I got my PS4 back last month and have picked up a few games. I'm going to get Persona 5 and MLB for sure. Looking for more games.
How are these games:
Odin Sphere
Grand Kingdom
Kingdom Hearts
And any other games that might be good?
I got my PS4 back last month and have picked up a few games. I'm going to get Persona 5 and MLB for sure. Looking for more games.
How are these games:
Odin Sphere
Grand Kingdom
Kingdom Hearts
And any other games that might be good?
Kingdom Hearts is amazing, however the PS4 port apparently has some issues.
toukiden 2 looks pretty good
Only one of those three I've played on PS4 is Grand Kingdom and I like it.
Dragon Quest Builders is a good one if you want a comfy game. World of Final Fantasy is underrated.
Everyone says DQ is good but not really into that type of game sadly. Maybe at another point in the future.
How good is Persona 5 for those who played the Jap version?
Also looking at Disgaea 5 as well. any thoughts on this?
That's fair, it's not everyone's thing.
Kingdom hearts is definitely worth getting if you are into RPGs and don't mind light hearted settings/themes.
Isn't Dragon Quest Builders just minecraft except single-player? Can somebody explain to me the concept of this sort of game? How is it supposed to be fun if you can't play it with friends?
Square Enix released a patch to fix the bugs. Should be fine now hopefully.
Nice OP 9/10
>And any other games that might be good?
I heard Final Fantasy XV recommended a few times but I've also heard bad things about it. (And how it's basically another single player MMO that was released unfinished)
There's a story to it and context for why you build things. You interact with NPCs to a greater degree than in Minecraft and the whole thing just has a cheery vibe to it. Reminds me of Dark Cloud a little bit too.
Alphabetize your games SHIT
How are RE7 and Berseria?
Sort by metascore :^)
Just always insert games at one end, that gives it a natural most-recently-used sorting.
pic related is my collection so far.
Ratchet and Clank was fucking great. The Order was decent, not great.
FF XV is really good so far.
Is FF15 any good for someone who's never played the series? Heard it wasn't great compared to the others.
If you've never played the series you might actually enjoy it more than people who have.
What are you playing through right now senpai?
I am hitting up Nioh and am halfway through it. Kinda getting burnt out on it.Gunna hit up Gravity Rush next.
is the PS4 wireless adapter for playing on PC worth it? Best Buy has it for $14
shit collection
Grand Kingdom I have to price match to Amazon but both of these look good.
Odin sphere gameplay and history is nice, got the platinum recently.
If you liked Muramasa, their from the same dev.
My only complain would be that it's repetitive.
In my opinion it's now worth the full price, wait for a sale.
Why not just use the standard USB cable?
>PS4 wireless adapter
LIterally any bluetooth dongle
The only thing I regret is The Last Guardian
also waiting on Yakuza 0
RE7 is great. Starts to lose steam a little towards the end, but it's a really enjoyable experience all around.
Haven't started Berseria yet. Gotta finish Nier first.
>giving money to nisa
Odin Sphere is great if you like vanilaware formula of games.
And even if you don't it's still their best game and runs on the PS4 perfectly.
>btw I'm a black
Did you finish TLG? I got 60% into it and was filled with "oh god this is stale, with this shit ever end"
Clean your fucking lens
do you regret paying full price or just buying it at all?
I have been anticipating this game for a decade so I have to play it but I will wait for it to drop in price since most seem to be meh on it
Nobody asked.
The fuck is wrong with your camera
I only played Odin Sphere among the ones you mentioned, it's a good game.
The combat is fast, satisfying and responsive and the visuals are stunning.
The characters don't have the same variety of Dragon's Crown but they're still fun to use and at least one of them will click with your playstyle perfectly (it seems to be Cornelius for most players, me included).
The main storyline is a bit repetitive since you have to redo all the levels with each character but it's still worth it.
The most fun I had with the game is the boss rush mode that's unlocked after you finish story. I didn't play the original PS2 game but everyone says that Leifthrasir is an improvement in every way.
The story is classic fantasy with lots of drama. I don't like it personally.
The soundtrack is pretty good. My favorite tracks:
the north american publisher for d5
they're lazy, cheap fucks who fuck up perfectly functional games and game scripts
Got about 8 hours in and couldn't take it anymore.
After that I looked up the guide and apparently I was at ~3/4 of the game.
buying it at all. For me it was terrible experience. Bad controls, constant framedrops, retarded companion, forgettable story, bad controls, repeatable.
Not the person you asked, but for me TLG was great until about halfway, then the flow of things and the gameplay started to get stale, and I wanted the end to happen so it was just over with already. Paid $70 for it, regret paying that. Would be alright paying say $30.
Is it that bad?
Why are there three Witcher 3's?
It just kinda stagnates after a while doesnt it? For me one of the biggest things was Trico is fucking retarded, and doesn't respond well to directions.
why is there no physical copy of bloodborne GOTY in america god
I have to import one from europe or something
Witcher 3 and 2 DLC limited editions each of them came with 2 sets of gwent cards and a PSN code
>Trico is fucking retarded, and doesn't respond well to directions
that was probably the reason why I couldn't take it anymore. You tell the fucker to do one simple thing and then he does something totally different. You repeat the whole process for several minutes and when finally he does what he is supposed to do,. you move forward and 5 minutes later need to do everything again but at different spot. And that's 90% of the "gameplay".
Went on sale on PSN a few weeks ago... I bought it there
The best game this decade, by far.
