Not emulating zelda on the cemu emulator to get high fps and better graphics and higher resolution

>not emulating zelda on the cemu emulator to get high fps and better graphics and higher resolution
>not playing it for free

Why are NintenyearoIds so salty about Cemu?

Other urls found in this thread:

might as well get a console at this point

They're not meant to enjoy it as God intended.

Cemu is close to being perfected. Nintenbros on suicide watch.

>Muh pc mustard race
>Pls port rdr2 to pc
>I get to play buggy nintendo game 4 free

did they fix the other games yet? I already beat Zelda with mocha. The other games look better in 1080p than zelda.

thx for beta testing ;)

If anyone's salty it's the pcbros that keep making these threads to justify their $1000 Wii u emulation machine

Seems like they stopped working on everything else besides Zelda which is Fucking annoying because I only want to play Tokyo mirage sessions which is not remotely playable

I bought a switch for zelda and the virtual console on the go (which I'm mad about since it wasn't out on release).
People who get butthurt about the cEMU emulator should REALLY shut the fuck up and accept that it's the superior version. Man up and stop being a fucking faggot. Stop lying to yourself, understand you made a shit purchase if you only bought it for muh Zelda.

Can someone post me a link for updated botw and also to make babbies cry.

>played the superior Wii U version that actually works
>bought and supported it even though I could have pirated it (it turns out it's one of the greatest games of all time so I made the right choice)
>have no stake in the Great Virgin War; will play the Cemu version when it actually works properly in a few years

I'm waiting for Hyrule warriors, TMS, Fatal Frame.
1.7.4 when?

>tfw never purchased a Nintendo console with my own money
>t-thanks mom for the GameCube, GBA, DS and Wii
>too old to leech a Wii U off parents
>it actually has games

Calling Nintendo about this hopefully it will get shut down soon.

Enjoy goty honestly. The game is worth playing. Hopefully that April patch with working grass isn't too buggy for pc friends

I bought a switch for this game and I've been having a blast

How's the framerate now?

my computer is bad so i haven't bothered with cemu yet

playing it on wiiu is fine for now.

Already played it on the Wii U, will bother with it on CeMu when it's running properly, with grass.

>bought a switch
>see people posting about cemu
i love emulation, i dont see anything wrong with this
well exept the >free part
without paying consumers there would be no more games


Cemu devs are playing 4D chess. They realize if they kept updating weekly with small progress to milk patreonbux as much as possible, people would stop donating, so the solution is to tease with a gameplay video of fixed stuff but the release is 2weeks+ away.

this isn't true, 1.7.3 is the first version to boot The Wonderful 101, and it is now playable without sound

I'm glad that they are. I'd like to know when it's 100% so I can enjoy Zelda without having to spend $400 for a future paper weight. Excited to play Zelda on a PC that a bought years ago that still supplies me with content.

So how is this cemu? I have a 1060, could I emulate it effectively?

Speaking as a dedicated Nintenbro, I honestly have no problem with PC users enjoying this game. I honestly feel the game has enough quality that we can discuss it over multiple platforms without needing to use it only to justify the purchase of a console. Its just a genuinely very fun game we can all enjoy now.

Console wars are for children.

you need a good cpu, gpu doesn't mean much with emulation

1.7.3 is a bugfest not worth playing, no grass, no water, enemies fell through the ground

now the 1.7.4 teaser looks promising:

I hope you don't complain about the state of the industry. Piratefags are legitimately leeches who contribute nothing and actively make everything worse.

How long before I can play on an Ivy Bridge laptop?

The industry is in shitty shape because of Denuvo.

Holy fuck I'm cumming

But can it play MH3U?

try playing super mario 3d world or toads treasure tracker. both those games run 60 fps on med to high hardware. i have a 4930k. both those games run 60fps on my rig but breath of the wild still runs 15 fps. from what i've seen cemu 1.7.4 doesnt really improve performance so it's gonne take atleast a month or 2 for the devs to fix that.

9th April, 2nd if you pay for patreon

>it is now playable without sound

>Deep Dark Fantasy

Kanye reference?

never ever on a memepad, sorry.

Are you able to increase draw distance and up shadow resolution for this and Xenoblade X?

If I install the latest build of CEMU with BOTW can I complete the game yes or no

no, gotta wait 2 weeks for the next version and maybe it will be playable from beginning to end

Why does Nintendo always get rekt by emulation and piracy?

They always act like dicks towards people like Angry Joe.

Their systems are easy to figure out compared to Sony's and Microsoft's.

The Gamecube, Wii and Wii U share many similarities, which helps emulation.

shit architecture

>first release game only boots up to loading screen, crashes after.
>second release game can be played with mayor physics, graphical and sound bugs.
>third release fixed physicis, grass, sound is good (jap only),
slow progress at it's finest bois.

thing is there will always be people to buy the main system and its games
>those that dont wanna get into emulation
>people dont want to edit buttons on their emulator
>cant find a place to download ISO for their games

If someone posted a link to the BOTW iso I'd use it to dick around in it on my PC, but so far in these past years Ive fallen out of emulation

You currently need a i7 6700K to keep 30fps.

