyke with a shitty haircut sliding some paper across my desk whining about DA PASTRYARCHIE and refusing to do my homework because MUH FEELINGS

I slap a big fat fuckin' F on it and ready myself for her tantrum the next day. You have no idea how ready I am to be done with med school and the fuck out of my teaching gig because this shit is infecting high schools bad.

shut the fuck up you retarded cunt. how the fuck is talking about trannys pol related you sub human piece of shit. kill yourself

As far as I'm concerned, of all things, Watch Dogs 2 had the best trans character in vidya
>Actually part of the story and not just tossed in without a reason other that "hello I'm faggotette but I used to be faggot" (important) (coughbiowarecough)
>Fits the location (San Francisco)
>Nobody actually brings up the fact they're trans and just treats them like any other character
>Likable personality that has nothing to do with their sex/gender/autism

I would rather not have to deal with this shit but i like to give credit where credit is due and Ubi actually did this right.

I know that feel

>spend years of learning about it
>all of it kind of comes together
>feel like this knowledge should be obligatory for everyone
>instead there are people who say it doesn't mean anything because they feel so.

they don't like people questioning anything, user.

my comments were polite but honest. I simply stated how I felt about the game and gave it a 1/10
I wasn't rude or anything and still banned me from commenting on it.

Stories nigga

I've always absolutely loved the human body. Ever since I was a kid I've been way into it, constant books, any etudtainment game I could beg my parents for, etc etc. I remember playing Microsurgeon on the Intellivision and my grandpa had a copy of Fantastic Voyage for the ZX Spectrum. THAT GAME IS SO FUCKING COOL.

I'm around 27 now and I'm just a treasure trove of anatomy knowledge. I could talk about this shit all day.

Nothing really. Her and her two beta male orbiter friends disrupt the class all the time. I've given up and the minute she starts her shit I call school security. You just can't shake these people. If I had my way I'd just sock her right in her fat fuckin' mouth.

One day she came in with a shirt that said "This is what a feminist looks like" and I was like "you sure got that right". It took her almost ten minutes to get it.

who is also, surprise surprise, a man

And one of the retards who got BTFO over Switch "rumors".


back to tumblr, cunt

Seems like they're having a difficult transition.

I hope its a minority user. Its a travesty how new feminism has brainwashed high school and uni students so heavily.

If it was a trend brought up by immature imbeciles fair dues. But i cant help but feel modern feninism has a malicious origin of some kind

>inb4 conspiracy

No not the jews, illuminati or whatever crap. But something must be going on to spread this toxic mindset.

Stop giving them views, you faggot.

They do. They go one about how it feels right. Then again, this was one of the writers for ME:A

sadly i couldn't, left uni after 3 years, cause family needed financial support. After that, mom talked me into studying IT, because science is shit pay.

I plan to start studying biology again once i got a steady income.

And the one who made a fuss about Microsoft's EA afterparty. And the one who made up the story of being singled out and shamed for being transgendered and siccing Kotaku et. all on the accused.


Catherine was the only game to get it right.

Why to the "official" rating so often clash with user ones? It's rare that they are even close most of the time.

3, errytime

If these rags ain't cozy with publishers, they don't get the early scoops. That's the gist of it.

She was ok but still pretty cringe worthy being so obviously trans, it would of been better if they dropped them talking about how her srs surgery was leaked online as that had no bearing on the story and felt gratuitous.

I personally think kaine is the best trans character as it's never brought to the forefront but fits her personality and character development. Inb4 kaine's not trans/intersex

you can't spell polygon without Sup Forums

Your mistake is seeing structure where there is chaos. There's no grand design in this wave of feminism, it's just thousands of women with wholly disparate needs and wants bound together by one trait: their desire to be free of consequences.

>jonah of arc

But the (currently) best help available is plastic surgery.

Im glad these employees at Bioware decided to make their game about promoting LGBT rights instead of making a game for the sake of entertainment.

You don't get it, bro.

If you crossdress you're IMMEDIATELY a tranny. It doesn't matter if you just have a crossdressing fetish, or you're just wearing it for kicks, you're trans, like Samus, deal with it.


I called the cops.

I mean, the person exclusively answers to female pronouns and wears the female outfits even when outside of the city they're infiltrating.

this is a screenshot of as white a character you can make in MEA

Seems like the bigger problem at bioware is that their letting employees stop players from making white characters because they hate white people which they say on their twitter.

>4. How bout a mentally ill boy?
I can imagine some games from 15+ years ago do this but not with the whole "acceptance" thing I doubt so today

Remember when AC: Syndicate had a Trans Character?
And that's exactly how you should introduce a trans character. It is what it is, you don't have to create some sob story background for it.

Daily reminder MtF transgenders are literally whiny self entitled trash that uses their """"dysmorphia"""" as an excuse to be an insufferable human being

What girl (male) hurt you, user?

Stop going to Sup Forumsygon, faggot.

Hoo hert u


and here I thought I just had a weird fetish

how should I kill myself?

Fuck that's a really Sup Forums way to look at it.
But you're not wrong.

>Spreading misinformation
This does not help illustrate BioWare's bad game design. It just makes you look disingenuous and stupid.

What you SHOULD be telling people is how retarded it is that you're stuck with multiple features that cannot be altered depending on the preset you choose. For example, fucking eyebrow color, scarring and moles, and lip shape.

Gender politics isn't video games

Which one of the mass effect characters was a tranny?

