*Blocks your path*

>*Blocks your path*

fuck off randy

>*Throws you burger*
Nothing personal

I pay you 100dollars to fuck off

outta my way you fat cheeseburger eatin bastard

go fuck yourself randy

Is there any videogame character that can beat pants-less Bobandy?

fuck off alabama

get the fuck out of here randy

Randy pls, I'm just trying to make it to the 31st

>green bastard has joined the server


This forced meme needs to die.

I'd kick the shit out of him as he is a fat bastard in his 50s.

being fat is so disgudting

whats up starsky and gut

Hey Randy knock knock

shit's gonna hit the fan soon Randy, and if we don't get under our shit umbrella it's gonna rain shit all over us until we're buried under a mountain of shit


You lookin' too skinny CJ


>Becomes the leader of a major Canadian political party

fuckin leafs

you're fucking dead as soon as the pants come off


>Finish the final classic season
>start the first netflix episode
>everyone is all old and fat looking

Should I even bother watching it? Everyone looks fucking terrible


No, it became "dude lets just shove epic weed culture people into this show" which wasn't funny.

Their Eurotrip specials were decent though.

Nah, it's all gone to shit after the revival. I barely finished season eight and I fuckin' adored the boys up to that point.

If you're a big enough fan there are enough running jokes in the new seasons to make it worth watching

I dunno if they got a new writer or something, but in the new episodes the humor really went into the gutter.

I know the old episodes were dirty occasionally, but the new ones aren't even funny with it.


Fuck off Randy Bobandy

If this wasn't the first post, I'd never return here. Based user

I pretty much only watched the show for JRoc


>Creates national burger day
>foreign aid consists of giving poor kids burgers
>homeless is given burgers and a blanket
Even for a burger, to what I assume your post is pretty fuckin dumb.

It's not terrible, but it's barely trying to look like a reality show anymore. There's a fucking talking goat.