Am I the only one that played this game?

Am I the only one that played this game?


No. A lot of people "played" it. Beating the game, however, is something else entirely.

It was on Vita MGS collection along with MG2.

Good games but Ghost Babel has better gameplay.

Nah I played it and MG2 in the HD remake, they are both pretty terrible

Metal Gear 1 is very dated and obtuse as fuck, it's a chore to play

Metal Gear 2 holds up incredibly well and not liking it is the sign of being a big fat pleb

Is this a Terminator game?

Nope it's METAL GEAR on nes

Why is Kyle Reese in it then?

Why is Kyle Reese on the front cover?

>MG2 wasn't obtuse as fuck

It wasn't as bad as MG1 but it was still quite bad

Easter Egg? or Hideo Kojima just stole that and slapped it on the game cover

not him, but MG2:SS was fucking awesome. Literally a proto-MGS, or rather - MGS ripped MG2 off, partly because it wasn't ever released in west.

Only plebs who dislike MGS1 would hate MG2

Nah, just classic Konami shenanigangs.

The story for its time was probably good but it its gameplay and design is shocking

Hideo Kojima used to put the rip offs in the actual games themselves. Some of them were so flagrant they had to be altered for international release. Can't blame Konami for this.

Was bundled with MGS3 subsistence no? I played them for an hour but I get bored playing those kind of games.

only played the msx version. the nes version is dogshit

He means the NES version you imbeciles, stop talking about the MSX games you fucking retards.

I played and beat it but had to use a guide. Crazy to think that you were actually expected to do shit like punch every wall and things like that to progress in the game. I've heard that 2 is better (and almost like MGS1) but I've only played the very beginning of it.

Yes. I played Metal Gear on the MSX, NES, Symbian and on the HD version.

Also not to meme but the NES is the worst version. This is coming from a guy which played the NES version first.

shocking great, I assume.

Yeah, I beat it to completion.

It was a pretty shitty experience because the stealth mechanics are laughable, and despite the shooting mechanics being kinda shitty, you are forced to Rambo your way through many parts of the game.

MG2 on the other hand is really, really good. It still has some issues, but I feel that it is even better than MGS1.

Just because he posted the Nintendo cover?

That's a wild assumption.

wow you have shit taste