
What is it about this console that attracts shitposting?

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Because it's a fucking joke.

oWo what's this~?


It's literally a weeb console.

Because it's Sony.

I own one, and I love it. But it's also undeniable that Sony handled it like shit in the west. They basically just released it and then dropped all support instantly.

It has "PlayStation" in it's name

Because Nintendo fags can't stand any sort of competition. They can survive fine because their consoles don't really compete with PS4 and Xbone. But the vita and 3ds are in direct competition, and even though the 3ds one sales wise, it still erks them that the vita has more games, has better games, has better hardware and is still getting games.

Most anons not actually owning a Vita and just memeing for the sake of shitposting.

I love my Vita!

Pretty much.

Literally no games

Man I love DQ builders in the vita but the frame rate is atrocious Unless I overclock it

Have no slowdowns on mine

How to overclock anyway?

The fact OP is a faggot who attracte console warriors to shitpost and then crying about?

Post the full pic.
3ds sold more.

Learn English.

No not slowdowns. It just dips into 10-20 fps when the screen is busy with all the mobs and NPCs moving around. It also dips when exploring large maps with trees. As for overclocking you need Henkaku and Amphetamine

Most of the games on vita is weeb shit and I love weeb games.

Ok I am only missing amphetamine.

I will google thanks

>Learn English.
You first

Learn English.

I love my Vita too!

Give me more (You)

Does that grip add r2 l2?

i own a Vita

name me 10 good vita games

Nah. Learn English.

>name me 10 good vita games

Pantsu quest 1 - 10

>what is it about literally everything that attracts shitposting on the designated shitposting board?

People who bought it don't want to admit that they got scammed into buying a paperweight

PSP was a console for everyone, Vita only for weebs, and everybody hate weebs.

it's a sony console

>he did it

The PSP had a bunch of nice ports. The PS Vita has... well, it's better than Xbox One, at least. Though that really isn't saying much at all.

>Overpriced storage
>Library was already slim pickings to anybody who wasn't into the most shallow of weeb games
>Now just about every game worth a damn is on PS4

Icing on the cake is that, just like with PSP vs DS, Sony fanboys shitposted up and down about how it was going to destroy the competition, which it didn't. So really Vita owners invited the shitposting themselves.

I own both, before you try flinging N-NINTENDO BABY at me.


The games.

>Western girl devs try to censor female characters and make them ugly
>Japanese girl devs make them cute and lewd as possible

Why is western society so weird

>Mfw got that game for this webm

>Mfw it's kusoge trash

I dunno

What'd you expect?

It's easy to shit on due to the lawsuit early on crippling sales and memory card prices. That being said, everything about the shitposting being done is literal meme spouting. People who cry out nogames do so despite the growing library of the Vita (1407 and growing). This is Sup Forums -- if you want to talk about games you need to go to another forum as Sup Forums hates anything to do with gaming.

The game is great for a crawler, but crawler fans are already niche as fuck so it isn't surprising some who jump onto the game hate it

DT2 is miles better

PS4 sonybros hate Vita sonybros because they're neurotic enough to believe the Vita is holding PS4 games back

3DS nintenbros shit on the Vita because of sales and their three games worth anything and continuously flaunt their pokemon games and get angry over showing interviews of devs who did multiplats between the two saying they preferred the Vita both due to sales and power

Switch nintenbros shit on it because it's literally the only thing they can win against in a competition. Even then that's iffy since the Vita has a better port of Dragon Quest Heroes 2.

The Vita is pretty much the Dreamcast of this generation. People are already turning back to it and looking at the Vita as the greatest thing ever.

Yeah, but that doesn't make it bad. Labyrinth of Refrain is better than DT2 but that doesn't make DT2 suddenly shit.

Normies get triggered by weeb stuff and must exhibit threatening actions to signal their normalcy.

Sonys Nintendo Switch

People want to play its games, but don't want to spend money on it.

Pure jelly.

This confuses me. The Vita is dirt cheap for a handheld.

>Got a Vita for $60 from Target
>Got a Vita TV for $20 from Walmart

Just buy the damn thing. it costs less than replacement parts for the Switch

Because you invite shitposting. Maybe if you just fucking talked about video games instead if obsessing about Nintenbros all the time you could have good threads.

tl;dr you create your own misery.

