I got approved for the gamestop credit card with $500 in free credits. Along with the PS4...

I got approved for the gamestop credit card with $500 in free credits. Along with the PS4, what else should I buy to total to $500?

A gameinformer subscription. I'll take the copies after you're done with them.

Don't do it, user.

buy me a 20$ steam gift card

Buy a game (every month) and pay if off (every month).

Be smart and build your credit user.

GI is barely worth the paper it's on anymore. The shilling they do for Activision and EA games are getting more and more transparent and they basically insult you for calling them out in the letter pages.

They just wrote a glowing preview for Andromeda and awhile back put No Man's Sky in the top 50 games of the year.

MFW I am 29 and never took a credit in my life.
Just save your money OP and dont take credits.

Perhaps, but I like their previews, parody section and full cover art.

I'll PM you my shipping address.

Ok since I know a lot of young whippersnappers might see this thread im going to give some life advice

>only take the $500 credit card a bank gives out to pretty much anyone
>go buy some nice sunglasses or something you want I dont care but make sure its around $150
>make the minimum payments on that and use it, basically keep it at 1/3rd its limit
>never ever take credit on anything else unless its going to help you make money, benefit you socially, or a life necessity (car, plastic surgery, food, etc.)

Dont do stupid shit like get amazon and gamestop credit cards. youll feel nigger rich and then it will bit you in the ass. It happened to me dont be stupid like me

This. Credit and credit cards are for retards. Why would you take out a huge loan in the first place? By the time you pay off your house or business loan you'll be dead anyway.

For those of us who get apartments, buy used cars and eventually grow up to become adults, we need credit to do these things.

Show them your bank statement. Easy as that

>used cars
Exactly. Buy used cars for cash. My $2000 clunker has been doing me good for 5 years now. Credit is a meme.

Good luck getting approved for any type of loan. Vehicle, house, land, or personal.

Gamestop will die after a few years and your card will just be a paperweight then.

>Show them your bank statement. Easy as that

You can't possibly live in a state that matters if this works for you.

I doubt you even live in a city with apartment buildings. You probably live somewhere where all the "apartments" are just someone's house that they're renting out.

Well me and my wife bought our apartment in cash.

The only thig we have as rules are
If we buy something that costs over 200 euro we tell the other first and that we never buy something on credit.

For now it worked pretty well.
Apartment bought in cash
Car bought in cash
Put money every month into our saving account and a account that we keep for our future child that he will have access once he finishes uni.

>$500 in free credits.

I can't imagine how much incurred interest that is going to have. Credit cards for people with shit credit always rape with interest.

You are both fucking retarded arent you. It takes no where near that long to pay off a house if you arent retarded and aside from that credit is there for when shit hits the fan. Yeah you can save money but unless you are making the big bux theres a good chance credit can save your ass.

I own two houses and already paid off one and halfway done with the other

see this

fucking this. Live in a halfway decent city and most places won't rent to you without a 625+ or higher

Euro-cucks pls

>store specific cards
>a fucking gamestop card on top of that

>clunker well you already covered whats wrong with what you said so whatever.

see this

50 Pop Funkos

What does it have to do that we are from EU?

>make minimum payments
Please never give financial advice ever again

reverse obsessed

I had my house paid off by the time I was 22. 55k. As long as you're not working a minimum or part time job it doesn't take long at all.

>Show them your bank statement. Easy as that

Every apartment I've applied to in the last 8 years has asked for my credit information so they can check my credit score. They ask for bank statements too, along with a couple references like it was for a fucking job. It's ridiculous how strict they are these days.

What kind of a house can you get for $55,000, an outhouse?

For a young person that's trying to build a credit score it's fine cause they're easy as fuck to be approved of.

He said 200 euro.


Store cards do suck but for a 17-18 year old kid, if you're responsible with it, it's a good way to build credit.

As a landlord I'll tell you it's important because they want to protect their property and actually evicting someone is a long, drawn out process. If your tenant goes deadbeat you can't legally just kick them out. You have to give them a 30 day notice, and if they refuse to leave then you have to take it to court, wait forever for them to get their shit together and give the jackass a date they need to get out by or they will officially be trespssing. All the while the tenant is doing God-knows-what to your property which you probably won't be able to recoup from.

>MFW Paypal Credit
>They basically gave me $500 limit out of the gate, no yearly fees
>It doesn't build credit score because it's a card
Once I pay off my Switch I'm probably shutting it down and getting a proper credit card

>Mfw I stupidly maxed out my credit card
>I lived on noodles and water for a year to pay it off
>never missed a payment and even overpayed sometimes
>mfw I'm now debt free and have maxed out credit

Feels good that I could go and buy any car, house, plane, country, or person and nobody would bat an eye.