I'm part of a leftbook community on Facebook and I'm friends with quite a few MtF trans and the high majority of them do nothing but bitch about cis people and complain that they're not women yet.

They get away with their shit flinging because it's pretty much impossible to point out the flaws in their arguments without being labeled as transphobic.

MEA a game built to pushed a poltical agenda hiring political hacks instead of game designer.

Who knew that would lead to a disaster of a game with bad animations, bad physics, bad character design, pretty much bad everything.
>pic related
check out them baws ass physics!

>look at Polygon
>see stupid shit
Color me surprised. Why were you even there? Fuck these threads.

Tell that to the faggot journalists that still make these garbage articles.

Thats not Sup Forums thats pretty poignant and kind of logical. Pol are the bottom of the barrel and almost do the same thing. Just its jews, blacks or what have you.

Maybe in 2007.
Unfortunately, due to CURRENT YEAR, things have changed.

also why is this chinese cartoon c

>this is a screenshot of as white a character you can make in MEA
Its not surprising when bioware employees openly say they hate white people across social media and call for the murder of them. Thats kind of all they hire at Bioware since they have literally zero employees hired for their experience in gaming.

The one random NPC that immediately tells you he/she/whatever's a tranny and gives you the name for the sake of it

>marketing shill
Gotta love the character creator making females look like mongloids because the game designers are all feminists who openly praise Anita Sarkeesian as their biggest influence since she is known as one of the biggest gamers in the world.

They actually are pretty close for most games. They are completely out of whack for AAA games or games with really fervent fans. For instance, 90% of my steam library has very similar scores across steam, metacritic user and metacritic critic. The other 10% is all "controversial" games. Just being AAA sequel in this time is controversial in itself so it happens with most AAA games.

Nier automata is a recent release that is the same across all platforms currently, for instance. Stellaris is very close. The vast majority games are very close but shitposting and controversy creates big divide. Also paid reviews.

>hey there, random person, what's your name.
>uh, that's an unusual name.

>AAA video game in 2017

In the west it is.

the game was programmed as seen in the code here deliberately to stop people from making white characters.

It would explain why on the bioware twitter the devs state that it is technologically impossible to add colors to the textures.

A flat out lie since its a simple numerical parameter change on the slider scale which they willfully put in the game to stop players from making white characters.

I meant in the "Sup Forums meme" kind of way, where if it ain't black it's white.

Also doesn't help that something like 85% of all transexuals are MtF and FtM is much more rare. Gee, I wonder why.

MEA in one post:
When you've gone 5 minutes without telling anyone your a transexual pansexual.

>post op
fuck off nigger, i wanted to suck erica's fat feminine dick but she chopped it off. what a fucking faggot

>a shill thread being posted on Sup Forums regarding video games is still shilled on Sup Forums

Imagine waking up to a nightmare in which you are drowning in black swamp water, after a night of heavy drinking, to find yourself held deep between those tits. And your body is completely consumed by the mass of that body, you can't move, and fighting against her is completely futile, since your arms just sink in her body without finding anything solid.

That's what it feels like to be a Mass Effect fan right now.


tha-thanks feminists for purposefully making all the female characters god awful looking like space mutants with animations to match the horror that this game is.

That's just GDC, it's in california.

Seriously, devout liberals should stay away from entertainment. They don't care about gameplay, all they care about is spreading their gospel.

This is a bunch of bullshit and none of those games have trans characters.
>all the obvious Tumblr posters ITT
What the fuck happened to Sup Forums?

>pic related
The cucks on Neogaf in the LGBT community are even hating on the game so literally noone is buying this garbage.

Have a screen

As Bonnie Ruberg states being Jewish gaming is about politics and its the best way to indoctrinate children into their ideals to spread their ideas instead of playing a game to have fun which is not what games are about and even Anita Sarkeesian agrees with that.

>Bonnie (((Ruberg)))

Has there ever been a game with political slant as its main focus that was good? Any ideology, I don't care, I just want to know if they made a good game around it.

I dunno, the AI panel was interesting, especially Tarn's talk

Spec Ops the Line

>so how'd you pick this job?
>*vomits life story*

I know people like this, and I avoid them

>queers complaining that they can take only 2 dicks up with their Schlong Ryder

>Options 1 and 2 are literally the same exact shit
Why would someone do this?

People will say what they want but early day crpgs were extremely political it's just most people were too young to really pick up on it. Fallout, BG2, Planescape were are extremely political. They just weren't as obvious about.

That's the problem people have with this shit. It's not the agenda. It's the complete and utter loss of nuance and subtlety. Rather than having an involved discussion it's turned into screaming over everyone.

So that's why political now is different from political back in the day.


Old Oldfag

I don't really pay attanention. I usually just hope to hear on the news about a mass murderer running rampant at GDC.

I really have to ask what agenda it's trying to push though?
>Muh acceptance and inclusiveness
Really? I'd call that more social than political, to be perfectly honest. Just as reprehensible, but still...

In other words, if it's anything short of feminist/left leaning propaganda it's "Sup Forums".

you can have pretty close perfect score number if you combine the 2 of them and divede by 2.

the twitter for Bioware is a great place to go right now and get laughs.

The developers there all talk about how their main goal is to preach their political agenda in gaming instead of making games and are getting all butthurt about how the game is so bad because they spent all their time on political messaging instead of making a game.

Agreed. I've got nothing against trans characters, but they're always shoved in for the sake of looking progressive and thus have no personality beyond "HELLO DID I MENTION THAT I AM A TRANNY".