Those deals don't exist anymore.

Current upcoming 2017 Vita games:

Akiba's Beat
Danganronpa V3
Root Double- Before Crime * After Days
Touhou Genso Wanderer
Touhou Double Focus
Fault Milestone One
Tokyo Xanadu
Bad Apple Wars
Collar X Malice
Period: Cube ? Shackles of Amadeus
999: Nine Hours Nine Persons
World End Economica
The Longest Five Minutes
God Wars: Future Past
Atelier Shallie Plus
Exile's End
Hakuouki: Kyoto Winds
Mary Skelter: Nightmares
Cladun Returns: This is Sengoku!
Dynasty Warriors: Godseekers
Operation Babel: New Tokyo Legacy
A Rose In The Twilight
Salt and Sanctuary
Ys Origin
Fallen Legion
Asdivine Hearts
Summon Night 6: Lost Borders
Valkyria Revolution
Toukiden 2
Demon Gaze II (asain version confirmed for english subs)
Super Robot Wars V (asain version confirmed for english subs)
Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception
Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth
Accel World VS. Sword Art Online
Deemo: The Last Recital
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana
Tokyo Tattoo Girls

Guaranteed Replies

>Maybe if you just fucking talked about video games

Video games is literally all they talk about

It has no games and it's not very good.

>Upcoming Vita games currently available for preorder on Amazon

>Upcoming Vita games currently available for preorder elsewhere

A couple big titles to look forward to:
>Zero Escape: The Nonary Games
>Dangan Ronpa V3: Killing Harmony
>Dies Irae
>Utawarerumono Mask of Truth
>Utawarerumono Mask of Deception

Potentially five otome will release in 2017 (the first four from Aksys, the fifth from Idea Factory):
>Bad Apple Wars
>Period Cube
>Collar x Malice
>Code Realize: Future Blessings
>Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds

Hopefully some of these titles from Sekai Project will release next year:
>Fault Milestone One
>Root Double: Before Crime After Days
>Narcissu 10th Anniversary Anthology
>World End Economica
>The Grisaia Trilogy

Some other titles to keep an eye on:
>Muv Luv + Muv Luv Alternative
>Sharin no Kuni
>VA11 Hall-A
>Quantum Suicide
>Exogenesis: Perils of Rebirth

Games that are rumored:
>Danganronpa V3-2 (wt)

the vita was good for a portable porn machine

Rabi-Ribi when?

Not really, they do make for good wallpapers though.

PSTVs still go for $40 on Ebay and 3.60 Vita motherboards are $20 too.

Vita threads are generally pretty civil because the majority of people that post in them are quite happy with their Vitas.

It isn't until someone stirs shit up that things go down, but up until that point it's generally on-topic discussion which is pretty rare on Sup Forums

Is there a worse fanbase than vitards?

I've noticed a bit of a trend amongst the Vita community (it was also present among PSP owners) to overrate mediocre games. Especially when you look at the images recommending games.

expensive memory cards

even though nobody bats an eye at switches expensive accessories or the fact you need a giant micro SD card if you want to store more than 10 games in the future.

The PS4 fanbases.

The Vita fanbase is passionate but outside of stray threads like these they generally stay inside /vg/. Meanwhile the PS4 sonybros do nothing but start wars between consoles. They even do it against PC and Vita too which is stupid.

T-t-t-those don't c-count because X!

Most people make no bones about the fact that nearly all the best games are very Japanese. That said, I think it was worth it just for P4G, Uncharted, Gravity Rush and Killzone. Plus I play PS1 and PSP games on mine all the time.

>Most people make no bones about the fact that nearly all the best games are very Japanese

To be fair, most got a Vita because of the 3rd party support anyway. Same with the PSP.

Vita is like the fucking saturn; if you don't want weeb games, then you'll hate it, but if you like weeb shit, get that dick revved up.

Oh, but vita also has a ton of second rate ports of ps3 and ps4 multiplats, aso that's a "good" thing, suposedly and totally makes up for the weeb shit.