You already told me about your brain damage I dont really need to hear more user

Nah. Keep it. Credit history is almost as important as paying the shit off and keeping a low balance.

Pennsylvania. Cost of living here is low. 1600 square feet on a plot of 2 acre land.

good for you user.

I fucked up my credit, didn't pay shit for like five years. got a secured card and disputed shit.

A year later I have zero debt, three cards and a 715 FICO (it was 515 last year).

>miss one payment because the card company switched me over to paperless statements without telling me and never recieved one in the mail that month
>3 years later and there's still a black mark on my credit score

The fuck, I thought it goes away after 24 months. I'll be penalized for this one mistake (not even my own) until the day I die.

Keep it since there's no annual fee. Cancelling your card actually hits your credit

Why didn't you get a fucking quicksilver credit card?

The fucking gamestop card doesn't give you jack shit for rewards only if you spend it on games and shit at their stores. How often do you use their store?

Alright, thanks for the advice. I wouldn't have known that myself and might've messed up bad

>NMS in the top 50
I wouldn't put NMS in the top 50 games of 2016 even if 2016 had only seen 49 releases.

I'm honestly kind of concerned about how good a Quicksilver card seems

NP user.

Use Credit Karma to keep track of your shit. Great site desu.

Because the owner doesn't want to get fucked by a junkie that's gonna ruin the apartment and skip town

>here bro, you can use our credit for "free" when you can't control yourself and have to get that game NOW
>end up like DSP

the murican way

Why? It's 1.5% cash back on everything

No annual fees at all and the Apr doesn't matter since you better pay off the bill every month

So I am brain damaged that me and my wife have good paid jobs that don't force us to buy anything on a credit.

I've got one. I love it. 1.5% cash back on everything. I got increase after three months. Interest rate isn't bad.

Plus their app is cool. It's kinda like a Chase Freedom card but a bit higher interest rate.

I mainly use my cards for travel... Like most of my vegas trip is on them and I'm paying off as I go.

I'm trying to get approved for a loan so I can buy a house.

I have a 779 trans union credit score but my Equifax is literally nothing.
What should I do Sup Forums

idk mang, I thought both scores of those places usually are pretty much the same. Check Clark Howard's site for credit score advice and listen to his radio show if you're able. He's pretty wise.

No its 7-10 years. The whole idea is that if you were responsible enough you would have been aware that the payment wasnt taken out and handled it. Its not a big deal having one late mark but your score is just a representation of how likely they think you will take care of shit.

Wait another year or two then just dispute the shit out of it... eventually they just drop it off.

They kinda bank on you not doing that.

It seems too good to be true, is all. Like, what's the catch?

No you dense faggot, you are an idiot for not having credit on backup. You dont need to be in stupid amounts of debt or anything, having credit is a backup plan and if you arent stupid and have some self control then its there for you in the case you need it life may not always be the wonderful situation it is now. You may need it someday and you can get it while paying a minimal amount of interest.

Like most cards: interest rates

>free credit
That's not how the credit card works, user.

M8 there is no catch its a fucking credit card. 1.5% on everything

Just apply for it. Read the contract if you're so paranoid

Not that user, but need it for what?

The limit on my card is $2300. I've had it a year and pay it in full each month. When are they going to raise my spending limit, damn. I gotta take a trip this year and will need to spend a lot on hotel rooms and food. I honestly don't know if $2300 will cover it all.

There isn't. After the economy tanked, people stopped using credit cards.

Now, shit is better and they're trying to get people on board. This is how. No annual fees, good cashback etc... The catch is, they expect you not to pay it off.

It's a great starting card. And it's a Mastercard so it's accepted almost everywhere.

Call up and ask for more credit

Just be aware credit karma is not 100 percent accurate. When we pull credit for car deals we see numbers both higher and lower than what credit karma said they had.

>not grinding credit card rewards and getting free money while also lowering your APR over time

literally all you have to do is pay on time and you will MAKE money on a credit card

just because most people are retarded and can't do this, CC companies make a ton of money

I ended up needing a credit rating to take out a mortgage. It's not a bad idea to have a credit card for small transactions that you can easily pay off at the time. It's a terrible idea if you use it to get things you can't currently afford. This applies to all finance unless it's something like a house.

Yeah, you have to call.

They only hand out increases if you have a huge balance... That way they know if they give you more money, you'll spend it.

Call and ask for an increase. If they won't give it to you, get another good card.

>free credit
How does that work? You have $500 you don't have to ever pay back?