I generally prefer to pay for goods and services I consume

if people can run it, why not? in a year it will be readily available no matter what nintendo tries to do to stop it
>how about releasing virtual console games and have them register to our fucking profiles instead of the console so we dont have to fucking buy them

>implying I didn't already play it for free on the Wii U days before the game came out
Enjoy waiting another month to finally be able to play the game at a stable frame rate.

>rebuy them for each console*

>without paying consumers there would be no more games

That's where you come in. Keep buying games like the good cuck you are, Nintendo must survive.

>not reporting cemu to nintendo
>actually believing playing a free game is not piracy

Golly gosh, I guess I should pirate every game made because emulating is not wrong right?

Reminder to report cemu to nintendo

you belong in jail

PC masterrace wins again!

>Everything showing of Cemu is still images or extremely strictly defined movement so as to not show off how incredibly egregious the game runs
Typical PC-uck.

Maybe because there's 3 fucking cemu threads. This is some top level shilling of I've ever seen it

what a fucking killjoy


>T.Poorfag p cucks whining because they don't get to play with the newest toy when it becomes somewhat playable years after release
Gets me everytime. Your tears are delicious.

Emulators aren't illegal. There's nothing Nintendo can do about CEMU. You'd be better off reporting game torrents or download sites.

Should I be sorry America fucked the economy?

It's real easy to have someone or something to blame for your shortcomings isn't it?

It still has many glitches and game crashing bigs tho. Its impossible to have a full playthrough

Please bea good autist and make a thread when its perfect so I can download it and play it.

I'm also not gonna blow over 200 bucks to play one game

Emulation and piracy are two different things. Cemu doesn't hook me up with the game.


Then you don't have a right to moan about an illegal way to play the game for free being shut down.
You haven't purchased a copy so you don't get to play it.

Sell it after, dipshit.

My brother bought a switch with zelda, beat it and sold it all for 100 bucks more than he bought it for.

Here's your reply

and most importantly, parents buying games for their kids

I dont understand these threads

Nahhh, I'd rather wait another two week s and have a far more enojoyable experience with it on a big 50" 4K tv with my roommates :)

treehouse shill

Don't you think Nintendo would have something about dolphin by now right? What makes you think this will be any different?

>buys a 50" 4k tv and a $2000 gaming rig
>$300 switch is too much
These threads make no sense

TMS is 6 dollars nigger, are you really that poor?

>bought Breath of the Wild
>play it on a system that just happens to be able to run Breath of the Wild using tailor-made software

Where was the crime here? Was I supposed to softhack my WiiU so I could download it for free from the Fre-eShop?

I'm not salty at all. I already played and finished the game, but all you're gonna do is post crappy screenshots to justify your retarded PC phallus swallowing.

Ok don't make money and enjoy the game sooner.

It's gonna take more than 2 weeks bud (:

You got me. I'm very upset that you're emulating a discontinued console.

>america fucked the economy
Hahahah dow jones is at a historic high, unemployment is back to pre2008 levels. What the fuck are you talking about. Get a job faggot

What's not to understand. PC fags trying to rile Nintenbros up about *the* switch exclusive making it's way to a playable state on emulator

cemu shill

>donating to close sourced development

if open source > closed source, why is citra a garbage emulator despite being open source?

checkmate atheists

I guess i dont understand why this is supposed to rile anyone up

Nintendo are well aware about emulators without your input you fucking idiot

They just don't care. Average normie already bought Switch and wouldn't even know what an emulator is or how to run it on his McApple

>gloating because you're playing the same game as some child
Really gets those synapses firing

I don't really understand either. The way they're going on about it, you would think it was the first emulator to ever exist or something.

Everything gets emulated.
Everything gets pirated.

If I were, for whatever reason, upset that CEMU were emulating Zelda, I might as well be foaming at the mouth about literally every game I've ever liked because people have certainly pirated them in droves.

>Hey man, here, have a free cheeseburger, on the house!
>Uhm, no thanks C: I prefer to pay for the things I consume tyvm CC;
>Well ok then, have it your way bud, that'll be $3.99 plus tax.
>Sure thing, here's my money!






>there are autists on Sup Forums at this very moment that bought a wii u too play botw
>tfw cemu has completely destroyed any need to buy an actual wii u

fucking kek

Wait, gmco you think running an emulator makes you superior to "normies"? Dude anyone under the age of 70 can run an emulator. People dont because theyd rather just spend a few hundred dollars on a cheap console to play with friends than run a buggy crash fest on a $2000 gaming rig

>if open source > closed source

never said that

In this analogy its more like
>hey man grind up this beef and make the burger yourself on your $1500 grill! Might have some bugs in it but the meat is free!
>no ill just buy a delicious burger thanks

>Playing most of the Wii U library years late
>Without multiplayer
>Missing out on Sup Forumseekend threads
The sad state of lonely CEMUfags.

>W-we got Zelda, haha!
See you in 5~ years when you start bragging you can play Switch games by yourself too.

We both know who is crying on the other side of the screen right now

Why do you try and bullshit? Do you like being told you are wrong?

>tfw everyone ignores this post because cemu wont flawlessly play zelda

never ever mustards