I swear, every fucking time people say it's good, it's because of the 50 upcomming moon rune weeb fag games, and 2 ports.

Get fucked, all of you.

>only manlets can play it comfortably
>manlets rage at everything
It's obvious isn't it?

>it's because of the 50 upcomming moon rune weeb fag games, and 2 ports.
Nintendo Switch fags are going to be hyping up those same things 2 years from now

> Sup Forums now hates weebs

Truly, this timeline was a mistake.

>Vita has no games!
>Vita has only ports!
>Vita has only weeb shit!

The goal-posts can only keep moving for so long.

>moon rune weeb fag games

That's literally the Switch right now too with their announcements. It isn't a Vita-specific thing

The worst part is that it caters to a specific kind of weeb.
Most of the weeb shit is of the "kawaii uguu" variety instead of the action shonen/mecha demon summoning etc shit that you would expect to be turned into a game.

>Most of the weeb shit is of the "kawaii uguu" variety instead of the action shonen/mecha demon summoning etc shit that you would expect to be turned into a game.

I can't even think of another system that has this many mech games available on it though.
Tell me if there is because I want more mech games

Don't use Amphetamin. Oclockvita theoretically improves performance over Better Amphetamin (plus you can open it up quicker)

Source on it running better -

Most user, most.
Not all.

With that said having the same game with small updated versions every now and again isn't that much better when it comes to variety.



Someone post that vita hotglue webm.

It's ok if Nintendo does it.

No I'm not, shut up Crab

Uni is cute, CUTE!

The original Xbox has a couple of them. Metal Wolf Chaos is Japanese-only but is dubbed in English and at least the first two MechAssault games are Xbox OG exclusive.

I want Uni doing this.

Neps are shit

Because Nintendo desperately wanted it to fail. The handheld market was/is the only thing they had going for them for a while.

Luckily for them Sony made sure to make it fail.

I still love my Vita. I just started up Soul Sacrifice Delta again and I am remembering how much I loved this game. Easily the most unique and interesting "Hunting" game out there. Too bad Sony will never make another.

wheres mosh and why have you killed noodle

you can have your own ウニ

Its library makes it easy to pick a side.
It gets a ton of releases, yet most of those releases are low-budget and low-effort shovelware.

how are you playing Vesperia on Vita?

I love the Vita, but I'm really disappointed in the Japanese. It's fine if there's a lot of weeby games, but a lot anime/RPG fans are not interested in girly games and I think we feel very ignored.

I just scrolled through the dozen or so Atelier games on the Vita, which is multiple releases a year, and not one is a cent less than full new-release price. I've tried these games. There's no excuse for that. I also scrolled the through SK Estival Vs Day-1 DLC list and altogether, these individual cosmetic blips cost at least 5 times as much as the game itself and that's when they're all on sale. And it must work. No fucking wonder this is all we get. More discerning customers are just not worth serving.

So the Vita's library is a shadow of what it could have been explicitly because of Vita owners themselves. Of course, this mainly goes for the Japanese themselves, but you fags are awful too. Stop buying stupid shit. They take your money for granted.

I buy games with cute girls, and you can't stop me.

>and I think we feel very ignored.

You're probably not looking hard enough then. The definition of girly games must be pretty lenient too if you think Atelier games are that.
Granted, they are literal cute girls doing cute things setting, but it has more autistic number crunching and juggling than most RPGs out there that you're talking about

>Playing Atelier Escha and Logy
>Have gear that boosts my stats and abilities by a flat 25 points x 4
>Have gear that regenerates 75% of my total health and magic each turn
>Have gear that prevents being killed if I have health greater than 1hp
>Have items that auto-use the moment my health drops below 80% that also apply HP regen and revive anybody who's dead
>Same items don't ever run out and also boost up unity meter for large special attacks
>Have a weapon that echos 100% of the damage done once, and 80% x 4 of the damage in various elements
>Have bombs that lower total health of the victim on top of lowering all their stats with each blast while doing an enormous amount of damage

Still can't win against post-game bosses
I need better gear and traits but I don't know where to get them

Why is life suffering

DQ Builders is so fucking good on Vita. I love autistically building my base all day. Shame about the framerate though.