Sit in a spot, jumping up and down, pointing in the direction you want him to go. He just fucking stares at you.
nisa is pretty awful
Whats better, Nioh or Nier?
So how do I play Disgaea 5? Not at all?
buy it secondhand imo
KH is pretty fucking fun despite being a bit autistic series.
Wonder what you'll say once you finish XV
Im still buttblasted
NieR is by far more popular on Sup Forums. Take that for what you will.
Do you not have an opinion of your own you fucking hivemind drone?
I haven't bought any physical since Uncharted 4. Now that PS4 has games though I'm going to go back once I see some sales.
Nier, Nioh, Persona, and Horizon are all on my list.
NiOh for gameplay, Nier for art and story
Both are really great. But if you have to pick I'd say Nioh since I haven't played Nier yet, sitting in my backlog.
No, because I haven't played Nioh. How am I supposed to have a opinion on it?
Not him but I got it for $36 plus tax. High enough rated to make it worth it I guess overlooking the shitty aspects you posted. Got Grand Kingdom for $21 also.
Didn't know Australia likes MLB.
it's not a huge deal, i just prefer to avoid giving money to companies i consider bad. that's why i go secondhand if it's a bad company usually.
Explain what's the appeal of buying the sports games on annual basis?
Especially considering that there are barely any changes aside from the teams composition
Nioh is fun, but it gets stale midway through. It doesnt have great enemy variety, and early bosses start to appear as regular enemies later in the game. Wouldn't pick it up at full price, but have definitely enjoyed it.
Gotcha. Thanks for the read on there, some of it is rather concerning but for cheap I'll take it since it seems decent enough.
platinumed both
Nier has great story, and gameplay that is fun at first but gets repetitive fast. Also great soundtrack. 30h to platinum.
NiOh has IMO better gameplay, doesn't get repetitive as fast, the story is secondary here. ~60h to platinum.
So, if you prefer story over gameplay go with Nier, otherwise go with NiOh.
Also, watch some gameplay videos or play demos.
So why even answer the question dipshit?
60h to platinum Nioh? Seriously? How in the fuck did you manage that. I've got 40 hours played so far and I only just hit the 5th region.
What's so good about it? I've never played the series but how highly everyone here seems to rate it I'm going to take a dive into the game.
Is MLB The Show the consensus best sports game?
Sup Forums shits on sports games all the times but you see The Show pop up in collection threads all the time.
I've made some mistakes, yeah. But I've learned from them
It's completely subjective. People who like turn based gameplay are probably gonna love P5 since its like the only series even doing that. I fuckin hate turn based so I'm definitely not getting it.
op here, I bought a PS4 for just that and bloodborne alone, and ended up getting the rest of the games. I was an xbox and pc guy and needed baseball. It's so far and away the best sports game it's not even close.
Not all issues are fixed as of now, hopefully they will be for the International release.
It isn't that hard. I haven't died that much, the only fight I had real problem with was A Meeting on the Other Shore. I basically rushed the game and the platinum. It took me ~60 hours (maybe a bit more, idk I would have to check but definitely under 75) but after that I continued playing, now I'm maybe at 150-200 hours.
Nah there was a pretty significant change in the gameplay between 14 and 15. 14 I bought after 15 because it has my favorite player on the cover and because it was literally $4.49.
I have 16 digitally but only because my friend bought it for me when it was on sale because he doesn't know shit about sports and has a son. He figured he needs to learn something about sports so he can get his kid into something active and the thought was if we played it together I could help him learn the rules.
yeah it was my first one and i enjoyed it a lot
it's a fun romp, def worth a playthrough
I think the reason it has taken me so long is I havent properly getting used to the whole using abilities in sequences kinda thing. Im treating it too much like a soulsborne type and only really alternating between stances and heavy/quick attacks.
Check Sengoku Basara series. It's extremely fun action game.
Don't worry I never buy anything at full price. Literally the only gane I own for PS4, PS3, 360, and 3DS that I didn't buy on sale was Uncharted 4 because I knew my asshole coworker would spoil it.
>tfw I don't have a big collection because most of my games are digital copies
Are Witcher games cheaper than other games there?
Ultimate MVC just came out physical for the system, how is that for someone who liked the first 2 games?
Not him but the more I play Nioh the more I realize what a massive numbers game it is. If your gear outclasses the boss or enemy, you will obliterate it. If your gear is lacking, the enemies will 2-shot you while you hack away at their sponge lifebar.
Don't get me wrong, it's a great fucking game but it has problems hitting that sweetspot between a good challenge and frustrating bullshit.
Yeah, I wasn't staying in one stance, I was switching all the time. Also, most people say that Ki pulse is useless, but when used correctly you can just spam attacks on any enemy or boss and crush them in seconds.
Because it's a valid data point?
Better games are discussed more. Deal with it, you fucking autist.
onlyou usually play one game at a time but Doom 4 was fucking great so may do another run through so FF XV doesn't burn me out.
Not him but I was able to snag the digital copy of the Complete Edition of W3 for 20 bucks.
You can probably get a pre owned physical copy for around that.
In Poland?Are you from Poland?
Not on PS4, pham, don't do it to yourself.
God I suck balls at nailing the timing on Ki Pulses. Its just not my forte. I am enjoying the game, but I am definitely not one of those people who is 'good' at it. My timing and use of mechanics is slightly off. Oh well.
I cracked the shits a little bit at one of the side missions on the 3rd area. The one where Onryoki reappears for the 4th time, and has a mountain of health, and hits like a truck. It wasn't so much hard, as I just couldn't be fucked spending eternity chipping away at his lifebar.