>tfw lied my way into 8 credit cards worth a total of $130,000 and am up to $100,000 spent and am now using the cards to pay off one another
>tfw planning to kill myself anyways so the companies will never collect

Credit is a scam but the companies are easy to manipulate if you are planning to not pay back a cent.

What can you see when you pull credit?

Who makes the decision?

I've always wondered what "that guy" does.

Word. Thanks. I figured.

But it's nice to get a general idea of, "hey my credit is decent" compared to "oh wow I thought it was good"

What card do you have? Capitol One started me out on $2500 2yrs ago. My limit is at 8k now. Probably helped that I paid my school loans off, bought a new car, and have been making double sometimes triple payments on it a month. Made my credit score skyrocket.

It doesnt

They say free because they're giving you a credit line without you paying for them to give you that which is pretty much saying here's a 500 dollar credit line

You won't know, and that's the scariest part.

>There are people in the world who don't set up their credit cards to auto pay the entire balance every month from their checking/saving account

I started with a $500 limit when I was 16 (now 29) and they've been increasing it steadily ever since eventhough I don't think I've had over 2% balance utilization that whole time. I'm at $20,000 now.

>not manually checking your statement before manually confirming payment


>they basically insult you for calling them out in the letter pages.
They STILL do that? I remember when they insulted someone for saying that they always give Call of Duty amazing scores and pick of the month back when Black Ops 1 or MW3 came out.

>Implying I don't get text notifications for every transaction

For what the fuck I need it?
I make 15k euro per month after taxes and my wife makes 17k euro per month after taxes.

Combined we have 32k Euro to spend every month.

And we don't even spend 90% of the money we make.

For what should I take a credit?
I have my home,my car and 3 saving accounts.

Please explain me for what I need to build my credit score when the fucking bank gives me special treatment anyway because of our income.

If I want a second house for God knows what reasons I will just go and fucking buy it.

It's gonna fall on a family member. They'll get their money back one way or another.

>auto pay ever
>not checking before the payment
>not taking the time to do it all manually
Come the fuck on.

Woah. Who's your card with?

Fuck that's dope.

Presumably they're hoping to rope some neckbeards into inescapable debt, so it all evens out.

Unless the family member consigne for it. They don't owe the company anything

>I have this shit I'm bragging about that doesn't exist

I assumed as much, just wasn't sure why it was being referred to as 'free' credit. If you're paying back more, I don't see the point. Vidya isn't that expensive. I can afford 2-3 new games a month without much thought and I'm barely working at the moment.

Not the user you quoted but I'm an underwriter for home loans/mortgages. When we pull your credit I see types of accounts you have and how many, date you opened them, account balance and your payment history. We then take all this information and put it into a calculation along with your debt to income ratio that decides if you're worth the risk.

>has no argument
>resorts to act like a idiot.

>debt can be transferred to a person that didn't accumulate it

I love this meme. People shouldn't sign a fucking thing that says they owe money if they don't owe money.

Banks have insurance for stuff like this, it gets written off most times. Unless your loan comes from some shady establishment.

>Yeah, you have to call.
Guessing it depends on who it is. I started out with a $500 limit with Bank of Americalike 6 years ago and I'm sitting at $13,000 now and i've never had to call them.

I have a Huntington voice card that gives 1 point on everything and 3 in your preferred catagory. I use it for everything to build up points while my checking is used for direct deposit and rent.

That guy pulls a credit report and a score for one or all of the 3 main ones, looks at the score and the actual content of your report and decides which banks he works with will accomplish the goals at hand the best. If its a dealership that does its own financing (not a dealership that does its own financing through an actual bank) then its the sales/finance manager who makes the decision. Those are for abysmal credit usually and we call that tote the note. In the first case where the dealership works with actual banks then a skilled manager dealing with the banks can get things approved that normally wouldnt. I have a lady coming to the store later today that despite her horrible credit he has her approved on a new car because he knew what to say to make the banker comfortable with the situation.
Yeah its not a terrible tool, just keep in mind
As i said you dont know if life will always be that peachy. Plus if you arent dense you should be making money off the interest rates out there right now. You know the ones available to those with credit.

>Americans need to use credit cards thorough all their life starting at 17 to ever hope to be eligible for a loan later in life
I thought that Jewish bankers controlling America was just a meme

Your situation doesn't reflect the average conditions. Especially in places with more expensive living costs. A lot of people DO need a credit rating, unfortunately. You just need to not be an idiot about it to avoid unnecessary debt.
What do you and your partner do for a living anyway, user?

>applied for GameStop cc
>got a free $500 In store credit for it
>got a PS4pro and a game for free
>cancelled card the next day

Thanks GameStop for a free ps4